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Almost Christmas At Grace Bros! (2011)

Posted: 7:20 AM - Dec 05, 2015
It's a few weeks before Christmas and the staff at Grace Brothers are gearing up for the mad rush. Everyone is in good spirits and getting everything sorted..

PCO...This is an open RPG where anyone can post a dialogue...

Posted: 8:22 PM - Dec 05, 2015
Mrs. Slocombe
I can't BELIEVE all these boxes that came in just today! How are we ever going to sort through all these in time?

Posted: 12:16 AM - Dec 07, 2015
Miss Brahams: You take that lot and I'll start on this one. Between the two of us, we should be able to knock it out.
Miss Brahams: Will you just look at what they got us!
Miss Brahams: Did you ever see such a mess of stuff in your life Mrs. Slocumbe?
Captain Peacock: Good morning ladies! I trust you had a nice weekend?
Mr. Rumbold comes bustling into the department.

Posted: 1:15 PM - Dec 08, 2015
Mr. Rumbold
What do we have here? Has Captain Peacock looked over and approved this merchandise yet?

Posted: 2:35 PM - Dec 08, 2015
Miss Brahams: Cheap rubbish by the looks of it but I suppose it will work for stocking stuffers.

Posted: 10:10 AM - Dec 11, 2015
Mr Harmond comes bustling in with a display "been around the world" he sings

Posted: 10:46 AM - Dec 11, 2015
Captain Peacock: I have seen it and approved it. Miss Brahams is quite correct that its cheap rubbish but then again, its for 0-3 year olds.

Posted: 11:18 AM - Dec 11, 2015
'ere we go then. "We call these "Santa Muffs" toasty on the inside and outside bras and knickers; with imitation fur". Display is pushed: "keep your darling warm when the weather is frosty" says the machine. Machine shows cold chattering model who is warmed by the underwear. The machine starts to smoke.

Peacock: get that thing out of here Mr. Harmmen

Posted: 11:19 AM - Dec 11, 2015
The ladies continue working with the boxes of toys. They begin to lay it out in baskets on a counter.

Posted: 11:21 AM - Dec 11, 2015
Humphries: whatever have they got over there?
Mr Lucas and Mr Humphries stare at the ladies counter

Posted: 5:48 PM - Dec 11, 2015
Well we got some novelty toys to push from the Toy Department. You gents might have some as well. Apparently they've been approved by Captain Peacock.

Posted: 6:00 PM - Dec 11, 2015
Mr. Humphries: would you look at these? I wish I'd had those as a lad!
Mr. Lucas: nows your chance
Mr. Humphries: do you have them in pink?

Posted: 10:13 AM - Dec 14, 2015
Miss Brahams: I must say, these small dolls are quite sweet looking. Glad they don't keep saying "I want to go to the potty".
I wonder what they're going to have as a CDU for us this year?
Just to let the group know, I'm going to be traveling from this afternoon onwards and will return on the 28th. Y'all have a happy and safe holiday season. You've all done very well!!!

Posted: 6:51 PM - Jan 01, 2016
Grainger rushes into the department.

Grainger: I am sorry I am late Captain Peacock and Mr. Rumbold. My dear wife has come down with pneumonia. Our GP gave her several prescriptions ... unfortunately this meant that I had to cook this year for the holiday meals.

Humpries: You do not look well yourself Mr. Grainger.

Grainger: My lack of cooking skills made me appreciate the canteen rissoles. I burnt our turkey ... and the pudding dessert was too large for the amount of brandy I purchased. We tried feeding the leftovers to our labrador puppy but he vomited for five days.

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AYBS RPG #11 (2011)

Posted: 7:53 PM - Sep 18, 2011
Summer is slowly changing to Fall and Grace Brothers staff are working hard to get the fall gear in place for their customers. There is still much unpacking to do, but progress is being made and the staff is ready for business.

Posted: 3:09 AM - Sep 19, 2011
Shirley Brahms is walking back from the stock room when she notices a flyer on the staff notice board that says...

Grace Brothers Department Store's
First Annual Halloween Party
Join us on 31 October, in the social club from 8pm til midnight for food, fun, and merriment!
Fancy dress contest begins at nine and prizes shall be awarded for best male, best female, best couple, and best overall
No children under eighteen permitted

Blimey! I wonder if the others 'ave seen this lot. Wonder what the prizes are...

She rushes back to the Ladies Counter and addresses Mrs Slocombe

'Ere! Did you read the notice up on the board? They're 'avin' a 'Alloween party wif a fancy dress contest an' all!

Posted: 3:13 AM - Sep 19, 2011
Claybourne Humphries returns from his tea break and sees the notice as well; he rushes back to his counter to tell the others

Did you see the notice on the board? They're having a Halloween party in the social club on the thirty-first of October, with a fancy dress contest as well! What do you think Mr Grainger? Mr Lucas?

Posted: 12:30 PM - Sep 19, 2011
A fancy dress contest heh? <questions as he listens to Mr. Humphries>

Well I'm all for that. Wonder what characters everyone will decide to do?

I haven't dressed for Hallowe'en for years, this should be fun. <snickers>

Posted: 12:58 PM - Sep 19, 2011
Did you see the notice for the Halloween party on the notice board Miss Brahams?

Miss Brahams: Yes I was coming to tell you about it.

Mrs. Slocumbe: I wonder what made Young Mr. Grace decide to hold a Halloween party this year? He's never done that before. Must be some scheme of his to wrestle his new secretary into the duplicating closet. I wonder what I can choose for a costume. It is fancy dress and all. Well we can figure that out later. Come on Miss Brahams, we need to unpack all these winter coats, scarves and gloves yet. My hasn't it turned chilly awfully fast for September? Christmas will be here before you know it.

Posted: 1:00 PM - Sep 19, 2011
Captain Peacock and Mr. Rumbold both come out of Mr. Rumbold's office.

Captain Peacock: Mr. Grainger, Mr. Humphries, Mr. Lucase are you free? Mrs. Slocumbe, Miss Brahams are you free?

A chorus of "we're frees" wafts over. Gather round here Captain Peacock motions. Mr. Rumbold has a bit of announcing to do concerning the Halloween Party.

Posted: 1:11 PM - Sep 19, 2011
Gather round everybody.

Mrs. Slocumbe: We are gathered round!

Well I'm sure by now you all have read the notice on the notice board about the Halloween party. Young Mr. Grace thought it might be nice to hold a contest to see which department comes up with the best costumes. He's offering a twenty-five pound prize for the best department to be distributed among said members of department and, he is also offering a ten pound prize for best costume of that department! Decorating the departments for the holiday is also encouraged with a 10 pound prize for the best decorated department! I'm sure we all want to take advantage of Young Mr. Grace's generosity to save for Christmas. I propose that we all meet after the closing bell to plan what we're going to do.

At this announcement everyone begins talking at once then it dawns on them that they have to stay late.

Mrs.. Slocumbe: If I don't make it home on the stroke of 6 my pussy climbs up the drapes and meows! Mrs. Axelby has gone to visit her daughter for a few days and she's not home to let Tiddles out to be a good girl in the garden.

Miss Brahams: Me and Mr. Lucas have a date to go to dinner and the movies don't we Mr. Lucas?

Mr. Lucas: We do we do Miss Brahams! Its taken me too long to get you to go on a date with me and I'm not about to let a conference interfere with that and I am unanimous in that!

Everyone smirks at Miss Brahams and Mr. Lucas secretly pleased that they seem to be making a good go of it as a couple now.

Captain Peacock: I must say its not exactly convenient for me either.

Mr. Grainger: Mrs. Grainger is making my favorite dinner tonight bobble and squeak.

Mr. Humphries: Well I don't mind one way or the other.

Mr. Rumbold: Well if this evening isn't convenient for everyone I'm sure we can all get here at 8 tomorrow morning to talk about what we plan to do. We don't have a lot of time to assemble what we need for costumes and decorations. Everyone else in the store will be doing the same thing.

Everyone grumbles at this last minute conference.

Mr. Lucas: They don't give you time to have a private life at all do they he says to Mr. Humphries. He grins at Miss Brahams. Don't worry luv I can change the dinner reservation for later. We'll still be able to make it. Miss Brahams smiles and winks.

Posted: 1:58 PM - Sep 19, 2011
Mr. Harmon has a huge trolly full of winter gear for both departments. Come on Seymour, those trollies over here.

Mr. Harmon is sporting a new display unit. The dummy has a plastic mac on it, a pair of boots and a hat.

Captain Peacock: Mr. Harmon how many times have I told you that you're not to be on the floor after the opening bell has rung!

Mr. Harmon: It's only five to 9 Captain Peacock and the opening bell hasn't rung yet! I have every right to be here on the floor seeings as to how I'm to take this one trolly to the gents and find a spot for this new display unit.

Captain Peacock: Well now that you have it here what does it do?

Mr. Harmon: I'm glad you asked me that Captain Peacock. Let me introduce you to the new point-of-sale model for Totes.

Captain Peacock: Totes? What an odd name for a plastic mac.

Mr. Harmon: Well there is a reason for it being called that you see. I'll demonstrate.

Captain Peacock: Mr. Grainger, Mr. Humphries, Mr. Lucas are you free? Mrs. Slocumbe, Miss Brahams are you free?

A chorus of I'm frees comes back. Gather round everybody. Mr. Harmon is going to demonstrate the new Totes display.

Mrs. Slocumbe: A Totes what?

Mr. Harmon: Welcome to the new Totes display. Have you ever been caught out in a rain storm with out a brolly? This new line of foul weather gear is made just for you. He flips a switch and water begins to squirt up from the bottom of the platform. This mac , hat and boots can all be folded up to carry in this pouch. Mr. Harmon shows them the storage pouch. It doesn't take up much room in a handbag or a briefcase. They are unisex so they work for everybody. All of a sudden, the water begins spraying over everything. Mr. Harmon begins fiddling with the switch in the back trying to shut it off. By this time, everyone has been doused with water.

Captain Peacock: Take it away Mr. Harmon!

Mr. Harmon: Seymour bring that trolly over. Give half of that lot to the ladies and the other half to the gents. I'll take this display down to maintenance and see what happened to it. Probably a wire loose or something.

Mrs. Slocumbe: How much is that lot Mr. Harmon?

Mr. Harmon: The whole set sells for ten pound fifty which is quite a bargin when you consider what it would cost to buy all three pieces separately. They come in three colors, clear, gray or black.

Posted: 2:07 PM - Sep 19, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe: Did you ever see the like Miss Brahams?

Miss Brahams: No but you have to admit, its a good idea.

Mrs. Slocumbe: I agree. Many a time I've had to walk home from me bus in the rain because I didn't have my umbrella with me. Look you can pull the boots over your shoes as well.

Posted: 6:36 PM - Sep 19, 2011
shakingfist huh2 angry2withwaggingfinger blink

Grainger becomes speechless after being doused with water. The novelty of dressing up disappeared after Harman demonstrated the Totes monstrosity.

"Captain Peacock, Mr. Rumbold, may I be excused so I can tidy my counter before the opening bell rings?"

Posted: 8:09 PM - Sep 19, 2011
Certainly you may Mr. Grainger. Mr. Rumbold would it be alright if I called housekeeping so we can get this water mopped up before the store opens? We don't want any of our customers to slip and fall from it do we.

Mr. Rumbold: Quite right Captain Peacock. I need to go phone Young Mr. Grace any way and let him know we will be staying in the store after hours. I'll phone housekeeping for the clean up while I'm calling. He bustles off to his office.

Captain Peacock: I must say Mrs. Peacock is not going to be very pleased that I have to stay behind again. She's starting to become suspicious of the late nights that we've been forced to deal with. After a day in this place, that is the last thing on my mind is any illicit assignations! Mind you she will be pleased at the possibility of me winning a few extra bob if we're successful.

Posted: 8:37 PM - Sep 19, 2011
<Sighes> I'll call and change the reservation for our dinner Shirley, er, I mean Ms. Brahms. We may not make the movies...but we'll still have an after dinner treat. <smiles>

Posted: 10:13 PM - Sep 19, 2011
Humphries: Towel for Mr Grainger.

Humphries wipes off his jacket with his handkerchief, not noticing that his trousers got hit with water in a rather delicate area.

Lucas: (whispering) You might want to visit the gents with me.

Humphries: (wide-eyed) You what?!

Lucas: Your trousers, mate. You look like you've just had a Jimmy1.

Humphries: I shall smack your wrist in a moment!

Lucas: (face-palms) C'mere! (leads Humphries to a mirror)

Humphries: OH! Why didn't you say something?! (bolts for the gents room to dry off)

1Cockney Rhyming Slang: Jimmy Riddle = Piddle

Posted: 10:32 PM - Sep 19, 2011
Brahms brushes out her long brown hair and gives Lucas a discreet peck on the lips

No worries, Chuck! I'm just happy to spend some time with you.

Brahms goes back to her counter, giving Lucas a sultry look over her shoulder; upon seeing Slocombe's scowl she ceases her teasing

Have you thought about what sort of decorating you want to do for our department? I think I 'ave an idea for my fancy dress. It'll be even better if I can get Mr Lucas to do a couples thing with me.

Posted: 11:00 PM - Sep 19, 2011
<while in the gents, helping Humphries change pants>

I've been thinking about this costume thing, Mr. Humphries. Don't ya think I'd make a good Elvis?

Posted: 2:26 AM - Sep 20, 2011
Mr. Grainger wipes himself with water, and then bends down to check his own pants. He does not overhear Lucas discussing Humphries' wet trousers. Luckily, Mr. Grainger's trousers are mainly dry, but his shirt is soaked. The jacket and pants seemed to be more resistant to the water.

He dashes off to the changing room to change his shirt.

The menswear counter telephone rings ... Mr. Grainger answers because Lucas and Humphries are still in the changing room.

"Menswear ... This is Mr. Grainger speaking ..."

Posted: 3:42 AM - Sep 20, 2011
Humphries strips down to his pants and dries his trousers beneath a hot air hand drier

Elvis Presley? (snickers) Perhaps. To me you're more of a Benny Hill than anything.

Humphries puts his dry trousers back on

I've yet to even consider what I might go as. The last several fancy dress parties I tried to attend...well, I never made them! For some reason I was always held up or I got bad directions or I had a run-in with the police. All of the charges were dropped, mind you, and I've made several friends within the local precincts.
Let's see...I've tried going as the Red Shadow, Batman, Robin, a sailor, Frank Sinatra, a priest, the pope, a nun, Ginger Rogers, and John Wayne. (sees Lucas' disbelieving stare) John Wayne was on a bet and I lost. Now, what or whom shall I go as this year...?

Posted: 10:32 AM - Sep 20, 2011
Well, perhaps we should see if there is gonna be a theme to this costume party. If there's a theme, then all of us should try to dress according to the theme. That might make things more interesting and fun.

I wonder if Ms. Brahms would be interested in doing a couples theme? <crossing arms, with a coniving grin on face>

I know, we could do Adam and Eve! <heh heh heh>

Posted: 10:50 AM - Sep 20, 2011
I know why don't we have the department do a theme off a scary movie. Not too scary we don't want to really frighten the children but how about something like Mr. Boogedy? That nice Disney film they did about that family that moved to oh what was that town's name now its on the tip of me tongue!

Miss Brahams: It didn't have anything to do with Satan did it?

Mrs. Slocumbe: That's right it was Lucifer Falls. They all dressed up as witches and warlocks and other spooky characters. We could do something like that.

Posted: 10:53 AM - Sep 20, 2011
Don't you think dressing as witches and warlocks is a bit old fashioned Mrs. Slocumbe? Its been done so many times before. I do like your idea about centering the decorating and costumes around a movie theme though. It might make getting hold of decorations easier.

Posted: 1:14 PM - Sep 20, 2011
Did you hear that Mr. Humphries? Mrs. Slocumbe thought of a groovy idea! MOVIE theme! I know a great one...<running his hand thru the air> STAR WARS! <singing out the title tune>

I'll be Hans Solo and Ms. Brahms will be Princess Leah!

Posted: 1:28 PM - Sep 20, 2011
blink bigeyed laugh laughing2 gotanidea asleep

The excitement of the costume party ended up being too much for Mr. Grainger and he fell asleep while Peacock was talking.

Posted: 2:53 PM - Sep 20, 2011
<coming out of the gents with Mr. Humphries, notices Mr. Grainger leaned against the counter, sleeping snoring .>

<giggles> Glass of water for Mr. Grainger, or better yet, a cup of coffee.

Posted: 11:27 PM - Sep 20, 2011

Humphries: Mr. Grainger, are you free?

Grainger opens his eyes.

Grainger: I'm free! Have any decisions been made regarding the costumes?

Posted: 1:48 AM - Sep 21, 2011
What about a classic story, like Dracula or Frankenstein?

. o O ( Mrs Slocombe certainly has the hair for Frankenstein's wife... )

Or what about The Addams Family? It would be funny AND spooky at the same time. Captain Peacock would be a perfect Lurch. (giggles)

Posted: 1:50 AM - Sep 21, 2011
Nothing has been decided yet, Mr Grainger. I thought I could hear Mrs Slocombe and Miss Brahms mention doing a movie theme as far as decorating our floor. What do you two think?

OH! I've just had the perfect costume idea! I'm going to have to do some shopping tonight at the thrift store. I just hope they have pillbox hats...

Posted: 10:48 AM - Sep 21, 2011
Wouldn't Dracula or Frankenstein be as old fashioned as witches and warlocks Miss Brahams? Star Wars or the Addams Family sound good but I categorically refuse to play Lurch!

Mrs. Slocumbe: Well there are only three men parts in Addams Family Mr. Addams, Lurch and Uncle Fester unless you wish to play Cousin Itt. No one really knows what Cousin Itt was under all that hair. Come to think of it Mr. Humphries that might be a good role for you. You're about the same height as Cousin Itt. It wouldn't be hard to come up with all that hair. We wouldn't be able to come up with Thing very well either.

Mr. Humphries: I refuse to look like a mop Mrs. Slocumbe!

Captain Peacock: Well then you would be good in the role of Grandmamma Mrs. Slocumbe!

Mrs. Slocumbe: With a sneer on her face, on second thought lets stick with Star Wars or maybe Star Trek? I always wanted to be a member of the bridge crew. That might work out better with our department. Lets see Mr. Lucas naturally could be Captain Kirk with Miss Brahams as Yeoman Rand his trusty executive assistant. I thought of you first Captain Peacock but your demeanor wouldn't do. Captain Kirk is young and brash. You're definitely not brash Captain Peacock. Captain Peacock you might be good as Mr. Spock. You have the height for it and you do have that posh accent. We might be short a crew member or two unless Mr. Rumbold wishes to participate. We need a Mr. Scott, Mr. Sulu, Mr. Chekov, Bones, Miss Uhura and oh yes the nurse. Now what was her name its on the tip of me tongue. I've got it Nurse Chapel. She was always pining after Mr. Spock (as Captain Peacock rolls his eyes at that statement). I don't think I could pull off Miss Uhura very well. Captain Peacock mutters to himself I know you couldn't pull off the roll of Miss Uhura very well!

Captain Peacock: That does sound good Mrs. Slocumbe. It wouldn't be too hard to come up with decorations that we could make the department to look somewhat like the Enterprise without much cost. Star Wars is a good idea too mind but the costuming might be expensive. I'm glad we're all thinking about this now. The sooner we can give Mr. Rumbold ideas for the department the sooner we can get out of here tonight. You might not need to change your dinner reservations after all Mr. Lucas.

Posted: 3:27 PM - Sep 21, 2011
Star Trek eh? < Lucas thinks as he crosses his arms and ponders> Me, as Good ole Captain Kirk? I'd buy that...<glances over at Mr. Humphries and cracks a grin>

Captains Log...Starbase 68-6969...The crew is now assembled, ready for a night they will never forget...

<All just roll their eyes as they watch Lucas make a fool of himself again, Shirley and Claybourne giggles>

Posted: 3:44 PM - Sep 21, 2011

I think that Star Wars could be a problem because costuming and props could be expensive.

Perhaps the Star Trek idea has some merit.

Posted: 8:53 PM - Sep 21, 2011
Then its settled are we agreed on doing Star Trek for the department? I think Mr. Harmon should be able to knock a decent replica of the Enterprise bridge without too much trouble and expense. We'll have to come up with costume ideas though. I guess we'll still have to have this bloody conference to tell Mr. Rumbold and get his approval. Let's try not to get carried away like we usually do. We all have places to go and things we would rather do than to be here.

Posted: 9:01 PM - Sep 21, 2011
You know I've just had another thought. What about doing that cartoon show Scooby Doo live? Mr. Lucas could be Fred, Miss Brahams could be Daphne, I could be Velma the smart one oh no I don't think that will work we have too many characters left to fill.

Posted: 11:01 PM - Sep 21, 2011
Oh goody, <exclaims Lucas as he claps his hands and rubs them together vigorously> Now we can keep our dinner date as scheduled. I've waited a long time to get her to say yes.

Posted: 2:32 AM - Sep 22, 2011
Lookit 'im! He's like a little boy sometimes, ya know. Right down to the impish grin.

Posted: 11:50 AM - Sep 22, 2011
Miss Brahams give it a rest will you? I am pleased for you both that you have finally gotten together after all this time but the schmaltzy stuff has to go! We don't want to give Ladies Underware a bad name. I'm glad the men liked my idea of Star Trek as a department theme. You know if that works out well. I don't see why we can't use that as our costumes for the Halloween party.

Posted: 1:27 AM - Sep 23, 2011
Sorry Mrs Slocombe. I can't 'elp it, sometimes. 'E's just so adorable...

Catches Slocombe's glare and quickly switches back to the subject of decorating

Anyway, yeah, Star Trek sounds like a lot of fun. I think I saw some Enterprise uniform shirts down at the secondhand shoppe the other day. Might be a good idea if we grab 'em up quick-like!

Posted: 11:39 AM - Sep 23, 2011
<putting stock away>

Gee, Mr. Humphries. This Star Trek contest is gonna be tops! Can you imagine Ms. Brahms in one of those tight mini outfits....<onerey look on face as he shudders thinking of the sight, cold chills runs through his body>

<swallowing hard> I just might need a glass of water, Mr. Humphries...

Posted: 3:28 PM - Sep 23, 2011
You know that might be a good idea Miss Brahams. If we wait too long we might not be able to find anything to make costumes up with. I suppose the cost of all of this is going to have come from us. If we're lucky enough to win these contests that will probably make up for what we have to spend in costuming and decorations!

Posted: 3:41 PM - Sep 23, 2011
Captain Peacock was strolling around the floor and happened to overhear Mrs. Slocumbe and Miss Brahams' conversation. That's a good idea Miss Brahams. Would you mind checking that shoppe and seeing if there are shirts for the rest of us? I'm sure we can come up with black trousers and black skirts from stock to make up the rest of the costume. I realize the female's had those mini dresses but maybe a skirt would work just as well don't you think so ladies?

Mrs. Slocumbe: Yes I think that would work Captain Peacock. It may not be quite the uniform on the show but considering we'll have to pay for costuming ourselves only having to pay for the shirt wouldn't be too bad. We can always put the trousers and skirts back in stock with a reduction in price for shop soiled. I have an idea though. Mrs. Axelby's daughter sews quite well. I wonder if she would be able to knock up costumes for me and Miss Brahams? We could get the material here in our sewing notions department. I'll call Mrs. Axelby right now if I may Captain Peacock?

Captain Peacock: By all means Mrs. Slocumbe give her a call. The more of this idea we can thrash out in between serving customers the quicker we can get out of here tonight.

Miss Brahams: Right, I can check that second hand shoppe and see if they happen to have patterns I can look through. There might be something that Mrs. Axelby's daughter can adapt for us Mrs. Slocumbe.

Posted: 12:48 AM - Sep 24, 2011
The lift dings and a Scotsman comes down the stairs, in full kilt

Captain Peacock: Are you being served, Sir?

Scotsman: I be needin' the sayervices of yer Hom-frees.

Captain Peacock: I beg your pardon?

Scotsman: Hom-frees. The ferry-kek.

Captain Peacock: Ah! Yes, our Mr Humphries. One moment. Mr Humphries? Are you free?

Humphries: (looking left and right) I'm free! (strolls over) Oh! Mr Stewart! How are you today?

Mr Stewart: Aye, there's the bonny ferry-kek! Yer lookin' a bit peaky, Duck. Bit o'sun would d'ya good, laddy. Now, I'm after soom trous. Ah've got a bit of a do t'morrah an' want t'look m'best!

Humphries: Very good, sir. What waist size and inside leg?

Mr Stewart: M'waist is therty-six, but Ah've no idya what m'inside leg is. D'ya mind meas'rin' it?

Humphries: (looking Mr Stewart up and down, for he's a big muscular man) It must be my lucky day!

Posted: 10:15 AM - Sep 24, 2011
<standing there, arms crossed, smirk grin on face as he watches Humphries take his customer into the fitting room to measure his inside leg>

Oh boy...< he giggles as he walks to the counter and places his palms down> He'll be singing all day now!

Posted: 7:13 PM - Sep 24, 2011
As Captain Peacock shakes his head he mumbles to no one he does seem to attract them. As he has so often reminded us he is of an affectionate nature and he has many friends of all shapes, sizes, colors and sexes!

Posted: 9:11 PM - Sep 24, 2011
Brahms comes across some old stock stashed in a dark corner of the stock room; she takes it out and blows a thick film of dust off the top; it's labelled 'Space Stockings'

'Ere! Mrs Slocombe! 'Ave a lookit these.

She brings out the box and opens it on the counter; reaching in she takes out a pair of metallic-looking tights; they feel like regular tights and even stretch properly

Ooh, we should 'ave these on display wif our Star Trek decorations. They'd be quite a novelty!

Posted: 9:14 PM - Sep 24, 2011
Oi Captain Peacock? Are you free?

Mr. Harmon, it is after the opening bell and you know you shouldn't be on the floor much less yelling for me in that manner!

Mr. Harmon: Well then I guess you don't want to know that me and Seymour have the bits that you need to knock up the bridge of the Enterprise for the department then do you?

Captain Peacock: Oh very well Mr. Harmon.

Mr. Harmon: Do ye want us to make you a chair what Captain Kirk sits in?

Captain Peacock: He ponders this question for a few seconds. No, I don't think that would be very appropriate Mr. Harmon. That would have to be in the middle of the floor and that might confuse the customers. I think just the bridge would be fine.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Captain Peacock, we haven't made any firm decisions on what we're doing. Mr. Rumbold knows nothing about this.

Captain Peacock: I know that Mrs. Slocumbe however, I though that since all the other departments will be commandeering Mr. Harmon's time I thought it might be wise to conscript him right away for our endeavors. All we have to do is inform Mr. Rumbold of what we have decided with the Star Trek theme. I'm sure once he finds out that it won't cost that much to knock the bridge up we'll have no trouble with him.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Very well Captain Peacock.

Mr. Harmon: Well does that mean I can take my humble self back to my basement and see about getting this set up for ya?

Captain Peacock: Yes it does Mr. Harmon!

Posted: 9:17 PM - Sep 24, 2011
Oh yes Miss Brahams those tights look quite nice. I think they'll work out very well as a sale item for the holiday.

Posted: 10:57 PM - Sep 25, 2011
Brahms: What sort of shoes d'ya think we should wear? I figuh plain black boots will suffice. An' wif these tights we'll look jus' like the crew!

Slocombe is distracted by a middle-aged female customer; Brahms sees a young male customer of about fifteen wander toward the counter

Brahms: Good morning! Are you being served?

Boy: Whoa! Hey, that other lady - is she, like, an Oompa Loompa?

Brahms: WHAT?!

Boy: Her's, like, all green and stuff.

Brahms: (notices the boy's eyes are red) Captain Peacock? Are you free?

Peacock: At the moment, Miss Brahms.

Brahms beckons him over while the boy stares at Slocombe, who is oblivious

Brahms: I think this kid 'ere might be toking on the green, if you get my drift.

Peacock: I don't quite follow you, Miss Brahms.

Brahms mimes taking a toke from a joint and points to the boy; Peacock understands and suddenly looks very stern; he walks over to the boy and taps him on the shoulder; when he has the lad's attention he leads him to the centre display stand where they can talk privately (but Brahms and Lucas can hear every word spoken)

Peacock: Young man, your eyes are quite red. Have you been smoking dope?

Boy: Yeah, well, your eyes look glazed, mate. You been eating doughnuts?

Peacock: (now furious) Young man, we at Grace Brothers do not tolerate the use of marijuana by our staff or by customers. I must ask you to leave now or I will contact a higher authority to remove you.

Boy: (eyes wide with fear) You're gonna get Jesus to kick me out?

Peacock: (facepalms) No, that's your higher power. A higher authority would be our security guards.

Boy: Ohhhh...okay. Gotcha. I'm out. But one thing before I go. I need some directions, please. Maybe you can help me.

Peacock: Oh very well...

Boy: (very serious look on his face) Um...can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?

Peacock: (facepalms again) Go home...

Posted: 11:13 PM - Sep 25, 2011
<snickers, leaning towards Ms. Brahms> Sesame Street!

Did ya see the look on ole Peacocks face? < elbows Shirley> I thought his moustache was gonna curl! <laughs>

Posted: 3:01 AM - Sep 26, 2011
Grainger comes out storage just as Peacock tries to dismiss the 15 year old boy. At first he couldn't understand what was happening but then he realized that the boy was drugged.

Grainger unloads a box of socks, y-fronts, and fair isle sweaters on to his counter. He starts sorting his merchandise ... as Lucas snickers, Grainger is folding pairs of black, brown, yellow, and red socks.

The boy walks instead towards the Menswear counter.

Boy: Whoa, COOKIES!

He picks up a pair of brown socks just as Grainger stares at him dumbfounded as the boy tries to put the socks in his mouth.

Grainger: Those are mine ... put them down this instant.

Boy: Are these from sesame street? I demand to speak to the Cookie Monster! I want peanut butter cookies ...

Peacock heads toward the counter and readdresses the boy.

Peacock: This is a department store and we do not sell any food items. I just warned you that I would plan to contact security services if you did not leave immediately.

Peacock points at Lucas.

Peacock: Lucas, telephone and inform security services that their presence is required in the department straight away.

Boy: Hey, I only wanted to eat some cookies ... you need to chill out man.

Lucas rushes over and picks up the telephone, still having a smirk on his face.

Lucas: (on the telephone) Hello, security services? This is Mr. Lucas from Ladies Apparel and Gentlemen's Ready-Made Department. My floorwalker, Captain Peacock, requests assistance.

He pauses and smirks after hanging up.

Lucas: Captain Peacock, most of the guards are having coffee breaks. One guard will be down in five minutes after she comes back after her hair dressing appointment ... apparently her roots needed getting done.

Grainger stares confused. huh2

Peacock looks like he has flames coming out of his ears. shakingfist

By then, Mr. Humphries came out of the fitting room to check the trousers that they had in stock. He had measured the Scot. However, his glee and happiness was dashed away when he saw Peacock's glare.

Posted: 8:56 AM - Sep 26, 2011
<seeing that Captain Peacock is getting weary of this teenagers shennanagans...Lucas steps in>

Watch this Shirley..<he states as he walks over to the lad and puts his hand on his shoulder>

Cookies you want? <he says in his melodious tone and giggles> My lad, I know the way to Sesame Street!

Come with me and I shall take you to the cookie monster and get all the cookies your little tum-tum can hold.

<putting his arm around the stoner, he walks him towards the lifts, looking back at the crew, gives a thumbs up and a cocky wink, but fixes face when the lad looks up at him>

<enters lifts. Tells the lift girl: Ground Floor please, we must get to Sesame Street>

Posted: 2:53 PM - Sep 26, 2011
Mr. Rumbold comes out of his office. I have just received a call from Lost and Found Captain Peacock.

Captain Peacock: Why would lost and found be calling for you? You didn't lose anything did you? Everyone else shakes their heads no as well.

Mr. Rumbold: Apparently one of our customers misplaced her son. She said he's about 15 and he may appear like he's intoxicated however, not of his own free will. His doctors were trying out some new medications on him and its made him come all over funny. She was waiting at the chemists counter for his refills when he got away from her.

Mr. Humphries: Oh my word! He was just here wanting to munch cookies and directions to Sesame Street so he could visit the Cookie Monster! Mr. Lucas was just escorting him out, gently mind you, of the store as the security guards are on their break. I'll see if I can catch him before he makes the ground floor. Permission to leave the floor Captain Peacock?

Captain Peacock: Permission granted. Just get that boy back to his mother before anything else happens to him. They ought to put children on a leash!

Mr. Humphries quickly leaves the floor to catch up to Mr. Lucas and the boy.

Posted: 4:16 PM - Sep 26, 2011
Another customer, this time a twenty-something female in tight jeans approaches the counter; Slocombe is still busy, so Brahms attends to her

Brahms: Good morning, ma'am! Are you being served?

Customer: Oh, hello! Ooh! Aren't you one of the models in the sales paper?

Brahms: (smiling brightly now) Why yes!

Customer: You were wearing that black dress with the fishnet tights, correct?

Brahms: Yes, that was me.

Customer: Brill! Do you have any in stock?

Brahms: Certainly! Do you know your size?

Customer: Well, it's not for me, actually.

Brahms: Oh?

Customer: (leaning over and whispering) It's for my girlfriend. Tomorrow's our anniversary. We've been together five years. I showed her that salespaper and we both agreed that you looked amazing in that frock.

Brahms: blink Er...thanks?

Customer: She's about your size, but maybe an inch shorter. D'you think you could...?

The customer raises an eyebrow; Brahms is frozen with fear, until...

Customer: know, pick out the right size for me. Maybe suggest some accessories. I wanna really make her day tomorrow.

Brahms: (very relieved) Oh yes, of course. Right this way...

Posted: 4:28 PM - Sep 26, 2011
The lift dings and the two menswear assistants exit; as they descend the stairs Lucas is chuckling and Humphries looks satisfied

Peacock: Ah! Did you return the boy to his mother?

Humphries: We did, Captain Peacock. She was quite relieved to see him. Turns out he'd just come out of dental surgery and was still feeling the effects of the anesthesia. They'd given him ketamine and that can certainly muck about with your perception.

Lucas: Best part was she did have bickies! Look! (dips his hand in his jacket pocket and holds up a wrapped piece of shortbread) She was so relieved to see the boy that she gave us a reward.

Peacock: Put that away until your coffee break, Mr Lucas. You should look to your superiors as an example. Why, I'll bet Mr Humphries doesn't have shortbread in his pockets.

Humphries: He's quite right, you know. (dipping into his pocket and extracting...) I have a gingerbread man!

Posted: 8:10 PM - Sep 26, 2011
Grainger smirks as well ... he had strawberry shortcake in the underwear drawer! However, he doesn't say anything to Peacock, considering the drama that already unfolded with the boy. He couldn't wait to reveal the whole saga to his wife when he returned home. It was very hillarious, albeit at Peacock's expense. If the mother complained to Young Mr. Grace, then Peacock would have been reprimanded trying to have the boy arrested ... instead Lucas saved the day and became their champion.

However, it seemed that Peacock would be the last person to praise Lucas. He was just too cocky and pompous to ever thank a junior.

Grainger: I see some customers coming into our department, Mr. Lucas and Mr. Humphries ... look lively!

Peacock is startled because he didn't see them exit the lifts. He fumes privately and then rushes over to greet them. Grainger turns to Lucas and Humphries.

Grainger: (whispers) He got his just deserts didn't he? Pompous twit.

Humphries stares at Mr. Grainger because he was surprised at his language.

Grainger: (whispers) He should be thanking Mr. Lucas for his creativity, for imagine if things turned out differently the mother could have filed a complaint against Captain Peacock.

Posted: 8:10 PM - Sep 26, 2011
(OOC: please delete this post, I accidentally posted this twice.)

Posted: 10:37 PM - Sep 26, 2011
I quite agree, Mr Grainger. But you're right - Peacock will never stoop to thanking a junior.

Humphries suddenly remembers the Scotsman

AUGH! Mr Stewart! (dashes into the fitting room)

Posted: 12:05 AM - Sep 27, 2011
Thank you Mr. Grainger. Knowing that Captain Peacock got his "just deserts" like you said, and hearing you call him "pompous twit" was reward enough for this <he does the finger quote movements> champion. <giggles>

Posted: 12:17 AM - Sep 27, 2011
One of these days Miss Brahams and Captain Peacock is going to get his comeuppance and I am unanimous in that! Imagine automatically thinking that poor child was drugged. Well he was but not in the way we thought at first. He just jumped to conclusions that the young lad was not right in the wrong sense. Thanks to our Mr. Lucas the department was saved a black eye (as Miss Brahams fumes at Mrs. Slocumbe referring to Mr. Lucas as "our").

Miss Brahams: ea he's my fella now. I've waited too long for someone like im to come along. Who would ave thought that under that cheeky attitude and boring suit e's good lookin and a right white knight and e's all mine she gushes.

Posted: 4:24 PM - Sep 27, 2011
crying Television writer David Croft dies aged 89 crying

David Croft, co-writer and producer of classic comedies including: 'Allo 'Allo and Hi-de-Hi has died at the age of 89, his family has announced.

He died peacefully in his sleep at his home in Portugal. His family called him a "truly great man" in a statement.

Croft's military sitcoms: It Ain't Half Hot Mum and Dad's Army, written with Jimmy Perry, were hits in the 1970s.

He is also credited with Are You Being Served and its 1990s spin-off Grace and Favour.

~God Bless this man for giving us AYBS? Well, me. R.I.P. You are well loved and respected. Thank you ~

Posted: 5:09 PM - Sep 27, 2011
And I am unanimous in that! I propose we don't play today in homage to Mr. Croft or maybe we should he's probably getting a giggle out of us (I hope).

Posted: 9:47 PM - Sep 27, 2011
Here here. I agree with Sue, though. He'd probably get a kick out of what we're doing with this RPG.

Much love to you, David! Give our love to Mollie, Wendy, John, Trevor, Arthur B, Arthur E, Harold, Kenneth, and all the others!

Posted: 11:24 PM - Sep 27, 2011
To play, or not to play? That is the question...For this man was the creator of the show we love, yet it will live FOREVER in our hearts and on this site. Cheers! Again, I thank you Mr. Croft. R.I.P! You will be missed.

Posted: 5:11 PM - Sep 28, 2011
Humphries: Sale Mr. Grainger <he sings as he walks out with Mr. Stewart and the trousers>

Mr. Grainger: Sale Mr. Humphries.

<The tally is rang up and the package is handed over to the customer and Mr. Humphries returns to his spot at the counter, humming.>

I knew you'd be singing the rest of the day. < snickers Lucas as he crosses his arms and watch Humphries glow>

Humphries: Now you bite your tongue. I didn't get to measure his inside leg, those Scotties are measured from the outside. <cracks a grin as he leans in and whispers> but, I did oblige in holding his kilt as he tried the trousers on. <snickers>

Boy, wasn't that something about that young lad? I mean, who'd thunk that Captain Peacock would've made a bad judgement call like that?

<both shakes their heads slowly...tsk,tsk,tsking as they do>

<Grainger brings over another box of items needing tagged, so they open it up and start to work..>

BTW, <questions Lucas as they tag the items for sale> Have you ever, ya'kno?...<held his hand to his lips, mimicking a toke from a joint>

Posted: 11:20 AM - Sep 30, 2011
A customer approaches Captain Peacock. Are you being served madam? I need to get some winter gear. We're heading to Switzerland for a skiing holiday. I'm sure Mrs. Slocumbe will be able to outfit you properly she's just over here. Captain Peacock takes the woman to the counter. Mrs. Slocumbe are you free?

Mrs. Slocumbe: She puts down the pair of naughty knickers she's pricing. I'm free Captain Peacock.

Captain Peacock: This customer is looking for winter gear for a skiing holiday.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Certainly madam come this way and I'll show you the new line of ski wear as she takes her off to one side of the department.

Posted: 11:06 PM - Sep 30, 2011
<Humphries was just starting to answer when Mr. Grainger called for him>

Blimey, I bet it was gonna be a good tale too...<snickers Lucas as he continued to mark the items>

<A customer walks by> Are you being served? <replies> Oh, up the stairs and to the left. Huh, must be raining again.

< starts whistling softly as he works, glancing over every so often at Shirley>

Posted: 5:22 AM - Oct 01, 2011
Please continue for another two weeks.


Posted: 3:42 PM - Oct 01, 2011
Well that was a sale of almost 70 pounds! That makes almost 3 pounds in commission for me Miss Brahams!

Miss Brahams: I just had a sale of 60 pounds and that makes 2 pounds for me! At this rate we might make enough in commissions to pay for this Halloween party.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Yes the sales have been quite good this week so far haven't they. That new line of winter gear seems to be quite popular and all. Mind you its the first time I've seen something in this department that is fairly modern in style.

Posted: 10:23 PM - Oct 01, 2011
The day wears on and at one o'clock the staff break for lunch in the Canteen and its abysmal fare; Humphries takes a seat first at their regular table, as he had his brown sack that day; Brahms exits the queue first and drops into her usual chair, next to Humphries

Brahms: What's that you have there?

Humphries: Caprese.

Brahms: Gesundheit.

Humphries: (laughs) Let me show you. (he takes out a plastic container and opens it, explaining as he goes) What you do, is you take a piece of tomato and put a thin slice of mozzarella cheese on top, then garnish with a bit of fresh basil. Here, try it.

Brahms: Ooh, that's quite nice!

Humphries: Here, have some more. I'm covered in it!

Brahms: 'Ow come you've got so much?

Humphries: Well, you see, I had this dinner party on Saturday night and invited several friends whose parties I missed due to circumstances beyond my control. Anyway, only two showed up. The rest, I found out, never believed any of my excuses, so they ditched me.

Brahms: That's terrible!

Humphries: Not really. At least now I have my meals prepared for the week with the leftover food and I know where I truly stand with some of my 'friends'.

Posted: 10:36 PM - Oct 01, 2011
Brahms: What sort of parties did they 'ave?

Humphries: Mostly fancy dress. There was sometimes a theme. For instance, this one friend of mine had an Alice in Wonderland theme. I went as the Mad Hatter. I had a big top hat with a card stuck in the side; a dark violet three-piece; yellow socks with pink spots; and I kept a plastic cup and saucer in my hands. Trouble was, people kept pouring liqueur into it.

Brahms: Did you get plastered?

Humphries: I did! Fortunately, Alice came to my rescue just as I got into a heated debate with the Cheshire Cat that was about to get physical. The next thing I knew I was being dragged away by a castle and a bishop, who put me in Alice's car and took me home.

Brahms: That was very sweet of her.

Humphries: What makes you think Alice was a 'her'? (he gives her a sly wink) I sobered up just enough by the time we got back to invite him in for coffee. I threw him out at half-past three when he offered to show me his 'rabbit hole' if I'd have some brightly-coloured sweets from a tin that said, 'Eat me'.

Brahms: You know some very strange people, Mr Humphries.

Humphries: (shrugs) They all seem perfectly normal to me.

Posted: 1:23 AM - Oct 02, 2011
Blimey Mr. Humphries, <Lucas blurts out as he sits at the end of the table> Have ya gone vegan? <noticing his lunch>

Humphries: Not at all. As I was tellin' Ms. Brahms...I had a dinner party this past saturday night and these are the leftovers. Want one?

No thanks..Savin' room for the dinner date tonight. <smiling big, starts to eat his regular sardine on toast yech .>

So, Mr. Humphries...who're you dressin' up as for this Star Trek galla? Scotty or Mr. Sulu? or perhaps the doc?

Posted: 4:29 PM - Oct 02, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe arrives at the table with her lunch. Rissoles again! The canteen sure is getting in a rut. Pass me some of that brown sauce Mr. Lucas I don't even want to think how many flying creatures may have left their footprints on it. They were buzzing around them something awful.

Mr. Lucas: What character are you going to play from Star Trek Mrs. Slocumbe?

Mrs. Slocumbe: I've decided to play that nurse whatever her name was what wants to get close with Mr. Spock only he's having none of it. I can't seem to keep her name in me mind. I was thinking about playing Uhura but there is no way I could pull off playing her character with any degree of sincerity.

Mr. Lucas: No, I can't see you playing Uhura with any degree of anything Mrs. Slocumbe!

Mrs. Slocumbe: You shut your cake hole Mr. Lucas! Mr. Grainger can't you control your junior any better than this?

Posted: 4:32 PM - Oct 02, 2011
Captain Peacock arrives at the table with his rissole and grumbling about the conditions in the canteen.

I assume we're all discussing what character we wish to play from Star Trek?

Mr. Lucas pipes up: Yes Mrs. Slocumbe is going to play the nurse and her name is Christine Chapel Mrs. Slocumbe. That only leaves you, Mr. Rumbold and Mr. Grainger to pick the other characters. There are only Mr. Spock, Scotty and Bones left you know.

Posted: 6:34 PM - Oct 02, 2011
Mr. Grainger returns from the queue with his soup, crackers, and tea. He sits at his usual position at the table.

I will play Bones.

Grainger stretches his arm to reach the creamer but it is too far down the table.

Mr. Lucas, could you please pass me the creamer?

Posted: 10:08 PM - Oct 02, 2011
Humphries snatches up the creamer and passes it down

Here you are, Mr Grainger.

You know, I think I will go as Mr Sulu. For some strange reason I feel like George Takei and I have something in common...

Everyone rolls their eyes, but Humphries does not notice

Posted: 10:21 PM - Oct 02, 2011
<snickers> I thought as much.

That only leaves Scotty and Mr. Spock for you Captain Peacock. I really think that you should do Mr. Spock. You have the stance and poise for that character.

Mrs. Slocumbe, do ya think that Mrs. Alexby's daughter will be able to make the outfits for us in time?

Posted: 10:44 PM - Oct 02, 2011
Brahms: They don't 'ave many roles for women on there, do they?

Slocombe: What do you expect? It's a man's world!

Brahms: I know. Between the two of us we only 'ave two characters to choose from: Uhura and Chapel. The men get to pick between Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Bones, Sulu, an' Scotty.

Slocombe: And I've already bagsied Chapel!

Brahms: I guess I'm Uhura then.


Posted: 11:01 PM - Oct 02, 2011
<at that moment, they heard a fork drop to the floor. Lucas' elbow slipped off the table and his body fell against the table. He sits up quick, his eyebrows are fixed high and his eyes are sparkling big and bright.>

UHURA!!!! < he sqeals in his high toned voice>

Humphries: glass of water for Mr. Lucas..QUICK!

Posted: 1:52 AM - Oct 03, 2011
Grainger rushes to the register and explains what happened. He then hurries back to the table with a tall glass of water for Lucas.

Grainger: Glass of water for you, Mr. Lucas.

He hands Lucas the glass of water. The group watches as Lucas tries to finish the glass, but he has a hard time and nearly spills some of it down his shirt.

Posted: 3:27 AM - Oct 03, 2011
Humphries: Tarpaulin for Mr Lucas.

Brahms: 'Ere, 'ow long d'ya think it'll take for 'Armon an' 'is lot to make that fake bridge?

Humphries: Good question. Let's see...if I remember correctly, from my days in Tools and Do-It-Yourself, a project of that calibre would normally take two days to complete, given a normal eight-hour workday with two fifteen-minute breaks and one hour for lunch. However, seeing as we're talking about Harmon and his union crew, who prefer to stretch things out as far as possible to cop the overtime - two pounds says a week and Saturday morning. (he slaps two coins on the table)

Peacock: (adding two more coins) Sunday as well!

Grainger: (counting out coins) I'm a bit short right now, but I'll say five days.

Lucas: I'm skint, so I won't bet on a fortnight.

Brahms: (placing four notes on the table) I've got yours and mine, an' I say ten days.

Slocombe: Really! Placing bets on Maintenance? You all should be ashamed of yourselves - especially you, Stephen, after all those years battling your gambling addiction!

Humphries: Are you going to wager or not?

Slocombe: (hesitates, then slaps down her two quid) Four days, tops.

Posted: 1:06 PM - Oct 03, 2011
Miss Brahams I thought you were playing that Yeoman what's her name its on the tip of me tongue.... Rand that's it I thought you were going to play her since Captain Kirk fancied her and everything.

Miss Brahams: e fancied all the girls well what girls there were that we saw on the show.

Mrs. Slocumbe: That he did Miss Brahams as I said before its a man's world isn't it?

Posted: 6:59 PM - Oct 03, 2011
Well, ya kno', with bein' the Captain...<snickering as he wipes his chin with a napkin> That title came with alot of privledges....heh heh heh.

Posted: 11:59 PM - Oct 03, 2011
It will be very interesting to come to work dressed in a Federation Starfleet uniform instead of my usual three-piece. Mother will think I'm going to some sort of science fiction convention.

Posted: 2:19 PM - Oct 04, 2011
I agree, Mr. Humphries, I agree...Mind you, I think Ms. Brahms better wait 'till she gets to work to change into her costume. <snickers > Don't wanna cause a major pile up of traffic while walking to work, now would'ya? <seductive grin and raised eyebrow>

Posted: 7:47 PM - Oct 04, 2011
Oh yes that reminds me Miss Brahams we need to ask Mr. Rumbold if we are to appear in costume on the floor or if the costumes are strictly for the party and contest. I've already had a go at the shoe department. I'll need everyone's shoe size so we can get the boots. Mr. Cline said he would just put them back in stock as shop soiled. I wonder how a pair of shoes can be shop soiled oh well as long as we don't have to pay for those as well.

Posted: 7:50 PM - Oct 04, 2011
Come on everyone its almost closing time. Lets get things ready for this conference so we can get out of here as quickly as we can. Mr. Harmon and Seymour are bringing up the tables and chairs now.

Posted: 10:16 PM - Oct 04, 2011
Humphries: I'm seven and a half.

Lucas: I thought you would be...

Humphries: I shall smack your wrist in a minute!

Posted: 10:24 PM - Oct 04, 2011
Brahms: I'm a nine, but sometimes I wear a nine an' a 'alf just 'cause it's more comfortable.

Lucas: I'd say you were a ten, easily. (winks at Brahms)

Peacock: I wear a size eleven. (puffs his chest out a little)

Grainger: I-I believe my shoes are elevens as well. I'll go up to the shoe department and have Mr Grossman check for me before I go home tonight. Mrs Grainger usually buys my shoes for me and over the years I've forgotten how big I am.

Humphries: (pointing at Lucas) NOT ONE WORD!

Lucas: I wasn't gonna say anything! Well, except that I wear a twelve. (winks at Brahms again)

Slocombe: (writing down all their shoe sizes) Right! I'll give the shoe department a ring when we return from lunch.

Fast-forward to the closing bell; Harmon and Seymour have the tables set up for the departmental meeting

Posted: 11:11 PM - Oct 04, 2011
Gah, Blimey..<complaining as he sits, tapping his foot, waiting for the meeting to start> Here we are, waiting for this fool meeting to start when I have a dinner date with Ms. Brahms in an hour!

Humphries: Where are you planning to take her?

That joint down the street. I believe it's called Giovannis.

Humphries: How're you gonna afford that? 'specially on your commission. <snickers>

Ahh, yes, yes. Well, ya see Mr. Humphries. I've been doing odd jobs after work. As soon as I leave here, I have little tasks to do elsewhere.

<pulls out moneyclip and shows him his bundle> Like I said, I've waited so long for her to say yes.

Posted: 11:27 AM - Oct 05, 2011
Captain Peacock is sitting there in his usual spot looking very put out. Just like old Rumbold to keep us sitting here waiting on him! Mind you he did have to go up to the boardroom (they all look upwards) for a meeting Young Mr. Grace called. He probably fell asleep in the middle of it again. I'm glad we hashed out most of this in between serving customers and at lunch. I bet he wants to play Mr. Spock. What is the line up for the roles? Lets see Miss Brahams will play Yeoman Rand, Mr. Lucas is Captain Kirk, Mrs. Slocumbe will be Nurse Chapel, Mr. Humphries will play Mr. Sulu, Mr. Grainger will play Bones. Well that tears it I'm not letting him cop Mr. Spock and as Mrs. Slocumbe says I am unanimous in that! So that leaves only three roles Jugears could play Mr. Chekov or Mr. Scott unless he is so inclined to take on the role of Lt. Uhura.

Posted: 11:36 AM - Oct 05, 2011
Quite right Captain Peacock you should play Mr. Spock. That is more in line with your bearing. We must remember that we are not actually acting these roles merely dressing up as the characters but, I can see why everyone wants to stay as authentic as possible to give the customers a good experience. Oh yes, I rang Mrs. Axelby and she rang her daughter who said she'd sew up the costume shirts for us if Miss Brahams can find a pattern that she can alter to work for us. I rang Mr. Cline (He's Mr. Grossman's assistant you know) and he's going to look thru the boots and see what sizes he can rustle up for us. Hopefully he has sizes for all of us. My word Mr. Humphries I didn't think you had that big of a foot! They always seemed so tiny to me especially since you are so light on your feet.

Posted: 11:52 AM - Oct 05, 2011
Mr. Rumbold just steps out of the lift doors. Good evening everyone. Sorry to keep you waiting so long Young Mr. Grace fell asleep in the middle of the meeting again. I do hope you all have been giving some thought as to what you want to do for the department decorations.

Captain Peacock: Yes we have Mr. Rumbold. We have decided that we will do Star Trek. It won't take much to turn the department into the bridge of the USS Enterprise and Mr. Harmon has already acquired the materials and begun on the construction. We've already got the boots coming for us and by the way Mr. Rumbold, Mrs. Slocumbe needs your shoe size to give to Mr. Cline. Mrs. Slocumbe's friend Mrs. Axelby's daughter has consented to sew up the uniform shirts for us and we can get black trousers and skirts from this department for the lower garments. We'll put those back in stock as shop soiled and sell them at a reduced price. We've already chosen what roles we will portray. I will be Mr. Spock (he says this very firmly). Mr. Lucas will play Captain Kirk, Miss Brahams will play Yeoman Rand, Mr. Grainger will play Bones, Mr. Humphries will play Mr. Sulu and Mrs.Slocumbe will play Nurse Chapel. That leaves three roles for you to pick for your character Mr. Rumbold Mr. Scott, Ensign Chekov or Lt. Uhura. I don't recommend Lt. Uhura for you sir, you simply do not have the legs to pull it off. We also decided that we will wear the uniforms to the party.

Mr. Rumbold: I see you've worked out most of the logistics of this endeavor. Well there doesn't seem to be much else to discuss then does it? I would have thought it would be more appropriate for me to play Captain Kirk, Captain Peacock.

Captain Peacock: Well we did think of you first for the role (he rolls his eyes and the others do likewise) however, you are not on the floor as it were like Mr. Lucas. Neither myself, Mr. Humphries nor Mr. Grainger would be able to play that role convincingly either. So which one will it be Mr. Rumbold Mr. Scott or Ensign Chekov? Remember they are two important roles on the bridge (trying to jolly Mr. Rumbold into not usurping the role of Spock from him).

Mr. Rumbold: Oh very well I'll take over as Mr. Scott. I wouldn't be able to do the Russian accent very convincingly. A Scottish burr I might be able to reproduce if necessary. However, you shouldn't have authorized Mr. Harmon to begin doing anything Captain Peacock. You don't have that much authority.

Captain Peacock: You'll have to forgive me for making that decision Mr. Rumbold. You see I didn't want to tarry in gaining Mr. Harmon's services for the decorating. All the other departments will be clamoring for him as well and I thought this would save us some time. The materials aren't going to cost Young Mr. Grace anything either. Mr.. Harmon is using spare wood and other materials that were left over from DIY projects when they cut the wood for the size the customer need.

Mr. Rumbold: Oh very well. I can see the logic in your acquiring Mr. Harmon and the fact that the materials will be of no cost to the store. Just don't let this happen again you should consult me first.

Captain Peacock: (Rolling his eyes upward) Certainly sir.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Mr. Rumbold do you wish us to arrive with the costumes on or would you prefer that we changed after we got here? I need your shoe size as well.

Mr. Rumbold: Well I would think that it would be better if we attired ourselves in the costumes after we arrive. Mind you, you all get here a bit early that day so you have time to change! My shoe size is a 10 Mrs. Slocumbe. Well now that its all sorted out I guess there isn't much more to do so dismissed everyone. They all get up and rush for their coats.

Posted: 12:58 PM - Oct 05, 2011
Ms. Brahms: 'Ere, hold up...I want to change outta my work duds. Mrs. Slocumbe, could ya 'elp me out?

Mrs. Slocumbe: Of course dear. <Shirley grabs a bag out of a drawer and they both go into the fitting room>

Mr. you think this jacket is alright? <Lucas asks as he pulls around on it> I think it's kinda tattered. Mr. Grainger, May I borrow a dinner jacket outta stock for just tonight?

<Grainger seeing the urgency in Lucas' eyes and remembers back in his young days nod with a grin and the two wisk back into the mens fitting room>

~15 minutes later~

<Mrs. Slocumbe steps out of the fitting room with a big smile on her face.> Mr. Lucas? Your date is ready. <she chimes>

At this point, Lucas is making sure he has everything in place. He's adjusting his tie as he hears Mrs. Slocumbe announce that Shirley is ready. He turns around in time to see...

Ms. Brahms walk out in a strapless black dress, skin tight, mid length...just past her hips but not to her knees. A black laced shawl drapped around her bare shoulders.

Her hair done up. Pulled back into a tail, but rolled up into a circular bun, and a lock on each side curled down along her face.

Make up adjusted for the event and tear drop earrings set off the ensemble. >

MY DEAR GOD!!! <Lucas gasps as he stares, along with the others> <reaching into his personal drawer and pulls out a corsage, he walks over and gulps as he tries to pin it on her...

After a few attempts and clearing his throat, he hands it to her...with a blushing grin. She pins it on herself, giggling. >

Are we ready now? <he asks as he offers his arm and smiles bigger than ever> <she nods and takes his arm and they wave good night to all as they walk up the stairs and enter the lifts.

As the doors closed, the staff could see Shirley with a school girl smile on her face, and Lucas looking like he's gonna faint.>

Humphries: I hope he lives through it....<giggles as he puts his coat on>

Posted: 12:21 AM - Oct 06, 2011
The next morning...

The lift doors ding and Humphries minces down two steps before he stops, foot in air, and stares open-mouthed at the floor; it is an exact replica, nearly, of the bridge of the Starship Enterprise; the counters look like control panels, but the clothing is still on racks, in their usual positions; a 'captain's chair' is in the middle of the floor; a mannequin in a Federation Starfleet uniform is sitting in it, with a second mannequin standing quite close behind him; this one has pointed ears and slanted eyebrows; obviously a Spock mock-up

My WORD! (he descends the stairs) They've really outdone themselves in Maintenance. I guess we all lost our wagers. Well, I suppose whomever was closest will win the pool. Oh! Would you look at that?

Forum is empty

AYBS RPG #10A (2011)

Posted: 9:01 AM - Aug 07, 2011
Claybourne-Please start the scenario for the continuation of AYBS RPG #10.


Posted: 2:10 AM - Aug 08, 2011
Another boring day at Grace Brothers finally comes to a close and the staff are eager to have their photo shoot.
The scene opens to the first floor, where Harmon and his team have set up a backdrop cloth (dark grey) as well as the plants from the day before. Three large fans are in place; one on each side and one in front. We see a pair of tripods with cameras sitting on top.
Mr Humphries enters with a pair of women in their mid to late thirties. One is about his height, has long dark hair, and a camera strapped to her neck. The other is blonde-ish, slightly taller, very thin, and her hair is short and spiked. She's quite feminine compared to the other.

Humphries: Oh, I'm so glad you could come tonight. The others should be ready at any moment.

Linda: Good, 'cuz I've got a wedding to do early tomorrow morning. I can't be out late tonight.

Humphries: So, are we still on for mud wrestling at The Eagle tomorrow night?

Amelia: (in thick American accent) You betcher ass! You better git up in the ring with me tomorrow, buddy-boy!

Humphries: Don't forget I was a wrestler back in school! They called me Hugger Humphries!

Linda: They had to pull you off people, yeah yeah, we know. Come on, let's get this started.

Humphries: Right! Is everyone ready? Mr Lucas? Miss Brahms? Mrs Slocombe? Mr Grainger? Captain Peacock?

Posted: 2:26 AM - Aug 08, 2011
(comes out in the backless dress, wearing a pair of fashionable high heels; her hair cascades over her shoulders and her make-up is flawless)

'Ere I am! (nearly trips in her shoes) Blimey, these shoes are painful. I don't know why I picked 'em out.
Mrs Slocombe's just finished wif 'er make-up. She'll be out in just a minute. You should see 'ow she's done 'erself up. She looks a real treat! That Jim bloke's in for a real surprise when 'e meets 'er.

Posted: 10:35 AM - Aug 08, 2011
I'm almost ready Mr. Humphries I'm just straightening up my hose!

Posted: 10:37 AM - Aug 08, 2011
Umm sorry about that David forgot which RPG he was in!

I'm ready Mr. Humphries I'm just straightening up my hose! She finally comes out of the fitting room looking very glamourous

Posted: 10:52 AM - Aug 08, 2011
I'm ready Mr. Humphries. <walking out in the same attire as the night before, only with his hair greased back just a little for that wet look, and a towell strapped around the shoulders>

<Stopped to look at Ms. Brahms and Mrs. Slocumbe>

You two look absolutely delightful. ok

May have to take a few extra photos for me own.

Mr. Humphries, are you sure we're not doing glamour shots tonight? < taking Mrs. Slocumes' hand and kissing the top>

<glancing at the photo crew, shivers> We're not!

Posted: 10:54 AM - Aug 08, 2011
I'm ready Mr. Humphries! Captain Peacock comes out dressed in his snappy suit, shoes, hat and umbrella.

Posted: 9:42 PM - Aug 08, 2011
Humphries: Right! Let's get started. Mr Lucas, get up there and get to work!

Linda: (kneeling down and getting in position) Alright, pretend you're checking out the surf. Yes, that's it! (starts snapping photos) Hmmm...Amy, turn on those lights for me. And someone turn on the fans.

Amelia turns on a few very bright lights, which temporarily blind Mr Lucas. He throws a hand up to shield his eyes and ends up smacking Captain Peacock by accident. The fans come on and blow Captain Peacock's hat off.

Linda: Oh boy. Right, everyone but Mr Lucas over here. Now Mr Lucas, here's your inspiration: it's a hot summer day. You're on holiday in Australia at the beach. Several half-naked women are watching you because you're a big surfing champion and about to go out into the water. Now give us a few good poses!

Posted: 10:28 PM - Aug 08, 2011
Lucas prepares to do his routine, as Grainger silently enters the floor and stands next to Peacock. Peacock bends over to pick up his hat that had fallen on to the floor.

Grainger puts his pipe into his mouth ...

(I'm not sure that I should light my pipe in such a small space ...)

Grainger stands in the corner, wearing his pinstripe suit, brown leather shoes, fedora, with a pipe in his mouth.

Posted: 11:32 PM - Aug 08, 2011
Oh! It's my grandfather to a T! You look perfect, Mr Grainger.

Posted: 6:37 PM - Aug 09, 2011
Grainger blushes after hearing the compliment. He does a little bow.

"Thank you Mr. Humpries ... you just made my day."

Posted: 6:57 PM - Aug 09, 2011
I hope this doesn't take too long. Jim's supposed to meet me at the pub by 8. I do hope he likes this although it might be a bit too posh for the pub one should make a good impression on a first meeting.

Posted: 10:01 PM - Aug 09, 2011
<standing there, trying to pose with that bright light in his face. holding the board under the arm and looking out with his hand over his eyes. moves slowly from the left to the right in that position to let Linda get shots. then grabs the beach ball and holds it up as if he had just caught it. blows a gasp of air.>

Blimey, that lights bright. < complaining as he takes the towel and wipes the sweat from his forehead and chest > < hears swoons and giggles from the cleaning ladies and other standbyers, and grins as he wraps the towel around his neck and poses still life. >

I need a lady model, < he declares. > Ms. Brahms, take your clothes off and pose in your undies with me. < snickers>

Posted: 11:47 PM - Aug 09, 2011
Not on your nelly! (picks up a bucket of water nearby and douses Lucas with it)
There! That should cool you off.

Posted: 12:16 AM - Aug 10, 2011
Humphries: That should dampen his ardour! (laughs)

Lucas is soaking wet and mumbling under his breath.

Linda: No! Wait! That's perfect! (takes a few more shots) Excellent! Now, who's next?

Humphries: I think Captain Peacock and Mrs Slocombe should pose together then separately. Then Captain Peacock with Mr Grainger, Mr Grainger by himself, then Mrs Slocombe by herself, Miss Brahms by herself, then the ladies together, then perhaps a group shot.

Linda: Sounds good. Okay, let's take care of the ladies first. Miss Brahms? Mrs Slocombe?

They start to walk over when Slocombe slips on the wet floor and is fortunately caught under the arms by Humphries and Captain Peacock.

Humphries: Glass of brandy for Mrs Slocombe. Mop for Mr Lucas.

Posted: 2:26 AM - Aug 10, 2011
A few minutes later ...

Grainger: Mrs. Slocombe are you alright?

Slocombe is sitting down in a chair away from the cameras, having a brandy.

Posted: 1:42 PM - Aug 10, 2011
These lights are awfully hot aren't they Mr. Grainger? I'm coming Mr. Humphries!

Posted: 4:46 PM - Aug 10, 2011
By this time, Lucas had finished drying the floor. Grainger scratches his head, the lights didn't feel that hot, blinding yes, but they had no temeprature ...

Grainger: (How much brandy did we give Mrs. Slocombe? Well, she doesn't look too bad ...)

Slocombe gets out of her chair and heads toward where the cameras are positioned. She starts to make a pose ...

Posted: 11:57 PM - Aug 10, 2011
Mrs Slocombe! Are you alright? Blimey, I didn't think about the floor getting so slippery. Good thing Mr Humphries and Captain Peacock are so quick. Let me get you another brandy.

Posted: 2:17 PM - Aug 11, 2011
Oh thank you Miss Brahams! Captain Peacock, Mr. Rumbold you were wonderful to catch me so quick. I could have done myself a right mischief with a fall!

Where would you like me Mr. Humphries?

Posted: 8:31 PM - Aug 11, 2011
Ohh, feeling bad soaking the floor but not me now huh? < sounding sarcastic as he plops the wet mop into the bucket>

I might catch me self a death of cold. < faking a sneeze >

achoo!!! see there? Wanna nurse me back to health? < onery grin to Ms. Brahm while watching Mrs. Slocumbe pose>

Posted: 11:46 PM - Aug 11, 2011
It's too bad YOU didn't slip and fall, Mr Lucas. The blow to your 'ead might knock a little decency into you!

Stands with Slocombe and Linda takes several shots as they pose; Linda then takes a few shots of Brahms by herself

Ooh, I feel so sexy! Wonder what Nick will fink of these!

Posted: 11:53 PM - Aug 11, 2011
Humphries: Very nice! Alright, let's get a couple shots with just Mrs Slocombe and then a group shot. I know you want to get out of here and meet your gentleman, so we're going to get your shots done as quickly as possible.

Linda takes several snaps of Slocombe by herself, then with Peacock, and lastly a group shot

Linda: Great! I think we're done. You've got pretty good form there, ya know?

Humphries: Well done, dear! You still look a little peaky. Sit down and have another brandy before you go and get changed.
Alright, Captain Peacock! You're next. Then we'll have Mr Grainger join you, then Miss Brahms.

Peacock gives Brahms a knowing smile, which she doesn't return

Posted: 11:59 PM - Aug 11, 2011
Grainger yawned loudly after Humphries announced that Peacock would be in the next solo picture. He struggled to stay awake, knowing that he would have to pose next by himself. Peacock strikes a militaristic pose.

Posted: 3:11 PM - Aug 12, 2011
Mr R Martland
Young Mr Grace enters with Goddard, his Nurse and his Secretary
Good evening Mr Grace

Ah, it's good to see that everything is going smoothly.
Carry on, carry on! You've all done verywell!
Thank you Mr Grace

Come along Miss Bakewell, I promised to take you out to diner...
Yes, Mr Grace

Posted: 4:11 PM - Aug 12, 2011
As all the staff bow and utter "Thank you Mr. Grace".

Can I get out of this gear now Mr. Humphries?

Posted: 7:42 PM - Aug 12, 2011
<giggles> If Mrs. Slocombe has any more brandies, she won't reconize that Jim fella, or vicie-versa!

Ms. Brahms, perhaps you and me should go with Mrs. Slocumbe when she meets up with this chap to make sure all goes well. And if it doesn't, to make sure she gets her drunken deirre home safely.

Posted: 9:21 PM - Aug 12, 2011
Grainger: Mr. Lucas do not mock Mrs. Slocombe! On the other hand, perhaps someone should arrange to have her dropped off at her dinner engagement ... that is if she still intends on meeting that gentleman.

Posted: 12:57 AM - Aug 13, 2011
Humphries: Yes, I think we've got enough snap shots now of everyone. We can all go home.
I think Mr Lucas is right; someone needs to chaperone Mrs Slocombe tonight and make sure she doesn't get into trouble.

Brahms: We'll look after 'er. C'mon, Dick. And you mind your manners tonight, you 'ear? Lemme get changed out of this frock.

Humphries: Come on, Linda. I'll help you and Amelia pack this lot up.

Posted: 7:58 PM - Aug 13, 2011
Grainger walks to the Gents' departmental telphone. He telephones his wife.

Grainger: Hello dear. Yes, we are finished photographing and we are allowed to go home now. Oh I see.

Apparently, Mrs. Grainger had already finished eating dinner. He either had to cook his own dinner upon arriving at home, or have dehydrated Japanese noodles for dinner. Grainger winces.

Grainger: Well I shall see you soon. Good bye.

Grainger goes into the fitting room to change into his everyday clothes. He then comes out in his normal clothes and prepares to go home.

Posted: 10:13 PM - Aug 13, 2011
I'm sorry Mr. Grainger. Seeing we was off the clock, being ourselves...and I know that she can take a gag...I lost sight that we were here to have a little fun and just be carefree. I do apologize for any feelings or bottoms hurt tonight during this session.

Posted: 1:34 AM - Aug 14, 2011
As the others file out Humphries sticks around and puts away the plants, drop-cloths, and helps Linda and Amelia pack their gear.

Linda: Ohhhhhh boy. We've got a problem.

Humphries: What's wrong?

Linda: I forgot to put new film in my camera. We only got about half the shots.

Humphries: What?! But - but everybody's left already! What do we do? What do we do?!

Linda: I have an idea... Amelia, call Sandra and Bobby. Clay, do you still look good in a dress?

Humphries: (whimpers) Y-y-yes...

Meanwhile, Brahms and Lucas are escorting Slocombe to her date and acting as chaperones so she doesn't do herself a mischief...

Posted: 1:40 AM - Aug 14, 2011
Has changed into her usual street clothes; a dark green mid-riff shirt, Daisy Dukes, and wedges

C'mon Betty. Dick and I are gonna take you to meet Jim. You look a real treat tonight! I just hope Dick minds 'is manners and acts like a gentleman while we're out. That Jim fella better not try anything, either, or I'll jab 'im in the 'ands wif my can opener!

Leads Betty up to the lift, followed closely by Dick, who's watching her Daisy Dukes with a glint in his eye

Posted: 6:29 PM - Aug 14, 2011
{mm, mm, mmm..why does she taunt me?}

<slight grin as he and Mrs. Slocumbe turns in the lift and the doors close>

{I must resist, it's the only way}, <biting down on his lower lip as he looks Ms. Brahms over while the lift lowers down to the main floor. >

Ah, yes....<clears throat> did you notice that Linda and Mr. Humphries were still talking and rummaging around? I wonder what that was all about?

Posted: 9:59 PM - Aug 14, 2011
Waits outside Grace Brothers for a taxi. He tries to flag down a taxi that is approaching Grace Brothers. The taxi is already occupied and drives past Grace Brothers. Grainger frowns and waits for the next taxi to drive near the entrance of Grace Brothers.

Posted: 12:17 AM - Aug 15, 2011
Oh yes Miss Brahams thank you so much I'm quite glad that you and Mr. Lucas are going to come along with me. I think there must have been something wrong with those last few brandies I've gotten quite dizzy and its still awfully warm in here isn't it? My word it does look like there is something else going on with Mr. Humphries. You think we should go back and see what is going on? He might need help.

Posted: 12:27 AM - Aug 15, 2011
Nah. Come on! We're looking forward to meeting this Jim fella. An' if 'e tries anyfing I'll take you 'ome while Dick 'ere sorts 'im out! Right, Dick?

Posted: 7:06 PM - Aug 15, 2011
That's right Shirley...I'll handle that American if he messes with me ladies. <looking yonder thru the doors, sees old man Grainger> Say, that looks like Grainger standing over there...should we ask if he wants to tag along?

Posted: 1:20 AM - Aug 16, 2011
That's not a bad idea. Oi! Mr Grainger? Are you free?

Posted: 3:04 PM - Aug 16, 2011
Next thing I know we'll be carting Captain Peacock and Mr. Rumbold with us to the pub! Mind you that might not be a bad idea. Are you lot up for a darts match tonight? Grace Brothers really should get up a darts team you know. Larry and Willets has one.

Posted: 9:40 PM - Aug 16, 2011
Oh, hello! Are you going to meet your special friend Jim, Mrs. Slocombe?

Posted: 9:46 PM - Aug 16, 2011
Ya know, I might do a few games of darts me self...just to keep me eyes on you and Shirley during the evenin'. < Stating as he tried to hail a taxi. Shirley was over talking to Mr. Grainger while he , too, was trying to get his own taxi.

While you two try to get a taxi, I'm goin' back in to see if Mr. Humphries is done yet. Perhaps him and his "ladie" <did the finger movements> buddies would like to join us later.

If you happen to get a taxi, I'll meet up with you later.

< upon stating, left Mrs. Slocumbe on a bench in Ms. Brahms view, and turned, went back into the building.
getting into the lifts, up the floor, exiting the lifts to see...

Mr. Humphries in Ms. Brahms dress, stockings and heels, wig, big feather hat and silk gloves...

jaw dropped as he stood there to watch Mr. Humphries turn and pose, holding a handbag, then turn again, and cover his face with a hanky.

shaking head, giggling, sees the other assistant dressed in Mr. Graingers suit with a toupee and fake moustache, pipe and cane.>

Well, by golly. < clapping hands as he walks down the stairs and startles all> What do we have here. I've always wondered what you do on your time off. < snickers>

I was gonna ask you if you wanted to join me and Shirley to chaparone Mrs. Slocumbe's date...but, I see you're having a little rondevue of ya own.< laughes>

Posted: 11:22 PM - Aug 16, 2011
Linda has called in two of her mates to help with make-up and to pose as models. Meanwhile, Humphries has put on Brahms' outfit and is trying a few poses. He hears Lucas and stops; he turns his head ever-so-slowly to face him.

Humphries: I know exactly what you're thinking and it's not true. I'm only doing this because SOMEONE forgot to change the film in her camera so we only got about half the shots!

Linda: Quit whining and get back to work! Besides, you look kinda hot in that frock. I may just ditch Amelia... (gives him a grin)

Amelia: (rolls her eyes) Riiiiiiiiiiiight.

Humphries: Anyway, we're almost done. Don't tell the others, alright? I was going to explain on Monday after we get the sales book done. I was also hoping no one would recognise me in this lot. I've got on more make-up than Tammy Faye Bakker! You go ahead and have your darts game with the others. As soon as we're done here I'm going home and having a very stiff drink or five. Then I've got to get ready for the train tomorrow. I'm going to Littlehampton and staying with my cousin Neville Saturday night. You know, he's just inherited his father's rock factory. I'll bring everyone back some peppermint balls.

Posted: 10:50 AM - Aug 17, 2011
< big cheeky grin> heh heh heh heh eheeh, Ya know. Linda's right. You do look hot! <giggles>

Alright, I won't tell, I'll let it be a surprise. And what a whopper it will be!

<walks over to Linda and elbows her> whatta way to spend more time with 'im, forgetting to reload...brilliant!

<turning walking back up the stairs to the lifts>

Alrighty then, I'm off to watch over the girls. With Mrs. Slocumbe meeting this American gent and Ms. Brahms in those Daisy duke shorts, I'm gonna have one heck of a night before me. <entering the lifts>

I just hope I survive! <lifts close>

Posted: 5:05 PM - Aug 17, 2011
Goodness Miss Brahams we should have been at the pub by now. I hope Jim didn't think I was standing him up. I did warn him that I might be late because of work. They don't give you much time to have a private life at all at Grace Brothers! Oh hello Mr. Grainger are you going to join us at the pub? You're very welcome to since Mrs. Grainger has already ate dinner. They have fish n chips there for munchies tonight and they do them very well.

Posted: 9:35 PM - Aug 17, 2011
Brahms: We are at the pub, Betty. Look. She points the a sign above a door. 'Ere comes Dick now. Oh, let's go in and get a drink. I could do wif a nice strong John Thomas.

Lucas: (stares at her, shocked) Really?!

Brahms: (facepalms) Not that. I meant a John Collins. Oh let's go in.

They enter the pub and find a table near the entrance where they can watch for Jim

Brahms: I'll go get the drinks and order some fish 'n chips. What's everyone drinking?

Posted: 8:34 PM - Aug 18, 2011
Just a beer for me. < sitting, watching the place. strange to be here on a friday night, without a date, but chaparoning an older lady and making sure her matching up with an American doesn't go into a tizzy. But, at least, Mr. Grainger is here to talk too, hopefully he can stay>

Posted: 1:51 AM - Aug 19, 2011
Gets two pints of beer, a John Collins, and a gin and tonic; the pubkeep brings over a couple baskets of hot fish and chips

What's this Jim fella look like, Betty? Is he all big an' muscley wif tattoos on 'is arms? I'll bet 'e's real tall an' 'as a thick beard.

Posted: 9:51 AM - Aug 19, 2011
I don't know Shirley, he may be short and fat like that gent there,<motioning towards a stowtish redhead man> or, real skinny and bald like that one. <motioning towards one that looked like a biker.>

It's hard tellin' with him being an American chap.

Posted: 6:52 PM - Aug 19, 2011
Grainger doesn't touch his drink right away. He tries to locate the American that
Slocombe was planning to meet. Grainger gives up and has some beer.

A man walks toward their table, but apparently it wasn't this Jim fellow because he seemed to head to the gents' washroom that was past their table.

The four stayed at their table as they wondered about how to find this Jim fellow.

Posted: 10:57 PM - Aug 19, 2011
A forty-something fellow comes in with dark red hair; he's about 6'1", beefy, and is wearing a red flannel shirt with boot-cut jeans and hiking boots; he's holding a single long-stemmed rose and carrying a bottle of Bluecoat; he spies Slocombe and smiles as he comes over

Brahms: I think Jim's just come in.

Lucas: Which one?

Brahms: The one carrying a rose and a bottle of gin.

Jim: You must be Betty Slocombe. (hands her the rose) Why yer even purtier than I imagined! I snuck a bottle of summa our stuff from my last trip back home. Thought you might like t'try some. Bluecoat American dry gin!

Posted: 11:01 PM - Aug 19, 2011
Meanwhile...back on the first floor...

Linda: Okay, I think we're done. Nice work, Clay. You're a natural!

Humphries: You coulda fooled me. (stares down at the frock they put him in)

Amelia: Go get changed and we'll put this stuff up.

Humphries: GLADLY! This just isn't me at all... (mutters to himself as he minces into the fitting room)

Posted: 10:40 AM - Aug 20, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe has dropped her jaw in complete surprise at Jim's appearance. Secretly she thought he was going to stand her up and so did her friends which is why they came along to support her. Its good to have friends like them she thinks. She struggles to rise in the confining dress. You're Jim she asks?

Jim: They give each other a huge hug. You could tell he at first thought Miss Brahams was Mrs. Slocumbe but he recovered very well without Mrs. Slocumbe noticing. Yes ma'am I'm Jim! I'm the one you've been talking to on the CB and brought you a bottle of our gin for you to try since you said that your favorite liquor is gin. Don't know if it will be as strong as your stuff here appears to be. That ale gives you quite a kick. I was drinking with this one fella in a pub down in Kent and we was drinking something called Cripple Dick. Only took 3 of them to knock me out. I don't remember how I got back to my truck. I remember asking the barmaid why they called it such a silly name and the label on the bottle was of an upside down holly leaf and its berries made it look well um... She gave a giggle and told me to drink 12 of them and try to come talk to her. I have no idea what she meant by that phrase. I'm still getting used to the lingo here you know. I'm finding out though there isn't much difference between the people here and Texas. I'm beginning to feel quite at home. Mrs. Slocumbe its been a real treat to have you to talk to on the CB and all I'm glad we've finally hooked up in person after all this time. Why don't you introduce me to your friends?

Mrs. Slocumbe has finally come back to herself after Jim's speech. Well ladies first, this is Miss Brahams (Jim shakes her hand). She is my assistant on the ladies counter. Mr. Lucas is sitting next to her he is the junior on the men's counter (Jim shakes his hand). That older gentleman on the other side of Mr. Lucas is Mr. Grainger. Mr. Grainger is the senior assistant on the men's counter. Mr. Grainger is also asleep. Mr. Lucas can you arose him for me so he can meet Jim properly. You know Jim, this is way past his bed time and he's fair knackered.

Mr. Lucas: Mr. Grainger are you free? Mr. Grainger wakes up with a start yes, yes I'm free! Mrs. Slocumbe's friend Jim here would like to meet you. Mr. Grainger Jim, Jim Mr. Grainger.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Captain Peacock, is the floorwalker I've been telling you about he went home. Mr. Rumbold, the head of the department also departed. Mr. Humphries well she searched for a word to describe Mr. Humphries. Mr. Humphries remained behind at the store on the floor to clean up after we had our photo shoot for our new store sale papers we're going to start using to boost sales

Posted: 3:07 PM - Aug 20, 2011
So, Jim, how long are ya here for? What kind of business do ya do? That was some grip you had there. Ever do some lumberjacking? <laughs>

Posted: 12:20 AM - Aug 21, 2011
Brahms: Give over, Dick. (rolls her eyes)

Jim: S'gonna take me a while to learn ya'll's lingo here. Before I left someone done told me that ya'll call a elevator a lift, an' my truck's a lorry. What else? Tea is dinner, depending on the time of day. The trunk of yer car is the boot, an' on the front you got the bonnet instead of the hood. I got a good many a them memorised but I'll tell you, Betty, when you was talkin' 'bout your cat a few times...well, let's just say that I was a-thinkin' o'somethin' mighty different at first 'til I caught on!

Brahms: What'd you think she was talking about?

Slocombe: That'll do, Shirley.

Brahms: (it dawns on her what Jim was thinking and she grins, then she looks quite cross when she looks over at the bar) Of all the bloody...there's Nick! An' he's snogging some blonde bird! 'E said 'e was goin' over to 'is mum's to fix 'er bathroom faucets! Oooh, I should go over there an' give 'im a piece o' my mind!

Posted: 12:01 PM - Aug 21, 2011
Let's do one better, Shirley...<suggests Mr. Lucas> Let's dance, and make sure he sees us. we can do a little dirty dancing...<elbowing Shirley and onery heh heh heh>, OR, a slow romantic dance.

<Shirley thinks about it for awhile. Looking over at Nick, and seeing him with that blonde after lying about being at his mums, just made her see red. >

Shirley: Alright Dick, just watch yor hands.

<They both get up from their table and walk to the dance floor. The band just started playing a spicy tune...~I Need A HERO~, He takes Shirley by the waist and they start out close and steady. A glow on Mr. Lucas' face as he can't believe that he's finally this close to Ms. Brahms, and better yet, a REVENGE dance...{she will be a little naughty just for spite} he thinks as they dance to the the chorus.....

And he was right...right at the chorus, where it gets faster in pace, she let it loose...{beautiful} he thinks as they take over the floor, one of her barretts come loose and her hair starts to fly, flowing free with the moves of the dance...

everyone stops to watch these two dance the dance of seduction and lust.

even NICK.

ending the dance with Dick holding Shirley in a stance bending over her and her in a leaned back position with her arm held up over her head straight and leg kicked out.

Posted: 9:37 PM - Aug 21, 2011
Oh that's right Jim I should have warned you that over here we call cats pussies or moggies. Don't forget that a bird here doesn't just mean the ones that fly either (as she chuckles). Oh my this gin tastes quite nice Jim. This was so thoughtful of you. What have you found over here to drink that you like so far? What do you like to eat?

Jim: Well I do like the tea over here better than back home. You see we don't drink as much tea as you lot do its mostly expensive coffee. I'm still feeling my way around as it were on the alcoholic beverages (he laughs). You know I was right surprised to find out that English food isn't boring at all. I don't know why they spread that nasty rumor back home that you Brits have boring food. Lets see I've tried some steaknkidney pie, shepherds pie, fishnchips, sausage rolls, a nice roast of lamb, pork pie, what's that dish with the sausage and cabbage well whatever that name is that is quite good and that yorkshire pudding thing although why the pudding part is called that is beyond me and something called toad in the hole which aside from what its name implies is quite tasty. What I really like is how you lot do up a breakfast! Now that will get you stoked up for the day. Those bacon butty's are also quite tasty. I'm glad that the pubs have such good meals. Its very hard for a truck driver to get a home cooked meal when they're on the road most of the time. Sorry lorry driver.

Posted: 12:19 AM - Aug 22, 2011
. o O ( Blimey! I never knew Dick could dance like this! I'm actually sweating a bit. Bet ol' Nick's green with envy! )

The song ends and the two return to the table; Nick comes over and whispers urgently into Shirley's ear but she shrugs him off; he continues and she gets cross

Oi! Sod off, you bleedin' berk! I see 'ow it is now. (she scoots her chair closer to Dick's) You can just keep walkin', ya bleedin' wog. I'm with much better company tonight.

Nick leaves, looking a bit discouraged; later he slips out the back with the blonde looking quite chipper

Thank you, Dick. That was very sweet. (she gives Dick a peck on the cheek) But 'ere, where'd you learn to dance like that?

Posted: 8:28 PM - Aug 22, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe: Well Jim you'll have to come over for dinner at my place one weekend. I'd be glad to make you a traditional British Sunday dinner. Mind you I have a roommate Mrs. Axelby. I'm sure you two would get along just fine. You'll get to meet my pussy Tiddles and my bird Winston.

Jim: It would be my pleasure to visit ya for dinner Mrs. Slocumbe! You know its refreshing to find a woman that is not afraid to stay at home and cook. Most women in the states if you want dinner you're more than likely having to make it yourself. I know, I'll make something that we eat for ya on Saturday and you make me dinner on Sunday. I have the spices with me and to tell you the truth I'm getting a bit homesick for our comfort food. That is if you wouldn't mind spending a weekend with me.

Mrs. Slocumbe getting all coy: Why no Jim that would be just delightful. I'm glad you're such a gent. You know my friends came along with me to make sure I was safe. They've heard stories about you Texans and of course being a lorry driver as well, well you can guess their concern.

Jim: Oh yes I can Mrs. Slocumbe but rest assured my Mum raised a gentleman. I'm not taking any liberties with you that is unwanted. You let me know which weekend you want to spend together and I'll arrange my deliveries.

Posted: 9:15 PM - Aug 22, 2011
<feeling very pleased with himself, taking a swig of beer> Actually, Shirley, me mum taught me before she got all crippled up. I used to help her teach lessons while growing up.

I got to're pretty light on your feet, and we did mop the floor!

Would you like to try another? Perhaps a slow rumble?

Posted: 12:45 AM - Aug 23, 2011
Looks over at Betty and Jim getting all cozy and has an idea

Y'know, I think these two are going to be just fine. Whaddya say we let them be for tonight, get Grainger 'ere home safe an' sound, and grab a coffee over at Beppo's?

Posted: 2:12 AM - Aug 23, 2011
Grainger realized that Jim and Betty were hitting it off. He watched along with everyone as Dick and Shirley danced ...

He started to feel out of place. He got up from his seat ... and slipped away to the washroom ...

Posted: 10:51 AM - Aug 23, 2011
Sounds like a good idea. The poor chap is probably feeling out of place being up so late. I'll go find him and meet you at the exit.

Posted: 7:41 PM - Aug 24, 2011
Grainger emerges from the washroom just as Lucas returns to the table where Jim and Slocombe are talking.

Mr. Lucas, it seems that the two lovebirds are getting along fine without us. I think I should go home now because it is getting late.

Posted: 8:39 PM - Aug 24, 2011
Alright Mr. Grainger, me and Shirley will walk you out and hail a taxi for you.

Posted: 9:17 PM - Aug 24, 2011
The three walk outside and get a taxi for Grainger; once he's on his way home Shirley and Dick look a bit awkward for a moment until...

C'mon. Let's go get a coffee at Beppo's. I could do with a quick nosh, too.

Posted: 2:04 PM - Aug 25, 2011
Betty and Jim are still chatting away unaware that they have been deserted by Mrs. Slocumbe's friends. Eventually they drift over to the dart board and begin playing a game.

Jim: You didn't tell me you knew how to play darts Betty as he watches her make one bulls eye after another.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Oh I play darts a time or two and I'm on a couple of leagues. You didn't tell me you was as good as you are Jim.

Posted: 3:51 PM - Aug 25, 2011
Over at Beppo's, Shirley's ordered a coffee and a sandwich

You've been awfully sweet tonight, Dick. I've almost forgotten you're a sex-crazed hormonal twit. (she raises an eyebrow) What's your game?

Posted: 7:08 PM - Aug 26, 2011
<half cocked grin> No game Shirley...<looking over at her while sipping his cup of coffee> Just let me tell ya this...being honest here...

I've been mad about you since your department was moved down to our floor. That stupid "sexy knickers" letter was meant for you. But Mrs. Slocumbe got hold of it instead.

I do go out on dates. Me mother pushes me to. But, <sighes> I do it to satisfy her, of her wanting me to find that certain someone...<takes another sip>

Me mother may have taught me to dance, but she also taught me how to treat a lady...

<getting a "yeah right" look on Shirleys face>

I know, it's an act...< laughs > really. It's my weird way of teasing.

Me father taught me to be a handyman. He always told mum that dancing would make me a hard maintenance is the thing to mold me into a man.

And, during work time with him, he would tell me things that should be done with women...and let me say,

If you were my girl, you'd NEVER catch me out with another bird.

Posted: 10:12 PM - Aug 26, 2011
. o O ( Is he full of it or is he being honest? Hmmm... If only he wasn't so cute... Maybe I have been a bit hard on him. Maybe he's different when he's not around the blokes at work. He does like to act like a macho man in from of Humphries. Probably to show him how it's done. Clay's not exactly masculine. Oh dear. Dick's stopped talking. I should probably say something. Alright Shirley...stay cool, calm, collected...don't let him figure out you are a bit keen on him... )

Well, I s'pose I could give you a chance. I'll 'ave to cut things off properly with Nick first. 'E deserves a right duffin' up, 'e does. We'll go back to that pub when we're done 'ere and I'll tell him 'e can get stuffed!
Tell you can come over tomorrow night and watch Doctor Who. I'll make a hot pot for us.

Posted: 6:41 PM - Aug 27, 2011
Are you sure you want to go back and confront 'im? I mean seein' 'im with that bird might light that fuse again and words could turn into fists.

< shorts laughs as he sips >

Posted: 12:49 AM - Aug 28, 2011
You 'ave a good point. But I don't like leaving things unfinished. I'll just tell 'im what a rotten bastard 'e is and we'll be off.

'Ow's your coffee? What did you order? I forgot.

Posted: 11:44 AM - Aug 28, 2011
Everythings fine here...If you feel you have too, then let's do it. But I want to be around just in case you need a friend.

Posted: 4:37 PM - Aug 28, 2011
. o O ( He's being awfully sweet. Hmmm...let's see how he acts when we're around the boys. )

They finish their meal, chatting amiably about this and that; they return to the pub, where they find Jim and Betty sitting at a corner table, getting very friendly; Shirley giggles behind her hand and nudges Dick

Lookit them! I can only imagine the report I'll get on Monday morning. Whatcha wanna bet she tells me nuffing 'appened an' she made 'im take 'er 'ome straight away? Ugh, it's too much. C'mon, let's go find Nick.

She spies Nick still at the pub counter with the blonde bird, getting very friendly indeed; Shirley storms over and grabs his arm; the sound of her berating Nick is drowned out by the introduction of Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting that suddenly started blasting from the juke box

Posted: 4:48 PM - Aug 28, 2011
Meanwhile... Claybourne, Linda, and Amelia have finally cleared everything up and left the store; he's exhausted and slightly ashamed

How could they do that to me? (whimpers) Green is just NOT my colour! And those shoes. Tsk! Oh, I could do with a stiff drink. Maybe I will stop by the pub and see how things are going with Mrs Slocombe and that Jim fellow. Dick might be there still. I am quite tired. I think I'll just have one drink then I'll go home. After all, I do have that train to catch in the morning...

Posted: 11:13 PM - Aug 28, 2011
In the taxi cab on the way home ...

Grainger was happy to finally be heading home after such a long day. He paused and he wondered why Mr. Humphries had to say in later than the others. Oh well, he missed out on having fun at the pub. Tomorrow he could ask Slocombe about how her night was with Jim.

Posted: 8:17 PM - Aug 29, 2011
<Standing back alittle ways, watching Shirley and Nick have at it, even though the jukebox is blaring, the verbal fight between the two is getting heated up minute by minute...

then the blonde sticks her nose into the arguement, so it's two against one. But Shirley doesn't back down for a moment, she holds her ground firm.

Right then, Mr. Humphries walk in...

Humphries: What have I missed? <he asks as he finds Mr. Lucas and views Ms. Brahms and her ex in a heated rumble.>

Ahh, let me explain..< giggled Mr. Lucas, with his arms crossed, keeping an eye on the three, telling Mr. Humphries about Nick lying about his evening events and being found out...

all of a sudden...Nicks' hand forms a fist and raises in the air...

cutting short...> 'cuse me! <Mr. Lucas exclaimed as he jumped in front of Shirley and grabbed Nicks fist just as it fell short of her face...

squeezing his fist and bending it back...Shirley gasps as she jumps away from the blow and runs to Mr. Humphries...Both Humphries and Brahms are looking at Lucas.

Never have they seen that look in his eyes before...Nick is down on his knees as Mr. Lucas bends that fist back and leans in, talking to him as he applies pressure...his face turning redder as he talks to the man on the floor...

He says more and Nick crying, nods and he finally lets go of his hand. Nick shakes his hands and grabs it. Sits for a moment. Mr. Lucas turns and adjusts his collar and starts to walk toward Shirley and Claybourne when Nick gets up, pulls out a knife and runs towards Lucas...

Shirley screams....

Lucas turns around, grabs his hand which holds the knife and knees his groin. Nick releases the knife and Mr. Lucas goes at him...the bobbies are called in and both are arrested.>

Mr. Humphries, make sure Ms. Brahms get home safe. <Mr. Lucas calls out as he's escorted out in handcuffs.

Posted: 10:17 PM - Aug 29, 2011
We can't let them take 'im in like this!

Shirley races over to the office in charge and explains what happened; he shakes his head and tells her she can post bail as soon as they get him to the station

C'mon Clay. I'll call 'is mum an' see about gettin' 'im out. Oh, this is all my fault! If I 'adn't been so stubborn this never woulda 'appened!

Posted: 10:25 PM - Aug 29, 2011
Calm down, Shirley. I'll call his mother. See if you can find Mrs Slocombe and update her on the situation. We'll all go down to the station.

Claybourne goes outside and finds a call box; he dials Mrs Lucas and she answers straight away

Mrs Lucas? Hello! This is Dick's friend, Claybourne Humphries. Yes, that one. Y-yes...yes ma'am, that was a lovely evening. I agree. I shall never forget the Russian salad, either.
Look, I don't mean to interrupt but there's a slight situation. You see, Dick was just arrested a moment ago. Well, it seems that he was defending one of our coworkers when her ex-boyfriend tried to assault her, then he pulled a knife on Dick, who...yes, he did. How did you...? Really? How much do these courses cost? Really? I must sign up for one straight away. Anyway, we're about to go to the station and post his bail. Yes. Kensington station. Oh, thank you, Mrs Lucas! Yes! See you soon!

He races back inside and finds Shirley crying into Betty's shoulder

Don't worry, Mrs Lucas is on her way. Dick will be out in no time. And as there are so many witnesses, we can easily defend him in court when his case comes up. Now dry your tears, Love. Everything will be alright.

Posted: 10:28 PM - Aug 29, 2011
Oh, thank you Mr Hu- er, Claybourne. (dabs at her eyes with a handkerchief) C'mon. Let's go.

I'm real sorry, Mrs Slocombe. We didn't mean to mess up your date wif Jim. (she waves goodbye to them)

Posted: 9:48 AM - Aug 30, 2011
<sees the two enter, gets up and meets them at the bars>
Blimey, what a night! <slight grin with a shiner and a crack at the corner of his mouth>

Ms. Brahms: Are 'ou alright? <grabbing the bars and leaning in>

I'm fine, fine...just a little nick here and there. Heh, heh, heh...nick.

<Shirley and Claybourne just look at each other>

Mr. Humphries: Your mother should be here any minute now. You know, you never told me you took courses on kickboxing. What other mysterious items lurk behind you?

Well, Claybourne, I guess.....

GUARD: LUCAS!! You've made bail! < walking towards the cell and unlocking, releasing Mr. Lucas and he hugs Shirley and Claybourne. The three walk down the hall and out the door.

Mrs. Lucas: My boy, are you alright? < she asks as she walks over to him slowly with her cane and hugs him>

I'm fine momma. I'm sorry you had to come out so late. I'd like to introduce you to me friends. You know Mr. Humphries, Claybourne. < hand guides mum to Humphries and Humphries of course throws his charm and greets her>

And this is Ms. Brahms,< put arm around and pulls Shirley towards her>

Mrs. Lucas: Soo, this is the co-worker my Dickie was defending. <stating as she reaches out her crippled hand to shake Shirleys hand>

<Shirley does a small curtsey and shakes her hand> Yes, Ma'am. He's a hero. My hero.

Mrs. Lucas: I'm am proud of my Dickie. < reaches up and pats his cheek.> Now let's make sure all gets home. Me neighbour has the car running and will take all home. He is a dear, sweet man.

Posted: 1:05 AM - Aug 31, 2011
They walk out of the police station; Mrs Lucas leads them to a blue Cortina parked outside; she gets in while the others chat for a moment

Claybourne: You two run along. My bus should be here in a moment. (gives Dick a meaningful look) I'll see you both Monday morning!

A bus arrives a second later and Claybourne gets on along with a few OAPs

Shirley: I'm not far from here. D'you mind giving me a lift?

Dick: Sure, let's go.

They get in the car; a few minutes later they arrive at a block of semi-detached houses in Paddington; Dicks walks Shirley to her door

Shirley: Thanks for the lift. I'm so glad you're alright. You were so sweet and brave and... (she throws her arms around his neck and kisses him)

Posted: 8:59 AM - Aug 31, 2011
<big smile on face as the kiss stops>

One more for the road, eh? <He coos as he takes Shirley by the waist and pulls her closer, glides his free hand down the side of her face and to her chin, pulling her lips up to his. >

<After a minute of passionate embrace, he lets her go. She falls against her front door and sighes. >

<Bends over, picks a flower, hands it to her and bows...>

Until tomorrow night, my dear lady...< and blows a kiss >

Posted: 10:54 PM - Aug 31, 2011
Shirley is speechless; she reaches behind and finds the door handle; it's all she can do to keep from skipping into the house; soon she is ready for bed and falls asleep to some very nice dreams

Posted: 10:56 PM - Aug 31, 2011
Monday morning dawns bright and early on London; Humphries arrives about half an hour early, hoping that the new sales papers have arrived; he is eager to see how they look; he signs in and catches the watchful eye of the floorwalker

Good morning, Captain Peacock! Do you know when our sales papers will be arriving?

Posted: 2:51 PM - Sep 01, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe is look at Jim who is looking at everyone else!

My word what an evening. Jim do you mind if we pick this up at the weekend? We need to go sort this out and get Mr. Lucas out of the nick for assaulting Nick.

Jim: He was lucky I didn't see what was going on or he would have felt what the boys in my trucking firm call the hammer! Right lets go Betty we'll get this mess sorted out. I'm not leaving ya yet.

Posted: 2:58 PM - Sep 01, 2011
Sorry about that Kayla forgot which RGP she was in!

Good morning Mr. Humphries! Mr. Rumbold said the sale papers are supposed to be ready by the doors at the opening bell which should be ringing shortly. How was your weekend? Did Mrs. Slocumbe have her date with Jim?

Posted: 3:02 PM - Sep 01, 2011
Mr. Rumbold comes out of the lift gates.

Good morning everybody! Mr.. Harmon just put the sale papers by the doors as I was coming in. I managed to grab a few for us to take a look. I must say Mr. Humphries your friend Linda did a marvelous job with the pictures. However, I'm very puzzled as to what happened with the shots of Mrs. Slocumbe and Miss Brahams. I'd know you in a dress any where Mr. Humphries but I must say you carried it off well. One wouldn't know it was you unless they knew you well.

Posted: 6:26 PM - Sep 01, 2011
<lifts ding and open, out comes Mr. Lucas with a shiner and eye closed and his lip cut at the corner. Mr. Humphries ACTS surprised along with Mr. Rumbold and Captain Peacock as they watch him walk down the stairs>

G'morning Mr. Rumbold, Capt. Peacock. Nice day, 'eh? <trying to keep head turned away as he signs in.

Posted: 6:45 PM - Sep 01, 2011
Deleted User

EXTRA EXTRA!! Read all about it...Lovers spat turns to rumble at local club!

Yes sirre bob! This reporter has seen some matches in his days. But let me tell you. Never before have I ever seen the handy work of this young man that stepped in and saved a yound lady from getting wolloped from her ex-boyfriend during a lovers quarrel.

This young man was able to stop a punch in mid air, bring the chap down to his knees and make the bloke cry!

THEN, when he released the poor chappy and was walking away, the cry baby arose and pulled out a knife, and ran towards the man.

The stranger then turned, grabbed his wrist, kneed him and beat the bloody hell out of him until the bobbies came and arrested them both.

I had to find out who this young hero was. I went to the station, but they would not release the name of either chaps.

I came back to the club and the only one that would talk about the ordeal said that it was the most dramactic thing she had ever witnessed, and she was unaminious in that.

I will track down this unknown hero...Rest assured.

Posted: 11:03 PM - Sep 01, 2011
Brahms arrives with a sales paper in her hand, mouth agape, for she recognises Humphries as well

Blimey! You look a real treat in that lot, Mr Humphries. But why in the world did they use you instead of us?

She sees Lucas and gives him a subtle wink

Wotcher, Dicky! (slips him a note that has a tinge of her perfume on it)

Posted: 11:08 PM - Sep 01, 2011
The lift doors ding and Mrs. Slocumbe looking rather the worse for wear in her face and hair.

Good morning everyone. I see the sale papers have been placed at the doors. What happened to the pictures of me and Miss Brahams Mr. Humphries? You did pull off a rather good picture in the other togs we were supposed to be pushing.

Miss Brahams, I'm glad to see that you and Mr. Lucas got home from the nick alright. Me and Jim followed you lot there and when we saw Mrs. Lucas alight we knew everything would be alright. What in the world happened that caused such an uproar? I thought you and Mr. Lucas had left with Mr. Grainger.

Posted: 11:09 PM - Sep 01, 2011
Humphries' lower lip wobbles and he blushes scarlet

Alright, that IS me in the paper. Linda forgot to put new film in her camera so she missed half the shots. Anyway, she called in some of her friends and they dressed me up, put make-up on me, gave me, er... (holds hands in front of his chest and mimes squeezing a pair of breasts) I had to walk around in bloody heels for an hour while they took more photographs. Fortunately, they did get the men and there were a few shots of the women. Look... (he points to a photo of Slocombe in her formal attire)
I won't ever do that again! Not for Grace Brothers, anyway. (minces off to his counter and he sees the morning newspaper; he whispers to Lucas) Someone made the front page this morning!

Posted: 4:41 PM - Sep 02, 2011
Oh would you look at that Miss Brahams! Didn't we turn out lovely and so did you Mr. Humphries. That was good of you to stand in for us. What a shame that Linda forgot to reload her camera. Why doesn't she have one of those digital things that don't take film?

Posted: 7:23 PM - Sep 02, 2011
<taking the paper from Mr. Humphries and reading the article> Gah, Blimey...I do hope that blasted reporter don't find out who the blazes I am. Do keep it a secret Mr. Humphries. <whispering to Claybourne>

<takes the note that Shirley gave him and held it to his nose, inhaled and sighed...looking over softly loveydovey at the Ladies counter, sees Shirley and puckers a soft kiss towards her. Then places the perfumed note in his coat pocket and taps it with his hand with a big smile 😀 on his face>

Posted: 2:09 AM - Sep 03, 2011
Oh, you look a real treat in that frock, Mrs Slocombe.

Waits until her superior isn't looking and blows a kiss to Lucas

Right, gossip time! What'd you lot do after you left the pub? DETAILS!

Posted: 2:12 AM - Sep 03, 2011
Gives Slocombe a blank stare; isn't this 1975?

(whispers to Lucas) Don't worry. Your secret is safe with us.

(clears throat) I wonder where Mr Grainger is....

Posted: 2:26 PM - Sep 03, 2011
I hope his old lady didn't get on him for staying out late the other night. <giggles as he preps his area for the day> He only had one beer, the poor devil, he felt so out of place with Ol' Slocumbe nuzzleling up to that Jim fella and Shirley fighting with Nick.

Btw, if anyone asks...I was playing with the neighbour kids and things got rough during a game of tag. I'd wink but...<points to eye>

Posted: 4:51 PM - Sep 03, 2011
Humphries: I've got just the thing for that. (rummages in his personal drawer and extracts two items) Here, sit down and hold still. (he opens a jar of some sort of analgesic cream and dips his finger in) This will bring down the swelling in no time. (dabs a little around Lucas' eye and gently rubs it in) I bruise easily and use this all the time to minimise swelling. And when that kicks in, we'll use this to hide it. (holds up a small bag of cosmetics) Don't look at me like that! Lots of macho men use this to hide blemishes on their faces.

Lucas: (snatches an eyeshadow case from it) How'm I supposed to look macho with...jade green? Peacock blue? Cinnamon sunset?! Cappucino delight?! This isn't make-up. This is a coffee shoppe menu.

Humphries: Shut up and let me work my magic. (he smears some stuff on Dick's face and a few moments later you can't tell he has a black eye, but you can tell he's wearing make-up) Well! That's better. You look a bit like a cheap whore but at least you don't look like you've been duffing up dago baskets in a pub.

Posted: 5:04 PM - Sep 03, 2011
The elevator doors open and Mr. Grainger enters the department. He makes it down the stairs and waves hello hurriedly at Captain Peacock. He doesn't realize that Rumbold is there until he reaches his counter.

He is about to say 'hello' when he notices Humpries apply makeup to Lucas's face ...

bigeyed woah huh2

Grainger: Mr Humphries?

Humphries: (whispers) keep you voice down Mr. Grainger. Lucas ... Dick got into an accident this morning while waiting at his bus stop, apparently he was accused of jumping the queue.

Grainger: (whispers) That is a nasty bruise. Mind you I did get an earful at 5 a.m. when my wife listened to the BBC on the radio this morning. Apparently there was a fight in the pub that we went to last night.

unsure Mr. Lucas stared at Mr. Humphries nervously hoping that Grainger wouldn't realize that the 'hero' was Dick.

Humphries: (Whispers) The BBC featured a piece about the pub fight on the radio?

Grainger: (whispers) Oh yes. I haven't had a chance to read the newspaper yet, did the morning edition mention the pub fight?

Posted: 10:59 PM - Sep 03, 2011
Gah, Blimey...<whispers Mr. Lucas nervously as he stands and looks around the floor, hoping Captain Peacock nor Mr. Rumbold hadn't heard Mr. Grainger make that statement about the bar fight>

If it's on the airwaves along with the papers, that blasted reporter is bound to find out who the "hero" is.

What else could I do??? I couldn't let that bastard hit Shirley, now could I??

Posted: 11:13 PM - Sep 03, 2011
Now just calm down, Mr Lucas. It's not as if the police are going to release your name to the public. They have to keep these things secure. Besides, you ARE a hero! Just look at the way Miss Brahms watches you now.

They look across the floor at Brahms, who keeps sneaking glances at Lucas; she catches his eye and winks coyly at him

See that? She wants you. BAD.

Posted: 9:01 AM - Sep 04, 2011
<stands there, big grin, arms crossed.>

You're right. Blimey, after all these years of flirting and rude gestures, it took getting a bloody blackeye to win her over.

<leans against the counter and lovingly looks at Brahms, rubs his jaw, looks over at Humphries...>

She was worth it.

Posted: 5:38 PM - Sep 04, 2011
We didn't make the news at that pub did we Mr. Grainger?

Mr. Humphries I saw one of those digital thingies on Dr. Who the other night. If the Doctor has one I'm sure they're available probably just very expensive but from what I heard, they are going to take the place of regular cameras.

Okay now Miss Brahams back to Jim and I. We had a very nice time at the pub. He got me home in his lorry. Mind you it was very difficult getting up into that cab of his. Fortunately he dug out a ladder to help me up. You know his lorry is quite nice inside. Aside from his steering wheel being on the wrong side it looks quite homey. He has a double sized bed and a small refrigerator with a two burner electric fire on top. He said he tries to make as many of his meals in his truck as he can so he can save his money. Any way, we got home and he parked his truck at the end of the cul-de-sac. He was such a gent. He got me to the door, gave me a nice peck on the cheek, made sure I got in safely and he slept in his truck. We had such a marvelous time this past weekend. He showed me how to make some of his favorite dishes. He made me up something Saturday night for dinner that he called Chili ConCarne. That's supposed to mean beans and meat. It was quite hot to eat but very tasty. He made something called corn bread made out of corn meal. He said he would have made me something called tortillas but he didn't have the proper equipment with him. Apparently they're something similar to flat bread. On Sunday I made him a roast of lamb with the mint sauce and parsley potatoes. In between we played darts and cards. We had such a good time. He had to leave this morning to go off to Wales for another couple of runs but he promised to call me on the CB tonight and check in. We're supposed to get together next weekend. You know Miss Brahams it is lovely to have a man to share things with without having that awful tussle.

Posted: 5:40 PM - Sep 04, 2011
Did I hear that you had some trouble getting to work Mr. Lucas? I amazed you got here on time for a change. Mr. Grainger you went with them to the pub? I thought you were all going there to chaperone Mrs. Slocumbe in case her date turned out to be a cad.

Posted: 8:25 PM - Sep 04, 2011
Humphries: I imagine James Bond had one of those cameras; probably hidden in his glasses or in his cufflinks.

He leafs through the sales paper; just then the opening bell rings and a few customers begin trickling in; a young man appears at the mens counter

Young Man: Excuse me...

Humphries: Oh, good morning! Are you being served, sir?

Young Man: I'm having tea and cake with the vicar this afternoon and I need a pair of black trousers.

Humphries: Ah yes. What size do you take?

Young Man: I'm, er, not sure. I've put on a bit of weight since I started working out a few months ago.

Humphries: Oh really? (grins) Well, let's just have a look. (whips out his tape measure and reaches around) Waist, thirty-three. Now for the inside leg...ohoho my! Such strong quadriceps. Let's see...inside leg, thirty. Thirty-three thirty in black. Give me just a moment and I shall retrieve them for you. (minces to the stockroom)

Young man: (looks at Lucas) Does he always walk like that?

Posted: 10:12 PM - Sep 04, 2011
Yes, yes he does sir.<answers Mr. Lucas with a giggle>

But, he does have a knack for fitting pants first time. You'll be amazed on how these pants will fit.

<Upon stating, Mr. Humphries returns with the pants and asks the gentleman to step into the fitting room to try them on.>

<glancing over to see Captain Peacock staring over at him, he decides to walk to the edge of the counter and confront him about his trouble at the queue>

Captain Peacock, are you free?

Captain Peacock: <looks left, then right> At the moment Mr. Lucas.

I just wanted to let you know about this shiner on me left eye...You see, this scally wad was in a bad mood this morning at the queue, and when I showed up and stood at a certain spot, I guess it was his breaking point. So he hauled off and slugged me. Then left. <sighed while shaking head and shrugging shoulders>

Captain Peacock: I see. Well, I'm glad you didn't take that opportunity to try to take off today, Mr. Lucas. Show's true maturity. If you need to see the Sister later for a head-ache, just let me know. Now, back to your station.

Yes, Captain Peacock. < salutes >

Posted: 8:03 PM - Sep 05, 2011
This session has ended. Poll coming up...

Forum is empty

AYBS RPG #10 (2011)

Posted: 9:20 AM - Jun 27, 2011
A beautiful day dawning at Grace Brothers with a week of no rain forecast. A rarity in Britain, but very much enjoyed by the customer and staff! Trains are running smoothly and everyone seems very upbeat at the beginning of another work week.

Jim, please start the dialog.


Posted: 9:13 AM - Jun 30, 2011
You can start this RPG Saturday or Sunday. More than half the week has gone by already.


Posted: 11:07 PM - Jul 02, 2011
Mr. Rumbold steps out of the lift and sees Mr. Harmon and the cleaners at their tasks humming away.

Well its good to see so many of you in such a good mood today Mr. Harmon.

Posted: 11:09 PM - Jul 02, 2011
Mr. Harmon is humming "A Foggy Day in Londontown, you can't look up you can't look down"......

Oh good morning Mr. Rumbold. Any word yet on whether or not we're having another beauty contest to advertise the goods?

Posted: 11:13 PM - Jul 02, 2011
That is one of the items I need to discuss with the staff as soon as they arrive. Thank goodness we're having some decent weather for a change. The buses are running on time and there weren't any queue's at the tube stations. For once there aren't any transport strikes to deal with either so everyone should get here on time. Would you please inform Captain Peacock that I need to have a word with him and the staff? Thank you Mr. Harmon.

Posted: 11:15 PM - Jul 02, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe gets out of the lift. She is smiling for a change and looks very relaxed. For once she is not reminding Mr. Harmon that he's not to be on the floor.

Good morning Mr. Harmon and ladies. What a beautiful morning it is. It was such a pleasure to get to work today. I hope that we can make up for some lost commission from that transport strike last week.

Posted: 2:06 PM - Jul 03, 2011
<walking from the lifts>
G' mornin' Mrs. Slocumbe, Mr. Harmon. <down the stairs and to the sign in book>
What a glorious day...even makes you look more chipper Mrs. Slocumbe.

Posted: 3:31 PM - Jul 03, 2011
Pops out of the lift with a slight spring in his step

Good morning, all! My word, Mr Lucas, you're on time. What's the occasion? grins

Posted: 3:34 PM - Jul 03, 2011
Plods downstairs to the signing-in book

Good morning. Blimey, I can't believe we actually have some nice wevver. Any word on whevver they're gonna have that beauty contest? If they get the lads involved as well I'll have to bring me camera!

Posted: 10:49 PM - Jul 03, 2011
Good morning Mr. Lucas, Mr. Humphries, Miss Brahams.

Posted: 10:50 PM - Jul 03, 2011
Ah Mr. Rumbold said to let you all know that he is going to be talking with ya about that very thing.

Posted: 10:54 PM - Jul 03, 2011
Captain Peacock enters from the lift doors with a smile on his face for a change. He has a cup of coffee from Beppo's ine one hand and a bacon butty in the other.

My word you're all here on time today! It was such a pleasure to get to work today. No transport strike to make it a nightmare, no queues at the tube, the buses are running on time. I know its got to be the date for the rapture again isn't it? Fate is making it pleasant for us for only a short while before it smacks us down again.

Posted: 10:56 PM - Jul 03, 2011
Hea Captain Peacock, Mr. Rumbold said to let you know that he's going to be doing a bit of announcing about the beauty contest in a few minutes.

Posted: 10:59 PM - Jul 03, 2011
Okay everybody lets get signed in and get ourselves settled so we know what is going to happen for this new sales campaign.

Posted: 11:09 PM - Jul 03, 2011
If you're all free, I have an announcement to make.

They all gather around in the center of the floor.

Young Mr. Grace has decided to go ahead with the beauty contest to model the items on sale for the pictures. We are going to go with the sale papers at the door for the customers and the big books on each floor with what is on sale in each department. Mr. Humphries, Young Mr. Grace has decided that he will use your friend that does photography for the pictures. You will all get a 3 pound bonus in your pay packets this week for these ideas. Young Mr. Grace is hoping that getting into a routine of doing this for in store advertising will increase sales continuously. Excellent suggestions all of you. Carry on!

Posted: 11:31 PM - Jul 03, 2011
I'll just get on the phone with my friend, then. When shall we have the photography session?

Posted: 3:53 AM - Jul 04, 2011
Oh good! (Ponders for a second) I wonder how many takes we'll need to nail them ...

(Combs what is left of his hair. A customer arrives on the floor. Peacock gives his usual address and directs him to the menswear counter.)

Hello, sir. It is a nice day today. (Smiles, and the customer smiles as well.)

I am looking for ... I forgot what I am looking for .... oh a hat.

What kind of hat would you like to purchase, sir?

Hmm, I'm not sure ... could you take out the two most popular hats so I can try them on?

(Grainger fetches a Homburg and a Bowler. The customer tries both hats. Unfortunately, the customer looks awkward in both of them.)

Hmm, I can't decide what to buy. I need it for a business trip. (Customer murmurs like a mouse; he points at the Bowler, then at the Homburg, then at the Bowler again.)

Would you like a minute to decide? We have someone who is a bit of a fashion expert in this department ... Mr. Humphries are you free?

(Humphries comes over ... Grainger points at the customer who is twitching like he is having a nervous fit.)

The customer and I are not quite sure about which hat to buy. You sold 30 hats in the past four months ... maybe you could use your fashion sense.

Grainger whispers to Humphries: I will split the commission with you if you would please help me out.

Meanwhile ... the customer stares at both hats and frowning.

Posted: 11:32 AM - Jul 04, 2011
<standing back, arms crossed, watching Mr. Humphries try to fit the customer with a hat> Blimey, a 3 pound bonus, that will help out a bunch. This weather must be bringing out the best in everyone, huh?

Posted: 10:37 PM - Jul 04, 2011
Looks at the hats and pokes *tongue in cheek, as he is wont to do when deliberating something

Perhaps Sir would prefer a fedora? They're very much in style at the moment.

Chooses a dark grey fedora and places it on the customer's head

Oh that does suit Sir!

Posted: 10:41 PM - Jul 04, 2011
Over at the ladies' counter, Brahms is putting away a shipment of knickers

So, you was telling me about that American fella what's been calling you every night after the news?

Posted: 1:58 AM - Jul 05, 2011
(The customer smiles ... Humphries had done it!)

I like it.

(The customer pays. Grainger writes down a note, to give some of his commission to Humphries.)

I will give it to you once I've collected by bonus. (Sighs) I wish that I had your uncanny fashion sense.

Posted: 11:17 AM - Jul 05, 2011
Oh yes Miss Brahams. I met him over my CB radio. You know that after Mr. Humphries brought his into the department that one day, I had to get one of me own. Me and Mrs. Axelby have been having such fun with it. He's a long distance lorry driver. His company transferred him to England to drive and be a sort of trainer for their new people. Well he's been ever so nice to chat with. We're supposed to be hooking up one weekend. I had thought of asking him to meet me over at Millstone Manor however seeings as to how things there are a bit unsettled, I'll just have him pop round to the pub when he's over this way again.

Posted: 1:56 PM - Jul 05, 2011
Good going Mr. Humphries...<hands propped on the counter, watching Mr. Grainger put the hats away> That was quite a task. I would've never thought of a fedora.

Posted: 12:03 AM - Jul 06, 2011
Gives a grin

I stole that bit from Mrs Slocombe, actually. Watch her next time a customer comes in for millinery. She's like a Victrola with the needle stuck in a groove sometimes.
So, anyway, what did you do last night?

Posted: 12:07 AM - Jul 06, 2011
Brahms: Ugh, I don't see how you can stand going out with those grubby Americans, especially them lorry drivers. They're so bleedin' common! I heard they stop at these places where the toilets have holes in the wall and they...well... whispers in Mrs Slocombe's ear; her *eyebrows shoot up, her eyes get really big, and her mouth is agape

Slocombe: Miss Brahms! Wherever did you hear that?

Brahms: From Mr Humphries. He said he went out with one once what did that.

Posted: 11:09 AM - Jul 06, 2011
I went out with this bird I met at the library. <stating with a big cocky grin> I always go to the library to meet birds. BUT, I try to stay away from the ones that hang about the non-fiction area. I prefer the ones that like fiction! <giggles>
Mind you, the ones that hang about in the science areas are pretty kinky too.<nods head with onery grin>
Any whoo, me bird last night wanted to go to the roller derby. And let me tell you, me ankles aren't as strong as they used to be...or, so she thought, heh heh heh<elbowing Mr. Humphries onery like>

Posted: 5:08 PM - Jul 06, 2011

So much for romance!

Posted: 12:19 PM - Jul 07, 2011
Blimey, who needs romance when the lights are down, disco lights flashing about and your ankles giving out, so you fall against your bird...
Mind you tho...the wrong fall can put a dent into your romance.<reaching around and rubbing bum>
I'm super excited about our bonus. Now I can take me bird to a dinner AND movie, or whatever her heart fancies.

Posted: 5:39 PM - Jul 07, 2011
Oh Miss Brahams isn't that wonderful about the bonus money? We can sure use it especially after dealing with all the transport strikes.

Oh here comes a customer.

Good Morning madam and a beautiful morning it is too. What is madam looking for today?

Customer: I need a suit that I can wear for work or for a night out.

Mrs. Slocumbe: I think we have just the thing for you madam. Miss Brahams get out that rail of new frocks we just got in from Edinburgh. In an aside to Miss Brahams, I'll split this commission with you.

Here we go madam. Why don't you take a look through these and see what takes your fancy.

Posted: 5:41 PM - Jul 07, 2011
Mr. Humphries, Mr. Rumbold said that young Mr. Grace would like to get the pictures taken as soon as possible. Of course this all hinges on the beauty contest and who the winners might be. To be safe, I'd tell him a week from today.

Posted: 2:42 PM - Jul 08, 2011
Has madam made up her mind what she would like to try on?

Customer: Yes please, I want this black two piece suit and the navy blue two piece suit.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Would madam like to try on some hats as well? We also have some nice gloves and purses that would go well with either suit.

Customer: Yes I think I would like to try on some hats. Mrs. Slocumbe shows the customer to the fitting room with the two suits.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Miss Brahams, would you get out that new range of hats we got in last week? Miss Brahams brings them to her. How about this white one madam? This hat would go well with either suit. The customer tries it on with the navy blue suit. Oh that does suit madam Mrs. Slocumbe utters. The customer tries on a black hat in similar style to the white one. Oh that does suit madam Mrs. Slocumbe utters.

Customer: I'll take both of these suites, these two hats, that burgundy bag and a pair of white and black gloves medium size please.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Will that be cash or account? Customer: account please. Mrs. Slocumbe: I'll just total that up for you and you can sign the bill.

Mrs. Slocumbe totts up the sale it comes to 210 pounds. The customer signs the bill.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Thats 7 pounds commission. I haven't forgotten you Miss Brahams, that makes 3 pound 50 for each of us! A good sale today Miss Brahams.

Posted: 2:46 PM - Jul 08, 2011
Now what were we talking about Miss Brahams before that customer came in?

Oh the lorry driver I've been chatting with on the CB radio. Well his name is Jim and he comes from some place in Texas. I wonder if he's any where near where my Uncle lives? Any way, we haven't actually met yet Miss Brahams. I do hope he doesn't turn out to be as common as that gent what Mr. Humhpries told you about. I'll soon sort him out if he is like that.

Posted: 7:05 PM - Jul 08, 2011
Gah Blimey, <sighs as he watches Mrs. Slocumbes customer walk up the stairs and to the lifts> Did you see that ladies purchase Mr. Humphries? That had to be over 200p. I wish I had a customer with an order that big, can you imagine that commission and not having to share?

Have you gotten ahold of your gent friend yet to take the pictures of our sales?

I can't wait to help assist with the bathing beauties! <rubbing hands together, cheeking grin>

Posted: 10:06 PM - Jul 08, 2011
What makes you think it's a he?

Anyway, I'm still waiting for Jug Ears to tell me what day and time for the contest. Linda is very busy, you know, but she owes me a favour.

Posted: 10:09 PM - Jul 08, 2011
Oh, cheers! I could use the bob. I'm nearly skint!

So where were you thinking of meeting him at? It sounds a bit dodgy to me.

Posted: 7:25 PM - Jul 09, 2011
I hope it's soon. <big grin> And I'm really hoping the Ladies Department is having a sales on garders and knickers at that time. <snickers>

Posted: 3:59 PM - Jul 10, 2011
The phone rings; Humphries answers it

Menswear? Oh, hello Mr Rumbold! I'm glad you called. I need to know when the contest will take place so that I can...oh? I see. Very well, I shall make the necessary arrangements. Thank you.

Puts the receiver back

Right. Jug Ears, in his managerial wisdom (rolls eyes) has decreed that the contest shall take place Friday afternoon after the store closes. I'll just get on with Linda, then.

Picks up receiver again; dials and waits

Oh hello Linda! It's Claybourne, dear. How's Amelia? OH! (turns to Lucas) Amelia wants to adopt a Cambodian infant. (back to phone) Oh, that does sound exciting. You must keep me updated. Mmm. Yes, well, I was wondering if I could call in a little favour, Love. You don't remember, do you? Let me refresh your memory. Highgate, two months ago, you, me, Amelia, three Italian lesbians, and about three gallons of junket...yes, I thought you'd remember. Anyway, the store I work for is having a bathing beauty contest and we need a photographer. Friday at five-thirty. Yes. Oh, good! Yes, do bring Amelia! Very well then. Bye!

Puts the receiver back

Right. It's done.

Posted: 4:12 PM - Jul 10, 2011
<eyes wide open> You, Linda, Amelia and 3 Italian lesbians?? <in a voice high pitched> Is there something you forgot to tell me, Mr. Humphries.

Perhaps there are some things you could teach me...heh heh heh.

Sometimes, there's a side of you, Mr. Humphries, that make me want to have a glass of water.<giggles>

Posted: 10:13 PM - Jul 10, 2011
Did you hear that Miss Brahams? Jug Ears says the contest is going to take place Friday after the store closes. Are you planning on entering? You should you know for the Ladies Department. I was thinking about entering as well I mean we do have customers of all ages come into the store. They don't all want to look at a good looking young lass.

Miss Brahams rolls her eyes at that but remains silent!

Posted: 6:05 PM - Jul 11, 2011
Hey, Hey..did you see Ms. Brahms just roll her eyes? <elbowing Mr. Humphries> Mrs. Slocumbe must've just told her that she was thinking of entering the contest.
<folding arms, gull look on face> Gah, blimey! I sure hope not. Remember that get-up she wore when they tried to win that week boat trip of Young Mr. Graces?, and the $600.00?
Thank Goodness, you got into the costume and won him over with the bribe of your room key in the envelope.

Posted: 9:11 PM - Jul 11, 2011
Grainger sighs as he caught Brahms rolling her eyes.

I suppose Slocombe wants to prance around in garters and a bra .... oh the horror! I hope that we could persuade her to let Miss Brahms enter the contest instead .... for the sake of the department ....

He turns to Lucas and Humpries.

(Whispers) We need to stop Slocombe from running in the contest. Do you have any ideas? I would give up two weeks pay if I could convince that creature to opt out this time.

Posted: 11:20 PM - Jul 11, 2011
You won't catch me entering that contest. Not unless there's enough lolly involved. That and as long as the second prize doesn't involve Mr Grace and his yacht or anything to do with Mr Grace. (shudders) Blimey, that was 'orrible to think about! I'm glad Mr Humphries won. I wonder if he really did go on the boat wif 'im?

Posted: 11:27 PM - Jul 11, 2011
Shocked, irate look on his face

YOU put that key in the envelope?! Oh wonder! Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up in the middle of the night to find a 90 year old man groping you and trying to...

Shudders violently and slips a flask out of his personal drawer; takes a pull from it

After all that lot a night out with a bunch of Scottish and Italian lesbians was pure heaven. Mind you, it got a bit awkward when the butch ones wanted to throw me into the oil wrestling match. Once they realised I wasn't quite one of them they backed off. Well, most of them, anyway. Sophia was still all for it.

Posted: 1:45 PM - Jul 12, 2011
<arms crossed, light giggles> Oil wrestling? Mr. Humphries, you have a life like no other.

C'mon, we have to convince Ms. Brahms to be in that beauty contest! One, I wanna see her in a bathing costume!
Two, this floor needs that other bonus! and
Three, I bloody hell want to see her in that costume!!<tone of voice high pitched>

Posted: 6:08 PM - Jul 12, 2011
Did I hear you mention something about Scottish and Italian lesbians Mr. Humphries? You do get around don't you? Aren't you going to enter this contest for us Mr. Humphries? I was thinking about it but, on second thought, I don't think I will. Its not that dignified and besides me CB radio gent is supposed to drop by and I don't want him getting the wrong idea. Miss Brahams, you should enter the contest on behalf of the department and Mr. Humphries would make a perfect one for the Gents. You know we should suggest that to Mr. Rumbold that there ought to be a male and female contest to show off the goods. It might even be better if they're not with what would normally be considered their genders.

Captain Peacock are you free?

Posted: 6:10 PM - Jul 12, 2011
Captain Peacock looks to his right, left and behind him.

I do happen to be free Mrs. Slocumbe what is it you wish to see me about?

Posted: 6:12 PM - Jul 12, 2011
I was just saying Captain Peacock that we should suggest to Mr. Rumbold that a contest should be held for both sexes. Remember Young Mr. Grace's take on a change is as good as a rest well having a different gender model the goods might bring about more sales you know.

Posted: 6:15 PM - Jul 12, 2011
Humm, you know that might be a good idea at that. Upon noticing that everyone has eavesdropped on their conversation any way......

I assume that you've all heard what Mrs. Slocumbe suggested. Are we all in agreement that we suggest to Mr. Rumbold to take to Young Mr. Grace? I can't see where it would make any more bother than it already is so he should go for it especially in view of the fact that Mrs. Slocumbe did point out that having different genders model the goods might boost sales. After all that's what we're all after a boost in sales so we can at least eat every other day.

Posted: 10:45 AM - Jul 13, 2011
I agree, but I think I should be the model, since I AM a junior and younger of the men in this department. <upon stating, striking a pose: the ATLAS pose>
I propose that is the items on sale is towards the younger customers, us juniors pose, and the items towards the older customers, the seniors pose, that way everyone has a chance to be part of the program...
<deep sigh> including Mrs. Slocumbe.

Posted: 5:43 PM - Jul 13, 2011
Like I said, only if there's lots of lolly involved. And HE (pointing to Lucas) had better keep 'is 'ands to 'imself!

Posted: 5:45 PM - Jul 13, 2011
I quite agree, Miss Brahms. I would like to know that there's a very favourable prize involved, and...(turns to Lucas and grins while fluttering eyelashes) keep your hands to yourself, Sauce Pot!

Posted: 3:32 PM - Jul 14, 2011
That is also a suggestion of merit Mr. Lucas having members of the department pose with items appropriate to their age groups this way there is appeal for all. I must say the weather and the freedom from the transport strikes has put everyone in a better mood and more willing to bounce around ideas for improving sales. Well done everyone!

Mrs. Slocumbe would you acquiesce to that modification of your suggestion?

Posted: 3:34 PM - Jul 14, 2011
Umm sorry about that all David forgot which RPG he was playing in LOL!

I will concede to that modification Captain Peacock as long as both me and Mr. Lucas get credit for that suggestion. I do believe that day he was allowed to be the floorwalker has improved the daft boy.

Posted: 3:37 PM - Jul 14, 2011
One wonders if this suggestion rather puts off the need to worry about having a contest at all. This way Mr. Humphries your photographer friend Linda can get in here sooner to snap the shots. The sooner we get those sales books and papers made up the sooner we can be earning more commissions. I think I can safely say we're probably all saving for our holidays as usual.

Posted: 11:44 PM - Jul 14, 2011
<looking over at Ms. Brahms, grinning so seductively> Whatever makes you think that I had anything other that adverts productivity running through my mind, Ms. Brahms. Everything that I say is for the company and the crew here.
Mind you, IF it is needed that perhaps some oil needs be applied to some bodies of the sexy type, I would not hesitate in a moment to volunteer to keep productivity well as me inner sexual drive.

Posted: 11:57 PM - Jul 14, 2011
Narrows her eyes at Lucas

Brahms: For the company and crew? Right. I'll believe that when Margaret Thatcher grows a heart!
Why don't you go oil yourself up and slide down the fire escape - head first into a skip!
(to Captain Peacock) I'll pose, but only if 'e leaves the room while I'm doin' it.

Lucas: I knew you were keen!

Brahms: You belt up!

Humphries: Do you want me to leave the room as well?

Brahms: No, you're alright, Mr Humphries. Somefing tells me I can trust you not to treat me like a sex object.

Humphries: I should be so lucky!
Posted: 12:11 AM - Jul 15, 2011

I'm afraid Linda is booked up until Friday, so we'll have to wait until tomorrow. That should give us enough time to decide who will pose with what and where.
I think Mr Lucas should model this. (holds up a minuscule pair of thong swimming briefs that leave very little to the imagination) I can't bear the thought of posing in one of these myself!
Not here, anyway.
Mr Grainger, you should show off some of the newer three pieces we have in stock. You'd look so stately and authoritative in them.

Posted: 3:01 PM - Jul 15, 2011
Thank you Mr. Humphries, you cheeky son of a gun.<hearty laugh as he takes the thong swimming briefs from Mr. Humphries and places them in front of his groin> Whadda think Ms. Brahms?

Mrs. Slocumbe, you won't object to a little oilin' down, now would ya? seein' this would probably be your last chance...I mean last time being a model.
<stating as he flops the briefs on the counter while watching Mr. Humphries pull the 3 piece suit out the he was suggesting for Mr. Grainger to model>

Ah Yes, yes...Mr. Grainger would do nicely in that suit, and if Mr. Grainger isn't feeling good that day, Mrs. Slocumbe could fill in. <giggles>

Posted: 9:07 PM - Jul 15, 2011
Don't be coarse Mr. Lucas! Mr. Grainger can't you control your junior?

Well I am sure that we in the ladies department will not model something as coarse as swim wear and I am unanimous in that!

Miss Brahams we'll have to put our heads together and see what is age appropriate for us to model. Mr. Humphries are you free? If you're free, would you be good enough to lend us a hand in selecting stock that would be appropriate for us to model and on sale? You have such marvelous taste. Is that alright with you Mr. Grainger if I purloin Mr. Humphries for a few minutes? Captain Peacock is that alright with you?

Posted: 9:08 PM - Jul 15, 2011
If Mr. Humphries is free I have no problem with him lending the ladies a hand do you Mr. Grainger?

Posted: 2:47 AM - Jul 16, 2011
Looks right and left

I'm free!

I suppose I shall have to stand in as a fashion expert as well. Not that I mind, of course.

Minces over to the ladies' counter and starts going through racks of clothing; takes a red backless dress off the peg

Oh! Now this is nice. Miss Brahms, I think you should model this. Now for you, Mrs Slocombe... (looks around) Ah! This would be perfect. (hands her a black formal evening gown) Elegant and stylish, sophisticated...all the things you're not, but we'll just pretend, anyway. (nudges her fondly and grins)

Posted: 2:57 AM - Jul 16, 2011
Brahms: Ooh, I do like that! (holds it up against her chest) D'you think it'll show too much?

Humphries: Not necessarily.

Brahms: I think we should have a dry run before we do the actual photo shoot. Then we can try stuff on and make sure it looks right. D'you think Jug Ears would let us?

Posted: 3:17 AM - Jul 16, 2011
Humphries: Good point. Captain Peacock, are you free?

Peacock: (looks left then right) At the moment, Mr Humphries.

Humphries: (minces over to the floorwalker) Miss Brahms has brought up a very good point. We ought to have a practise run before the photo shoot to make sure everything fits and looks right before Linda gets here tomorrow evening. What do you think?

Posted: 9:07 PM - Jul 16, 2011
I have been listening to the conversation so far and I think I agree with you Mr. Humhpries we need to do a dry run. Perhaps Mr. Rumbold would allow us to remain behind after store closing and let us practice. After all the lady is doing the pictures for free so we shouldn't waste her time with the usual palavar that for some reason always culminates into the ridiculous whenever we have to do something of this sort. I will go speak with Mr. Rumbold.

Mr. Lucas would you dial up Mr. Rumbold for me?

Mr. Lucas: Certainly Captain Peacock. He dials the phone and hands it over to him.

Captain Peacock presents the latest suggestion to Mr. Rumbold and for a second time that day Mr. Rumbold is in agreement with everyone. He will authorize the overtime.

Captain Peacock motions for everyone to gather round him. Mr. Rumbold has authorized the overtime for this evening so we can take a dry run at what we're going to be modeling for the pictures Mr. Humhpries' friend Linda will be taking tomorrow.

Posted: 9:55 PM - Jul 16, 2011
<whispers to Mr. Humphries> You couldn't hand a skimpier costume for Ms. Brahms, now could ya?

With my kinda luck, it'll be Mrs. Slocumbe that'll need assistance with her girdle...<shudders> bleach! And by the attitude of Ms. Brahms earlier, there's no way in bloody blazes she'll let me near her, let alone be in the same room as her.

Oh well, < heaves a heavy sigh> perhaps I'll be able to sneak a peak...some how...some way.

Posted: 1:30 AM - Jul 17, 2011
Men! You're all the same.

Posted: 3:18 AM - Jul 17, 2011
Grainger rushes back from the fitting room ... he smiles.

Grainger: Oh Mr. Humphries, you do have a great sense of style. I like the ensemble.

Grainger is wearing the suit that was supposed to be his costume.

Grainger: However, I think I should have some accessories ... like a hat.

He fetches a selection of hats. Grainger tries on four types of hats.

Grainger: I wonder what our clothing budget is ...

Posted: 1:53 PM - Jul 17, 2011
<laughs> Wha' da? <watching Grainger trying on different hats from a distance> We still have a half hour before quiting time to get started on our practice routine and he's already for the ball!

Would ya look at that Mr. Humphries, all he needs now is tapping shoes and he's good to go. <giggle>

You know what, Mr. Humphries? <reaching for an item while talking> I think I will model for swimwear, NOT this skimpy thing<picking up the first thong briefs> but perhaps more covering of the dierre. If I wore this<dangling thong briefs> Ms. Brahms would be all over me.
<stopping and assessing the moment> That MIGHT not be a bad idea. On the other hand, it may not keep Mrs. Slocumbe off me neither!!

Posted: 6:46 PM - Jul 17, 2011
(whispers to Mrs Slocombe) I think Mr Lucas needs to see a doctor. His hormones stay in overdrive. All he thinks about is sex! I can't be alone with him for a minute before he starts trying to grope me. It's a disgrace!

Posted: 8:20 PM - Jul 17, 2011
I better phone Mrs. Axelby and let her know that I'll be late coming home. You know she's ever so much comfort to have around the house and it makes it easier on me when I have to work late. She makes sure that Tiddles and Winston are well taken care of.

Mrs. Slocumbe goes over to the phone, takes off her earring and dials. Hello Mrs. Axelby, I won't be home till late tonight we've been authorized to stay over late tonight to practice for the photo shoot tomorrow. You remember me telling you about that last night? Well instead of having the beauty contest, it was decided that the members of the department would pose with the sale items that was appropriate to the age group of the poser. Yes, I'll call you before I leave the store and let you know when I'm on the way home. Be a love and put my sheaperd's pie in the oven on low 3 for me would you? I'll be starving by the time I get home. No, it doesn't look like we'll make the pub's darts contest tonight though. You can go if you want. Oh that's right I'm Captain of the team and if I'm not there they can't play. Well tell them for me what happened and I'll make it up to them next week.

Posted: 2:23 AM - Jul 18, 2011
Grainger comes back to the menswear counter. He missed Lucas's comments, but sees the garment that he is holding.

Grainger: Mr. Lucas ... I got the impression that Young Mr. Grace was hoping to see young girls in skimpy bikinis during the photo shoot. Put that men's bathing suit away.

Posted: 2:28 AM - Jul 18, 2011
No, Mr Grainger. We're all modeling different outfits. Miss Brahms is going to wear a backless dress and Mrs Slocombe is going to show a formal gown. I imagine they'll try on some other things, but I thought that Mr Lucas would look quite nice in some swimwear. I believe he'll be an excellent example of the average man on the street. I would wear it, but I dare say I'm above average. (gives a grin)

Posted: 3:34 PM - Jul 18, 2011
I always did think you were a cut above the rest Mr. Humphries. Thank you ever so much for selecting the garments me and Miss Brahams are to model. I'm glad Mr. Rumbold was able to convince Young Mr. Grace not to go along with the beauty contest idea as it would take too long to get the pictures snapped and ready to go to press. What are you going to model Mr. Humphries? Captain Peacock are you going to take part in modeling something? You should you know you have that distinguished look.

Posted: 3:36 PM - Jul 18, 2011
I hadn't thought about it Mrs. Slocumbe but if Mr. Grainger doesn't mind me modeling something appropriate for menswear I don't mind pitching in.

Posted: 3:47 PM - Jul 18, 2011
Mr. Rumbold comes out of the lift.

I'm glad I caught you all here. I just came from a meeting in the board room (he raises his eyes to the ceiling and the rest of the staff follow). I must say Young Mr. Grace was quite disappointed about not holding the beauty contest but he did see the logic in not having it. It would have taken too long to prepare for it and we'd miss out on the upcoming sale he wishes to promote. Young Mr. Grace is being most generous today, must be the good weather. He said to tell Mr. Lucas and Mrs. Slocumbe they get an extra two pound bonus in their pay packets for this mornings suggestions. We'll meet here after the closing bell rings. Carry on every one.

Posted: 5:02 PM - Jul 18, 2011
Well, we better get started on the scenery.
Mr. Humphries, are we gonna have drop back scenes, or just use the background of the store?

Ms. Brahms, need any help changing into that elegant dress? < cheeking grin teethygrin , knowing it irritates her>

Posted: 5:14 PM - Jul 18, 2011
Oh yes, Captain Peacock, you really should model something. (looks round) Oh! I've got the perfect ensemble for you. (passes him a smoking jacket and accessories) It's very Hugh Hefner, but I think you can pull it off.
I think backgrounds would be preferable. We could go down to Gardening and use the plants as a backdrop. That would be quite nice.
You know, I've no idea what I'd wear.

Sifts through ladies' rack and cries out suddenly

Oh, it's perfect! (takes an item off the peg and runs to the fitting room)

Posted: 5:19 PM - Jul 18, 2011
No thank you, Mr Lucas. (turns on her heels and exits to the fitting room)

Posted: 10:38 AM - Jul 19, 2011
<snickers as he heads to gardening to see if they have some plants to be used as background.>

<returns carrying some beautiful pots of flowers of all arrangements, and two assisstants from gardening carrying pots of trees.>

<Mr. Harmons' men had brought up props with material propped on them with ropes, as to pull the next coloured material down for the next background scene. So he set the plants in accordance to the first background setting.>

I think we need a little breeze blowing, do you matey?
<looking at one of the chaps helping to set up the scene,> could you get me one of those industrial strength fan blowers?

Posted: 3:38 PM - Jul 19, 2011
Right-O Mr. Lucas get that large fan out of sports equipment Seymour! We'll have you fixed up in a jiffy. Mind you Packing and Maintenance were a mite disappointed that the beauty contest was cancelled. I bet you were too heh Mr. Lucas?

Posted: 1:36 AM - Jul 20, 2011
Oh, yes. Excellent idea, Mr Lucas!

Begins directing Mr Harman and his men as to where the plants and fans need to go

Mr Lucas? Could you pop up to Soft Furnishings and get some dark-coloured drop cloths?

Posted: 12:55 PM - Jul 20, 2011
You know Miss Brahams I do hope this doesn't turn into another shambles. It seems like every time we attempt something like this it always goes horribly wrong. Captain Peacock said the same thing. It probably wouldn't if Young Mr. Grace would just hire an advertising firm to take care of this sort of thing rather than always getting us to come up with something mind you, this time it turned out profitable for all of us. Lets just keep our fingers crossed things go well.

Posted: 7:03 PM - Jul 20, 2011
In a way, yes, yes it is disappointing Mr. Harmon. <talking to Mr. Harmon as both walk the stairs to the lifts,heading to Soft Furnishings>

There were quite a few birds in Habitatury that showed some promising features. < giggles as they elbow each other, while pushing the button on the lift>

Perhaps ol' jugears new sexytary will pose in a bathing costume with me tonight...just for fun. <onery giggle>

Posted: 8:48 PM - Jul 20, 2011
Since the other two were indisposed, Grainger ended up serving a couple of customers. It seemed that many of their customers were too busy enjoying the sunshine to shop at Grace Brothers today. The sale that he made was too small to gloat about ... the commission was marginal.

Grainger hoped that the shoot would turn out positively.

Posted: 10:52 PM - Jul 20, 2011
Fast forward to 5.30pm; the closing bell has rung and everyone's getting ready for the dry run

Ooh, I'm so excited, Mrs Slocombe! I'm gonna go put my frock on!

Rushes into the fitting room

Posted: 11:02 PM - Jul 20, 2011
Has changed into a thin black turtleneck and very tight jeans; puts on a pair of round wire-rimmed glasses

Right everyone! Let's get started! Ladies, into your frocks. Men, change into your designated wear. Once everyone is ready we'll try some different poses and possibly some different clothing.

Posted: 10:03 AM - Jul 21, 2011
<coming out of the mens dressing room with a light blue robe on and flip flops. Looking at Mr. Humphries romp around in those tight blue jeans and snickers>

By golly Mr. Humphries, you sure know how to work that tush of yours, don't ya?

Posted: 2:37 PM - Jul 21, 2011
Right Miss Brahams! Would you help me with the zip on this evening gown? I must say I wouldn't mind actually buying one of these. That might be just the thing to wear whenever I get to meet up with my CB acquaintance for a date.

Posted: 5:51 PM - Jul 21, 2011
Zips up Mrs Slocombe and stands back

Blimey! You look amazing! You should definitely get one of these. 'Ere, you can mark it down as 'shop soiled' after the photo shoot! That should take a few nicker off.

Peers out of the fitting room and giggles

Ooh, you should see Mr Humphries! 'E's got on the tightest jeans I've ever seen. Leaves nothing to the imagination. (takes a closer look) Hmmm...course, you may have to imagine some things...
Mr Lucas actually looks cute in his dressing gown. Wonder what 'e's wearing underneaf?

Posted: 5:54 PM - Jul 21, 2011
You watch your mouth, Sauce Pot! (grins in spite of himself)

Ladies? Are we ready?

Posted: 9:33 PM - Jul 21, 2011
I think they're ready, I see 'em peeping out from the fittin' area. <whispers as he finishes up the setting background.>

Who's gonna be first ? I think it should be you, sassy pants. < as stating, does a quick slap on Mr. Humphries rump>

<Watches the ladies exit from the dressing room>

MY word, Mrs. Slocumbe, If I didn't know better, I'd swear Ann Margaret just stepped out to grace us. <bowed>

<while bowing, the dressing gown gaps open, slipping off the shoulder, revealing a firm arm muscle and no shirt.>

Posted: 2:11 PM - Jul 22, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe becomes all coy and giggles why thank you Mr. Lucas and may I say you do look dashing in that dressing gown. Mr. Humphries how are you able to move in those pants?

Miss Brahams? Are you free? Mr. Humphries is ready for us.

Posted: 7:39 PM - Jul 22, 2011
Comes out of the fitting room wearing the backless dress; it's quite short and you can just barely see her suspender belts peeping out from underneath

I'm ready! Cor, this lot's a bit tight. I can hardly breave in it.

Posted: 7:47 PM - Jul 22, 2011
Ooh! (whips round to glare at Lucas) You keep your hands to yourself, DICK!

Your attention, please, everyone! (claps hands to get everyone's attention) Right, now this is only a practise run but I'd like it to go as smoothly as possible. Let's start with the ladies. Mrs Slocombe, if you would stand here amongst the plants. Yes, very nice. Now let's see what you've got. Strike a pose!

Posted: 11:14 PM - Jul 22, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe walks over to the plants and attempts to make a sophisticated pose. How does this look Mr. Humphries?

Posted: 11:16 PM - Jul 22, 2011
That is quite eye catching Miss Brahams. I hope my wife doesn't catch a glimpse of this photo. I have enough trouble with her! As Mrs. Slocumbe looks over angrily at him. Captain Peacock catches sight of her glare. Oh I'm sorry Mrs. Slocumbe that dress does suit you very well. You both look lovely.

Posted: 11:18 PM - Jul 22, 2011
Mr. Rumbold is wandering around aimlessly looking for something to do. He spots the piano that maintenance had brought in for atmosphere and sits down to play it. He's very happily getting into the music he's playing and humming along with it. Mr. Rumbold is totally oblivious of Mr. Humphries' frustrated look to him.

Posted: 1:11 AM - Jul 24, 2011
'Ere, lean back a li'l more. Show off yer goods!

Posted: 1:14 AM - Jul 24, 2011
Good idea, Miss Brahms. Yes, lean back a little and puff out your chest a bit. Yes, just like...

(hears Mr Rumbold playing and glares at him)

Mr Rumbold? MR RUMBOLD! What are you doing? We don't need any background music.
Now, Mrs Slocombe...oh, yes, that's perfect! You look almost like a film star. Whatshername? Stockard Channing! Your hair's not quite right, though. (is inspired; takes down a long brown wig) Here. Put this on and drape it sexily over your shoulders. Oh yes! We'll have to have that for tomorrow.

Posted: 8:27 PM - Jul 24, 2011
It doesn't seem like I have anything to do in this operation so I thought it might be nice if I played some soothing background music for everyone. You only have to tell me you don't like it and I'll stop.

Posted: 8:30 PM - Jul 24, 2011
Oh yes Mr. Humphries the wig does add something to the outfit doesn't it? They're on sale as well for this campaign so Young Mr. Grace is getting two for one as it were. Miss Brahams, you might find some accessories for us to use as well. We might as well give it all we got after all it means bigger commissions for us!

Posted: 8:32 PM - Jul 24, 2011
Captain Peacock comes out of the mens fitting room looking very debonaire in a navy blue pin stripped suit with a bowler hat and an umbrella on his arm.

What do you think of this for me Mr. Humphries?

Posted: 8:35 PM - Jul 24, 2011
Mr. Harmon and Seymour are bringing in the large fans.

ea Seymour lets get these in place. Where do you want these Mr. Humphries?

Posted: 12:11 PM - Jul 25, 2011
Humphries: I don't like it, Mr Rumbold. Just come over here. I'll find something for you to do.
(looking over Captain Peacock) Oh yes! Very smart. Very sophisticated. (brushes some lint off the lapels) Very dusty. We should probably send this lot to the dry cleaners first thing in the morning. They can have it done by the time we're ready to shoot. Let's see...give us a turn.
(Captain Peacock turns around slowly) Yes,, could you stand like this? (holds his hand on his hip; receives glare from Captain Peacock)

Peacock: Why do you want me to stand like that?

Humphries: Because you've got a moth hole right about there. Yes, that's better. We'll find some better trousers tomorrow to go with that lot. Now...ah, the fans! I think one to the side and one in front will do nicely. Then we have two angles to work with. Right! When I call your name, come up here and we'll do some practise poses. Ah! Mr Rumbold, why don't you pretend to be the photographer. I'll direct and you make-believe as if you're taking pictures. Here. (hands him a small box of Y-Fronts) Use this instead of a camera. Right! Mrs Slocombe, Miss Brahms, you two first!

Posted: 12:17 PM - Jul 25, 2011
(steps up and begins posing while Humphries directs; the skirt of the dress is slit all the way up her thigh and when the front fan start blowing it parts just enough to show her suspender belt and a bit of her knickers; it's driving Lucas wild and he accidentally kicks the other fan onto its HI setting; the wind starts blowing her hair into her face)


Slocombe: Oh! There goes me wig!

Posted: 10:35 AM - Jul 26, 2011
glass of water for Mrs. Slocumbe. < giggles >

Posted: 12:49 PM - Jul 26, 2011
Mr. Lucas I do wish you would quit larking about! That could have done me and Miss Brahams a mischief!

Posted: 12:50 PM - Jul 26, 2011
I quite agree with Mrs. Slocumbe Mr. Lucas. Quit this horseplay and lets get back to business. I would like to get home at a reasonable hour tonight. Mrs. Peacock is supposed to be taping Eastenders for me and keeping my shepards pie warm.

Posted: 12:51 PM - Jul 26, 2011
I quite agree with Mrs. Slocumbe. Mr. Lucas quit this horseplay and lets get back to business. I would like to get home at a reasonable hour tonight. Mrs. Peacock is supposed to be taping Eastenders for me and keeping my shepards pie warm.

Posted: 1:10 PM - Jul 26, 2011
When I phoned my wife to tell her I'd be home late she seemed rather glad. When I asked her if she could keep my dinner warm I thought I heard her say get knotted but it must have been a bad connection.

Everyone looks at each other and rolls their eyes wondering what a private life with Mr. Rumbold is really like.

Posted: 1:14 PM - Jul 26, 2011
Well me and Mrs. Axelby were supposed to go play darts tonight at the pub but it doesn't look like I'm going to make it. They're doing a fish n chips night too drat the luck. I'm the captain of the darts team and if we don't have a complete team we forfeit to the opposing team which is the one from Larry and Willet's. I hate thinking they're going to get one over on us simply because we don't have enough members playing tonight. We're in the lead you know.

Posted: 5:33 PM - Jul 26, 2011
Grainger races out of the fitting room, wearing the costume that Humphries had advised him to wear.

Grainger: I'm ready!

Posted: 8:11 PM - Jul 26, 2011
Shall I change the background to a bolder colour for Mr. Grainger's costume, Mr. Humphries?

You know, we should have the men do a pose with the women, since all are dressed up casual like.

Mr. Harmon, does Seymour have my bogey board up here yet?

Posted: 11:28 PM - Jul 26, 2011
(is getting frustrated already) Calm down, everyone! Could we PLEASE have a bit of professionalism? Right, Mr Lucas, get up there with your surf board and try a few poses.

Posted: 11:37 AM - Jul 27, 2011
Cowabunga, Mr. Humphries! < knarleys as he grabs the bogey board from Seymour and walks to the area to pose. He knows he's already showed off an area of body when the robe teetered off the shoulder earlier. Very nervous, but don't want the others to know. All eyes are on him as he slowly undoes the knot to reveil TRUNKS! not tighties! Baby blue trunks to the knees and a pretty fit bod.>

Should I hold it like this? < placing it under his arm and other hand over his eyes as to looking out to sea.>

Or like this? < placing it in front of him, diagonally, blowing a kiss out to the ladies.

Posted: 12:45 PM - Jul 27, 2011
Get him Miss Brahams! Mind you he does look rather fetching in that outfit. I'm beginning to see him in a whole new light.

Posted: 12:48 PM - Jul 27, 2011
I don't think the ladies or myself look very casual. We are dressed to go out for a night on the town not go to the local fish n chips shop.

Posted: 2:31 PM - Jul 27, 2011
Claps for Mr. Lucas's performance. Noticing that Humphries looks like he's on the verge of losing it ... Grainger decides to say nothing at this moment. He waits patiently for Humphries to tell him to model his costume.

Posted: 5:02 PM - Jul 27, 2011
And for those with more nerve...<he announces as he reaches for his trunks and unties his knot, he turns and drops his trunks to reveal the very tight purple! Raising his arms like Atlas, flexing his legs to make his butt cheeks bounce up and down, listening to gasps and giggles>

Posted: 9:37 PM - Jul 27, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe gasps at Mr. Lucas' physic. Would you look at that Miss Brahams? Who would have thought under that suit was that? When those sale papers hit the floors Mr. Lucas will have to beat them off.

Posted: 11:05 PM - Jul 27, 2011
(jaw drops as she stares at Lucas' physique)

BLIMEY! 'E's easy on the eyes, innit 'e?
. o O (I may have to rethink seeing The Unsatisfied Virgin wif 'im.)

Posted: 11:13 PM - Jul 27, 2011
(stares at Lucas, jaw dropped)

Oh. My. ADA! Ummm... (wipes bit of drool from mouth) Yes, very nice, Mr Lucas. Er, can step down now. Mr Grainger, Captain Peacock, perhaps you'd both like to step up and try a few poses?

. o O (Oh, if I only had my camera with me! Or a tiny camera that fits in my pocket. They should make phones like that. Small wireless phones with cameras built in. Hmmm... Oh, I shall never be able to look at him the same way again!)

Posted: 1:17 PM - Jul 28, 2011
{blimey, glad thats done and over with} <thinking as he bends over and pulls up the baby blue trunks and grabs his robe.>

<Smiles big as he turns around and walks away from the props and scuffles to the changing room>

Posted: 2:57 PM - Jul 28, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe has a sort of forlorn look on her face as she says to Miss Brahams: Oh well, there's no way I'll be able to compete to get a date with Mr. Lucas now. Then her face brightens thinking of her CB buddy. At least I have Jim to look forward to tonight Miss Brahams. I have no idea what he looks like but when you hit my age, you can't be too choosy.

Posted: 3:01 PM - Jul 28, 2011
Mr. Rumbold doesn't appear to be too happy with his role as substitute photographer. He's got a bored look on his face and he's looking longingly toward the piano again but, not wanting to upset Mr. Humphries any further he squares his shoulders and continues to pretend to snap pictures.

Mr. Humphries don't you think it would be a good idea to have a few dummies to model more of the clothes as sort of a group picture? You know you should build up the picture with other objects to make the eye focus on the main points.

Posted: 3:03 PM - Jul 28, 2011
Captain Peacock strikes a military type pose trying to compete with Mr. Lucas and failing miserably.

How about this Mr. Humphries?

Posted: 8:43 PM - Jul 28, 2011
Grainger watches as Peacock tries to strike a pose.

(Nothing compared to Lucas's pose. Still a bit predictable for Stephen Peacock ...)

He pretends to nod approvingly of Peacock's militaristic pose. Unfortunately, only Humphries was paying close attention to Peacock's pose at this time.

Posted: 11:12 AM - Jul 29, 2011
<walks out in white muscle shirt and gray sweats>

Looking mighty fine there, Captain Peacock.

Mr. Grainger, I think you need a pipe.

<upon stating, dashes off and returns with a gentlemans pipe, hands to Grainger. Grainger places in mouth, acts like taking puffs>

There, now THAT's distinguished!

Posted: 6:31 PM - Jul 29, 2011
Mr. Rumbold has stopped pretending to take pictures. He's over at one of the tables rearranging the items on it. Mr. Humphries notices what he's doing and gets another frustrated look on his face thinking he could have really done without Mr. Rumbold being here this night.

Posted: 6:33 PM - Jul 29, 2011
Hang on a minute, Mr. Humphries when are me and Miss Brahams going to model? It's getting quite late and I don't want my whole evening wasted here! Bad enough I'm missing the darts tournament I'm not going to miss out on the fish n chips night at the pub. If I don't get there soon, Mrs. Axelby will eat all the free munchies!

Posted: 10:20 PM - Jul 29, 2011
If I might say, Mrs. Slocumbe, you and Ms. Brahms don't need much practice to model. What I seen earlier, you two are naturals.

Posted: 12:22 AM - Jul 30, 2011
I agree, Mr Lucas. The ladies look splendid and the men seem to have the general idea. Good thinking with the pipe, Mr Lucas. Mr Rumbold, we may possibly do a few group shots as well as add in a few items from other departments. That way it will look more natural and we can have multiple items advertised.
Right! I think this was a good run. Let's go ahead and call it a night. If someone will assist me in storing these potted plants in the stock room, please?

Posted: 12:24 AM - Jul 30, 2011
(helps Humphries lug the potted plants and such into the stock room where they will be waiting Friday evening for their actual modelling shoot)

Blimey, this lot's 'eavy!

Posted: 12:49 PM - Jul 30, 2011
Let me get that for ya, Ms. Brahms. <jumping in and taking the pot from her> We men can do the heavy lifting, cant we Mr. Humphries?

Posted: 2:49 PM - Jul 30, 2011
I guess that means we can get our of our gear Miss Brahams! That seemed to go better than what I expected. Usually when we do these things for some reason it all gets out of control. I can't wait for Friday and see how Mr. Humphries' photographer friend Linda thinks of it all. They need to get a move on. The sale what the sale papers are for will be over without any sale papers or the books made up! Typical of men to make things more complicated than they need to be.

Posted: 8:13 PM - Jul 30, 2011
Is about to thank Mr. Lucas, but then realizes that he was already lifting plants for storage purposes. Grainger returns to the changing room and changes into his street clothes. He folds his costume clothing evenly, and then places them into a bag, along with the supplies: bowler, cane, and pipe.

(Where do I store this?) He comes out with the bag and places it in an empty drawer that was conveniently near his station in the gentleman's ready-mades departmental counter.

He picks up the departmental telephone and phones his wife to tell her that he would be heading home soon.

Posted: 11:12 PM - Jul 30, 2011
Goodnight Mr. Grainger. See ya bright eyed and bushy tailed in the mornin'.

Ladies? Need any help in there? <calling over across the floor into the Ladies Fitting room>

<looking over at Mr. Humphries> Aren't you gonna model anything tomorro evenin'?

Posted: 12:25 AM - Jul 31, 2011
(puts on hat and coat and follows Lucas)

I don't think so, Mr Lucas. I prefer directing, honestly. You know, you looked quite nice in your swimming briefs. I'm surprised you don't model professionally yourself.

Posted: 12:27 AM - Jul 31, 2011
(changes into street wear; puts on hat and coat)

Thank you, Mr Lucas.

Are you going to try to catch up with Mrs Axelby, Mrs Slocombe? I 'eard you was quite the darts player, especially when you was in Tiverton as a girl.

Posted: 10:44 AM - Jul 31, 2011
Why thank you Mr. Humphries, never thought about that kind of profession.

<standing at the lifts, holding the door>

Since it's still early, and we are all together, why don't the three of us go on over with Mrs. Slocumbe and see if she still has time for that dart contest? Perhaps the four of us might get a few games in after the contest is over.

<as the last one enters> That way I'll make sure you get home safely Ms. Brahms. <giggles and elbows Shirley>

Posted: 7:22 PM - Jul 31, 2011
He says good bye to everyone. Then he puts on his hat and coat and then walks to the elevator.

Peacock and Rumbold return to the floor as Lucas, Brahms, Slocombe, and Humpries prepare to leave the floor as well.

Posted: 7:28 PM - Jul 31, 2011
That will be nice all four of us hitting the pub together. Hopefully we'll be in time for the darts contest. You'll really enjoy the fish n chips they do up everybody. Captain Peacock, Mr. Rumbold are you coming along with us? There's always room for two more.

Posted: 7:30 PM - Jul 31, 2011
Goodnight Mr. Grainger! No thank you Mrs. Slocumbe but I think I better be getting home to my wife. I won't have missed too much of Eastenders and she does have a nice steak and kidney pie in the oven for me.

Posted: 7:31 PM - Jul 31, 2011
I don't mind coming along with the rest of you to the pub. That sounds like it might be fun. It will be a lot better than going home to Mrs. Rumbold and whatever there might be for dinner. I could really fancy some fish n chips. Shall we all go then?

Posted: 11:23 PM - Jul 31, 2011
Why not? I haven't played darts in ages. I wouldn't say no to some fish and chips as well.

Posted: 11:26 PM - Jul 31, 2011
Fish and chips sounds lovely right about now. I've got to be home before ten, though. If I'm not there when M*A*S*H comes on my mum starts screaming at Alan Alda. She can't stand 'im.

Posted: 10:41 AM - Aug 01, 2011
This really fun 4 week RPG has ended since a vote is needed. 2 awards will be awarded for the best dialog here.

Forum is empty


Posted: 6:43 PM - May 09, 2011
Mr R Martland won the last session. Please start with a scenario.


Posted: 8:31 AM - May 12, 2011
Looks like Mr. Grace is on an unannounced vacation. Since 1/2 the week is already over please start May 14-15.


Posted: 1:28 PM - May 12, 2011
Mr R Martland
(Very sorry! I shall start it now, just give me a few minutes to think something up.)

Posted: 1:38 PM - May 12, 2011
Mr R Martland
Mr Grace enters the floor
Good morning everybody. I expect you are glad to now be back to your own departments.
Mr Grace takes a chair and sits
I think it's about time we had a new commercial out. So, I think, you as my favourite department should star in it and write it.
Mr Grace mutters something about outrageous prices for professional actors
Good luck everybody, stay behind tonight for a few minutes and discuss it.

Posted: 2:36 PM - May 12, 2011
Oh god not another commercial tryout!

Mr. Humphries, Mr. Humphries are you free? We may need the services of your director friend again.

Mr. Lucas, Mr. Grainger are you free?

Mrs. Slocumbe, Miss Brahams are you free?

If you're all free lets meet at the center of the floor.

A chorus of I'm Free's has followed Captain Peacock's summons and they all gather in the center.

As you might have heard, Young Mr. Grace wishes to do a new commercial to boost sales in the store. Now we all know what a right cock up the last few times we have tried to air a presentable commercial in various mediums. The nightclub scene was a disgrace what with the microphone dropping down Mrs. Slocumbe's clevage and Miss Belfridge becoming tipsy off the champagne. The closed circuit television advertising bargins created the wrong sort of stir and, the CB radio programme wasn't a great success either. We're to meet after the store closes to try to come up with another, and I do hope sensible, idea for a commercial although I doubt it with this bunch. Please make any domestic arrangements you have to make. I don't know how long this will take.

Posted: 4:25 PM - May 12, 2011
Ah yes, and remember when we did the ol' switch-a-roo with Mr. Graces' sexy nurse and Ms. Brahms? That turned some knickers into a twitch...didn't Ms. Brahms? <looking over at Ms. Brahms with arms crossed and cocky grin>

What, praytell can we come up with...this time 'round?

Posted: 8:44 PM - May 12, 2011
Well I had better phone Mrs. Axleby and let her know I'll be home late. She'll make sure Tiddles is a good girl in the garden and give her her nightly dinner and a tummy rub. I have to admit it is much nicer having Mrs. Axleby rooming with me rather than having to call on Mr. Akbar. That man gets way to familiar.

Posted: 8:47 PM - May 12, 2011
I'm glad I caught you all together. Young Mr. Grace wants us to come up with some ideas for another commercial he wants to do. Naturally he wants to do it as cheaply as possible so we all know that is going to cause some difficulties.

Posted: 9:01 PM - May 12, 2011
Captain Peacock has a very frustrated look on his face as he replies: Mr. Rumbold, I have just made that announcement to the staff. We were in the process of making our domestic arrangements so we can stay behind after the store closes to come up with ideas for the new commercial.

Posted: 9:12 PM - May 12, 2011
Oh very well Captain Peacock please carry on as he toddles away to his office.

Captain Peacock roles his eyes and the rest of the staff smirk.

Posted: 9:18 PM - May 12, 2011
Mr. Harmon comes on the floor with delivery of stock for both departments and Captain Peacock spies him. Mr. Harmon how many times do I have to remind you that you are not to be on the floor after the opening bell!!!

I'm sorry Captain Peacock, but seeings as how Grace Brothers isn't advanced enough to have a transporter pad in the packing department and one in this department to beam me over the floor in a shower of lights across the floor I must go!

Besides, I thought we was workin together to get you undemoted?

Posted: 11:03 PM - May 12, 2011
<standing at our counter, marking prices on the items being shown on the next sales, continueing the chat from earlier before Peacock announced the stay over>

So, as I was saying about this bird, see...<stating as I held me hands out to display her bosoms> she was enormous, I tell ya. And when I told her about me position as floorwalker, she was all over me like flies on honey.<snickers>

I know it was only for a few hours, but SHE didn't know that...<onerey snicker>

Mind you, it didn't matter...< placing last marked item in the right area> I never made it home last night, <elbowing Mr. Humphries> and it bloody well doesn't look like I'll make it home tonight, thanks to this cockamanny meeting we have to attend later on.

Posted: 11:06 PM - May 12, 2011
Miss Brahms rolls her eyes and sighs heavily, then whispers to Mrs Slocombe

Cor, they have no respect for our personal lives, do they? I can't stay very long, I have a date with my Greek boyfriend. He's coming over so I can make him a local dish.

Posted: 2:35 AM - May 13, 2011
That sounds impressive Miss Brahms, I wish that I could cook Greek food but my wife throws me out of the kitchen when I come home.

(Turns to the whole departmental staff and Harmon)

I do hope that our new commercial is given a better script. I thought that the director, Mr. Humphries' friend, was spectacular.

However, no one asked me to do anything in the commerical. I just stood there for five minutes staring at Captain Peacock shouting into Mrs. Slocombe's lady parts - it was vulgar yet necessary.

(He blushes as he says 'lady parts' instead of breasts.)

I demand a speaking role in this production, and I think that I should maybe be a customer this time around.

I suppose we do need a bartender ... but I think that the role should be filled with someone who has more seniority. Come to think of it, Rumbold would be a better fit.

During the last commercial, Rumbold just played the piano in the background. However, his musical ability was extremely lacking. If we had someone more sophisticated like Captain Peacock at the pianoforte, then perhaps the commercial would seem more appropriate.

After all, I remember Captain Peacock winning the Grace Brothers' Founders Talent Appreciation Competition in 1971 by performing "Night and Day" on the piano. I did so well that he was asked to do THREE encores.

Of course, however, the direction may be done by the professional friend of Mr. Humphries ...

But I think that all of us should be given the option to create our own script by adding our own personalities into the mix.

Posted: 1:11 PM - May 13, 2011
Mr. Harmon, it pains me to say this but I do want to thank you for your willingness to get me undemoted as you so aptly put it however, the matter has been resolved. The little girls mother, after her misconception of the events that transpired was cleared up, went straight to Mr. Grace and told him that I wasn't rude. I don't really need your services as shop steward any longer.

Would you be good enough to ensure that there are tables, chairs and a spot of tea made ready for us after the closing bell? As you heard, we have to discuss ideas for a new commercial. Again, as it pains me to say, your input might be valuable and I'll alert Mr. Rumbold that you will be attending as well.

Mr. Humphries would you be kind enough to dial Mrs. Peacock for me? I need to inform her of my late arrival. She worries if I don't get home by the stroke of 6.

Mr. Humphries dials the number and hands the phone to Captain Peacock who immediately wipes both ends of the phone off with his hankerchief which he then properly flutes and puts back in his left hand pocket.

Hello my dear. No nothing is the matter. I needed to let you know that I will be late returning home from work tonight. We have to stay behind to come up with ideas for the new commercial that Young Mr. Grace wants to do. Humm yes, I will keep your suggestion in mind to not use the nasty looking girl (meaning Miss Belfridge) that passed out over the champagne bottle. No dear I will not use my blow tickler! I only use the blow tickler at Christmas Party. I don't know when all this will conclude so don't wait up dinner for me. See you later.

Thank you Mr. Humphries!

Posted: 1:19 PM - May 13, 2011
Mr. Harmon, looking rather disgruntled at being informed that his services are no longer required as shop steward.

I had a great plan worked out to protest for you but seeings as how you are actually going to include me in this conflab I will not lodge a protest against you for stopping the protest. I'll get Warrick and Seymour to put out the tables and I'll inform the canteen manageress that we need a pot of tea.

Mr. Harmon bustles off.

Posted: 1:21 PM - May 13, 2011
I say Miss Brahams you didn't tell me you were dating this greek fella. You must be careful with them greeks. Remember what happened with me and Mr. Mataksis! Captain Peacock's behavior since he has been reinstated as floorwalker has been a bit odd. He's not quite as stuffy as he was and he's even being nicer to Mr. Harmon. Maybe that was a good thing for him to be a junior back in Toys.

Posted: 10:20 PM - May 14, 2011
Well, so far Nick's been very sweet to me. *giggles* Last week he gave me a big box of baklava what he made himself. And then he made souvlaki with tza...taz...kinky? With some sort of cucumber and yoghurt sauce.

Oh, I agree. It's a bit eerie, him being nice to Harmon. Sort of like he's an evil twin or something like you see in that Twilight Zone show.

Oi, where is Mr Humphries? I hope it's not the same friend of his what said I was so bleedin' common!

Posted: 9:10 PM - May 15, 2011
Me either Miss Brahams. He said I was too old! Mind you what he said about old Jugears was true though (they both giggle). Have you come up with any ideas for this bleedin thing? I certainly don't want to be stuck here all night. I've been spending far too much time in the store lately. Me and Mrs. Axleby have tickets to go to the roller disco tonight but thats not till later.

Posted: 11:29 PM - May 15, 2011
Mr. Rumbold asks his secretary to get Captain Peacock on the phone.

She dials the mens department but the call becomes very confusing as neither Mr. Humphries or Mr. Grainger realizes that the call is for Captain Peacock to come to his office. Neither one stay on the phone long enough to find that out!

Mr. Rumbold decides that he'll come back on the floor.

Captain Peacock a word please!

Have you all got your domestic arrangements taken care of for the conference tonight?

Posted: 11:38 PM - May 15, 2011
Yes we have Mr. Rumbold. I have asked Mr. Harmon to arrange for a bit of light refreshments for the conference and he will arrange to have the tables and chairs ready for us. I thought it better that he arranged for that rather than Miss Belfridge. Remember last time when you sent her out for them she went over to the Savoy and got that delicious plate of salmon sandwiches and gourmet coffees but, at a great expense. I have also asked Mr. Harmon to attend the conference this time. I believe his input might be valuable. We seem to save ourselves alot of aggro if we just include him in the decision processes especially since we wind up having to come to him for one thing or another. Makes more sense just to have him sit in on it.

Posted: 11:40 PM - May 15, 2011
Captan Peacock wasn't that a bit above your authority to request Mr. Harmon's presence at the conference? However, I am prepared to overlook that this time seeing as how you might just have hit on something to improve inter-departmental relations. I'm glad I thought of that. Carry on everybody!

Posted: 11:47 PM - May 15, 2011
Forgive me sir the joy at being back in my former position as floorwalker went to my head (as Captain Peacock gives a little bow).

Posted: 11:49 PM - May 15, 2011
Quite understandable I'll overlook that this time just don't let it happen again.

Mr. Rumbold removes himself to his office.

Captain Peacock is highly frustrated as he returns to his spot. What a stupid man he mutters.

Posted: 1:46 PM - May 16, 2011
A customer has approached the ladies counter.

I'm looking for a suit that I can wear for both day and night in a color that will compliment my complexion.

Certainly madam Mrs. Slocumbe replies. Miss Brahams please get the rail of suits for madam.

Miss Brahams brings the rail over. Now if madam would like to take a look thru these suits, we should have something here that will please madam.

The customer looks thru the suits and chooses three to try on and proceeds to the fitting room.

Miss Brahams, get out the boxes of accessories to go with the suits that she's picked out. Since you've been so helpful lately, I'll let you have the commission on any accessories that she selects. Miss Brahams gets the boxes of hats, gloves and purses.

The customer has decided on a navy blue suit and deep red.

Perhaps madam would like to look at some accessories to go with the suits? We have hats, gloves and purses that would look marvelous with madams selections.

The customer begins to look thru the collection Miss Brahams has assembled. Oh yes, I think I'll take these two hats, a pair of white gloves (they'll go with anything) and the blue and red purses.

Will that be cash or on account? On account please.

Mrs. Slocumbe makes out the bill. That will be 157 pounds. Thank you for shopping at Grace Brothers!

Ooo Miss Brahams, thats 3 pounds commission for me and 1 pound 71 p for you!

Posted: 5:17 PM - May 16, 2011
<heaves a heavy sigh> Boy, Ms. Brahms sure is glowing today, is she not Mr. Humphries? <glancing over from time to time>
Oh Well...<shaking head and unfold arms> have you thought of any ideas for this bloody commerical?

Posted: 2:33 AM - May 17, 2011
Zzzz ...

Grainger was sleeping and Humphries was busy trying to wake Grainger.

Humphries: Are you free Mr. Grainger?

Grainger: Yes, I'm free (wakes up). Did I miss anything? Oh, we are getting customers. Never mind.

Posted: 1:19 PM - May 17, 2011
The closing bell rings.

Captain Peacock: Mr. Humphries would you please call Mr. Harmon and let him know that they can set up the tables and chairs for the conference. The sooner we get this conference over with the sooner we can go home. I for one think it will be a gigantic waste of time. These commercials always turn out horrible and we waste alot of time doing them. I don't understand why Young Mr. Grace won't just hire professionals to do these things.

Posted: 1:53 PM - May 17, 2011
I agree with ya there, Captain Peacock. <stating as he covers the counters> I always have a terrible creak in me back afterwards holding the bloody mike in the air!

Posted: 3:45 PM - May 17, 2011
Mr. Harmon, Warrick and Seymour are bringing in the tables and chairs. They get them arranged and Mr. Harmon bustles off to the canteen for the tea.

Posted: 8:11 PM - May 17, 2011
Mr. Rumbold comes on the floor. Come on everybody gather round. Mr. Harmon is going to the canteen for refreshments. Lets get this conference started. Miss Belfridge take notes.

Young Mr. Grace wants us to come up with another commercial to boost sales. We're doing well in some departments and bad in others. DIY, toys, bathroom fittings and the grocery department are all up however, ladies/mens shoes, ladies/gents departments and haberdashery are down a little bit. The other departments are holding fairly steadily. That should give us enough information as to what the focus of the commercial needs to be.

Posted: 8:21 PM - May 17, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe flounces over to the table. Well we've already done a fashion show (Mrs. Slocumbe rolls her eyes up at that), a CB radio programme, closed circuit telly and the nightclub commercial. What more does he expect out of us Mr. Rumbold?

What ever happened with my idea of having an announcer periodically coming over the loud speaker announcing the various items on sale? We all auditioned for the announcer and Young Mr. Grace decided that his was the only proper voice to do that (she sneers). Nothing else ever came out of that.

How about this why don't each of the departments do a brief commercial advertising their wares? This way no department can complain of not enough exposure. Their bits shouldn't be more than 2 minutes long. We could put the best bits together for a commercial.

Posted: 10:14 PM - May 17, 2011
How about this, Mr. Rumbold. < suggesting as he takes his seat at the end of the tables>
Whenever I take me date to the movies, and we're torn over which flick to see, not that it matters since we're in the very back getting busy, huh Mr, Humphries...< elbowing and naughty giggles..heh heh heh>, but what helps us to decide is the poster adverstments.
Perhaps we should do posters or billboards.
That way, no voices needed done, no movements. Just a simple pose of our items with a simple model.

Posted: 10:45 AM - May 18, 2011
The problem I see with the whole commercial idea to begin with is the fact that the sale items change from whatever it is the store is trying to push. I cannot see Young Mr. Grace wanting to make a commercial or put up posters each time we have a special items sale.

In keeping with Mr. Lucas and Mrs. Slocumbe's worthy ideas, how about if we kind of combine them? We could set up a display area in each department with the sale items with their price shown. Mr. Humphries' director friend could film them. This way what he takes pictures of could either be used as a commercial or as posters.

Or, how about this. Why not make up a weekly sale paper like Sainsburys does? We can have Mr. Humphries' director friend snap pictures of all the items on sale and perhaps offer a few special coupons that the customers can bring into the store with them to redeem. I'm sure the newspapers have special rates to have that done and it can't be as expensive as doing another disastrous commercial. If Young Mr. Grace doesn't want to go that far, he could just get the sale papers printed up and be made available for the customers as they come thru the front doors.

Posted: 11:29 AM - May 18, 2011
Mr. Harmon returns with a tray of tea and biscuits for everybody.

Hea you go all. That will be 10p each.

The staff grumbles at this charge and refuse to pay it.

Well if you don't want to pay for the grub, remember I have the master key to release you from the premises and it will cost you 10p each.

Mr. Rumbold informs him that the "refreshments" will be paid by the firm.

Have I missed much while I was getting the refreshments for ya?

Posted: 11:30 AM - May 18, 2011
I like what I'm hearing. Your idea of the sales paper Captain Peacock has great merit. I believe we can get them printed up in the store.

Posted: 12:47 PM - May 18, 2011
Don't forget to mention to Mr. Grace about my announcement idea. That would work well with the sales paper. He could direct the customers to check on whatever page the sale item he's pushing is on.

Posted: 12:48 PM - May 18, 2011
Copying and printing is part of maintenance and I can check with their head to see what it would take to print up the sales paper if Young Mr. Grace likes this idea.

Posted: 3:36 PM - May 18, 2011
Here, here! Those ideas sound wonderful. Hopefully, Mr. Grace will see reason and decide that we are better off without televised commercials.

I am not sure if Young Mr. Grace will consent to dropping flyers through the mail/newspapers. I think that the sales paper delivery as customers enter Grace Brothers is a fantastic idea. I also believe that announcing each departments' specials is good.

However, I think that customers would respond better if perhaps we could have a more charismatic announcer ...

I think that a person with more sex appeal such as the Nurse would be more popular ... or perhaps a more refined voice as Captain Peacock's.

Yet, if you do mention Mrs. Slocombe's suggestion, please do not mention that I suggested that we should change the announcer. Young Mr. Grace may veto the idea altogether - and may favour an idea that may result in less sales overall.

Posted: 3:47 PM - May 18, 2011
I really hate having to be in charge of special effects. Beings that Young Mr. Grace never wants to cough up enough money to have proper sound effects, I'm forced to dream up different ways to get the sounds that we need. I vote for no commercial as such and stick with the sales paper and announcing!

Posted: 3:51 PM - May 18, 2011
Mr. Humphries do you know someone that is good with photography? I mean we could try to take them ourselves with equipment from our photography section of the electronics department but whenever we try to do things like that, we always seem to make a shambles of it. I for one do not know the first thing about proper photography. Even when I try to use my Polaroid Instamatic my pictures always seem to come out blurry or something. Is any one else on the staff able to take decent pictures? What about these new digital cameras?

Miss Brahams do you have an constructive ideas to add to those we've already discussed?

Posted: 5:30 PM - May 18, 2011
Are we gonna make a book of sales like in that old movie ~Miracle on 24th Street~?
You know...<getting up and dashing to the foot of the stairs>have a stand here,<motioning with his hands> holding the big book of sales, for the customers to leaf through. Everyone always stops to look through books!
I believe Ms. Brahms once said that she was into photographing at one point, were you not Ms. Brahms?

Posted: 7:39 PM - May 18, 2011
Well, my wife used to be in a photography club ... but that was at least eight or ten years ago. She might also require a second person to assist her in developing the pictures. Should I ask her if she could arrange a photo shoot?

If I recall, they published a couple local magazines ... I could perhaps bring a copy of the latest one to the store tomorrow.

My wife prefers black and white still photography, but I suppose she could make a compromise if I were to make a personal request ...

Although she may have important restrictions:
No secretaries (especially ones like Belfridge)
No more than four people at a time per picture
The store pays for refreshments
The photographing takes place while the store is closed (either before or after work)

Posted: 11:32 AM - May 19, 2011
That's a great idea Mr. Lucas using the sale books. It probably wouldn't cost as much to make up a book for each department to display of the sales goods. The idea of the sales paper to be made available when the customers come into the store is a good one as well along with the announcing of special sale items.

Mr. Grainger would you ask your wife if she would consent to possibly being the photographer providing that Young Mr. Grace approves of the idea?

Posted: 8:53 PM - May 19, 2011
I was, Mr Lucas. Unfortunately someone stole my camera while we was on holiday at the Costa Plonka. I think it was that Conchita girl. She was mad because Mr Humphries wouldn't take her back to England with him.
'Ere, who's gonna do the announcing bit? Last time when Mr Grace did the announcing several people complained they couldn't unnerstand a word he was sayin'.

Posted: 10:50 PM - May 19, 2011
I think whatever department has the sale, those staff members should make the recordings for that day. Everyone should have a chance.
Even ol' Peacock should have a recording for perhaps the center display items.
And jugears could announce those "extra" bonus special<doing those quote movements with his fingers>

Posted: 11:13 PM - May 19, 2011
Why thank you Mr. Lucas! I think that is the nicest thing you have ever said to me. You must be as pleased about being the junior on the mens counter as I am being back on the floor!

I'm prepared to do the announcing providing we can get Young Mr. Grace's approval.

Mr. Rumbold do you think these ideas will be good to present to Mr. Grace?

Posted: 11:18 PM - May 19, 2011
I could get with Warrick and Seymour and see what we can knock up for displays to show the goods.

How many displays do you think we might need Mr. Rumbold?
Posted: 11:26 PM - May 19, 2011
Let me see if I have all the ideas down

1. Mrs. Slocumbe suggests doing the announcing of special items using the store's loud speaker system. Mrs. Slocumbe also suggests that each department do their own brief commercial or announcement of their special sales.

2. Captain Peacock suggested that we come up with a sale paper like they do at Sainsburys either to include in the neighborhood papers or to be made available to the customers as they enter the store. Possibly including a few coupons for special items. Mr. Grainger suggested that his wife might be willing to take the photos for the paper. Mr. Humphries is to ask his director friend if he takes photos or can recommend someone. Naturally it would have to be someone that would consider doing the job for very little money. We all know how much Young Mr. Grace dislikes spending money on advertising.

3. Mr. Lucas suggests that we make up books like they did in the movie Miracle on 34th Street to show what is on sale in each department and place a book in each department.

4. Mr. Harmon will work with Warrick and Seymour to make displays up for each department.

5. Mr. Lucas suggested that each department select a member to do their own announcing of special items for sale.

I hope I've got all that right this time. I think I have enough to present to Young Mr. Grace. I'm glad we had this meeting this evening it was very profitable. I'll make sure to present "my" ideas to Young Mr. Grace tomorrow.

Well done everyone! I think we can all go home now!

Posted: 10:27 AM - May 20, 2011
As Mr. Rumbold bustles off.....

Thank god that is over with! We actually seem to have come up with some viable ideas this time. Lets hope Young Mr. Grace will accept them and have them carried out. Lets all go home and get a good nights sleep.

Posted: 5:48 PM - May 20, 2011
Well, Shirley. Since it's so late, would you like to take in a movie? I hear that Bambi is showing at the flicker shop a few blocks down.

Posted: 2:13 PM - May 21, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe puts on her coat. Mrs. Axelby and I have tickets for the roller disco tonight. We were getting rather tired of going to the pub all the time. You know I really have to begin spending some time at home or my pussy and bird will think that I have totally forgotten about them.

Posted: 3:26 PM - May 21, 2011
<snickers while putting coat on> Ah yes, Mrs. Slocumbe, mus'nt let that pussy of yours be left alone for too long.

Posted: 10:15 PM - May 21, 2011
I don't think so, Mr Lucas. I've got the house to meself tonight, so Nick's coming over. He's promised to make moussaka and kataifi.

Posted: 10:11 AM - May 22, 2011
well, ok then goodnite all

Posted: 9:41 PM - May 22, 2011
Good night everyone! I telephoned my wife, but she said that she would like to have a discussion at home first about it first.

Posted: 11:51 PM - May 22, 2011
You know you're right Mr. Lucas. I do need to spend more time with my pussy and bird. The way things have been going at Grace Brothers lately hasn't given me much time at ome.

Posted: 2:59 PM - May 23, 2011
<ding of the lift as the doors open and another day starts at Grace Brothers Mens and Ladies Dept.>

Gah, Blimey! < sighing as he leaves the lifts and slowly slomps down the stairs to the sign in counter> Another ~GLORIOUS~ day here at Grace Brothers! <stating sarcastically>

Feels like we just left! <tossing down the pen as he finishes signing his name> Where's ol' Peacock at? It's not like him not to be at his spot, hovering over stating what time it is as you sign in...

<standing in position, mocking Peacock> 8:47 and 39 seconds <pause> Mr. Lucas....<giggles>

Posted: 8:06 PM - May 23, 2011
<the lift doors chime and they open up to reveal the ladies and gents department.>

Grainger runs down the stairs and sprints to the gentleman's counter. He puts away his hat, coat, and briefcase. He goes to sign the book ...

"Hello, Mr. Lucas," he says as he signs the book.

"It is 8:49 a.m. but Captain Peacock is not here? That is very odd."

Posted: 8:14 PM - May 23, 2011
*another chime and Miss Brahms darts down the stairs, coat and bag over her arm*

Cor blimey! I thought I was gonna be late. *looks around* Where's ol' Peacock? It's not like him not to be struttin' about, making nasty comments.

Posted: 11:16 AM - May 24, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe enters. Oh he got here early. He's with Mr. Rumbold telling Young Mr. Grace about our ideas last night. She signs the book and bustles over to her counter.

Posted: 11:18 AM - May 24, 2011
The lift doors chime again and out steps Captain Peacock and Mr. Rumbold. Both looking disgruntled.

Captain Peacock goes over to the book to sign in. Some days there is just no reasoning with that man!

Posted: 11:21 AM - May 24, 2011
While we're all here, I'll just have a word with the staff on our meeting with Young Mr. Grace this morning.

Young Mr. Grace liked your ideas about the pictures and making a sales paper and the books however, rather than having a member of department posing with the sale items he wants bathing beauties to pose with them! I hope I can put him right at the coffee break. We don't want to give the wrong impression by using that idea.

Carry on everybody! Mr. Rumbold totters off to his office muttering as he goes.

Posted: 3:18 PM - May 24, 2011
Morning Mr. Grainger.

Bathing Beauties?!? <cocky grin emerges> I could work with that.

Here...just have Ms. Brahms shorten that skirt of 'ers, and remove those sleeves...and we've got the beauty right there.

Hey, Mrs. Slocumbe. will you be trying out for the bathing beauty bit too? <arms crossed, trying not to snicker>

Posted: 4:01 PM - May 24, 2011
Mr. Lucas don't be cheeky! I'm sure that I and Miss Brahams would be delighted to try out for a bathing beauty and I am unanimous in that. However, didn't Young Mr. Grace say he didn't want members of the department posing?

Oh Captain Peacock maybe you can tell Mr. Rumbold that professional models will probably cost Young Mr. Grace more than he is willing to spend on advertising. We could hold another beauty contest here in the store to choose who poses with what display picture.

Posted: 4:07 PM - May 24, 2011
What a good idea Mrs. Slocumbe. Mr. Humphries dial Mr. Rumbold for me would you?

Mr. Rumbold Mrs. Slocumbe just had an idea to deter Young Mr. Grace from looking outside the store for the bathing beauties. The cost of professional models will probably be more than he is willing to spend for advertising. Why couldn't we hold a beauty contest here in the store again with any member of department wishing to compete. He could be the final judge. Instead of winning a vacation on his yacht, the prize is posing for the sales display pictures. You know we're still waiting for word back on Mr. Humphries' director friend for the photographic work. I don't believe that Mrs. Grainger will be willing to do the pictures considering the subject matter as it were. You'll tell him this at the coffee break? Excellent sir.

Thank you Mr. Humphries! You all heard the outcome now back to your counters. We'll find out what Young Mr. Grace decides after the coffee break.

Posted: 9:11 PM - May 24, 2011
Unfortunately, you are right Captain Peacock ... I expect that my wife would refuse to work with such women that young Mr. Grace finds desirable work ...

Hopefully, Mr. Rumbold can help persuade Young Mr. Grace to change his mind about spending money on "professional models."

Posted: 9:54 PM - May 24, 2011
Yes well Mr. Grainger I'm afraid that my wife wouldn't be too pleased to find out that there will be professional models in the near vicinity to me either. I do not fancy spending another week in the guestroom or almost being chucked out. We've tried to put all that unpleasantness behind us. I really don't want to upset her again. Besides, tho I find the younger ladies attractive to look at, I do not have the stamina to keep up with them any longer.

Posted: 3:36 PM - May 25, 2011
teethygrin whoa, a beauty contest, here, at Grace Brothers! That would be a sight to see! With some of these birds that work here, it would be a tight race to the crown...

with Mrs. Slocumbe in the race, it'll be even

Posted: 3:53 PM - May 25, 2011
Mr. Lucas I shall bat your ears if you keep this up!

May I remind you that it wasn't a lady that won the contest the last time but Mr. Humphries who gallantly offered himself to help his department out. Mind you I don't think we can convince him to do that again for the honor of the department. I don't think he's ever really recovered from his time on Young Mr. Grace's yacht. We still don't know if he is or isn't either. Mrs. Slocumbe spies a customer coming to the ladies counter.

Good morning madam. Not a very nice day is it madam. You must have needed something badly to have come out in this weather. You need some tights, bras and knickers you say? What size is madam? Mrs. Slocumbe gives the customer a professional look up and down. You look like you're about a 38D, size 8 for the knickers and a tall for the tights? The customer is amazed at Mrs. Slocumbe's sizing acumen. Thank you madam! One acquired the knack when one has been doing this as long as what I have. Miss Brahams get down the 38 platforms with the heavy duty straps would you? Now then while she's getting those, here is the tights drawer. I'll get the knickers drawer out while you look thru those. Might I interest madam in a new line of intimate apparel that we're offering on special? We have the frilly bra, matching suspender belt and knickers along with a matching nighty for 20 quid. What colors you ask? We have them in red, black and emerald green. The customer shyly tells Mrs. Slocumbe that she's going away for the upcoming weekend with her boyfriend.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Going away are we, well madam must look her best then musn't she Miss Brahams?

Miss Brahams: Oh yes she must get at least one set of the fancy wear.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Miss Brahams would you get that drawer of the special apparel for me?

Mrs. Slocumbe: Now if madam would look thru these things and see if there isn't something that suits her?

The customer selects two bras, several pairs of knickers and tights and a red and black set of the intimate apparel. Mrs. Slocumbe totals it up for her. That will be 70 quid cash or account? On account? Fine, sign here please. Miss Brahams is bagging the items up for her. There you go madam your receipt is in the bag. If I were you, I would take shallow breaths with the new bras until you've broken them in a bit. The catches have a tendency to fly open. If you are unhappy with anything madam, don't hesitate to bring it back as long as you have the receipt.

Miss Brahams mutters "you won't get it but you can ask".

There Miss Brahams that's 70 quick with my 3 percent commission that comes to a little over two quid for me. Since you helped me Miss Brahams, I'll split this with you. You haven't gotten much commission this week have you. Mind you the weather has been awful lately. I'm sure it will pick up for you once the sun comes out again.

Posted: 2:48 PM - May 26, 2011
Oh, thank you, Mrs Slocombe. I could use a bit of extra bob. I've had to buy the cheap tights we sell here and they ladder so easily. I mean, I just bought these yesterday and look!

*lifts her skirt to reveal a ladder running from her ankle all the way to her suspender belt*

*Captain Peacock's attention is quickly diverted from the dummy he's been re-posing and accidentally snaps its arm off*

Humphries: (from the mens counter, watching everything and grinning) Good thing he wasn't changing out the trousers!

Brahms: 'Ere, speaking of extra bob, d'you think they'll try that same shenanigan they pulled last time when they had that beauty contest? 'Cause I'm not participating if the big prize is Mr Grace's big boat!

Posted: 3:18 PM - May 26, 2011
<eyes open wide!> Did you see that, Mr. Humphries!! Ms. Brahms has a ladder all the way!

Mr. Humphries: Glass of water for Mr. Lucas.

Posted: 11:23 PM - May 26, 2011
Cheeky monkey!

Posted: 2:07 AM - May 27, 2011
Grainger finishes the sale with a customer.

Grainger: Enjoy wearing your check suit, sir. Have a good morning.

The customer leaves. Grainger notices Lucas's and Peacock's behaviour, yet he doesn't see what they were reacting to ...

Miss Brahms had already pulled down her skirt. Lucas gulps a glass of water ...

Peacock becomes embarrased at having ruined the display and overcompensates by pacing the floor. Then he straightens his carnation ...

Grainger wonders if he should replace the mannequin ... he realizes that it could antagonize Peacock more if he went to the centre display without engaging in oral protocol. However, if Grainger merely mentioned this incident to Peacock in passing, the minor scandal would deeply hurt Peacock's feelings. So, Grainger said nothing and tried to pretend that nothing unusual happened.

Humphries nudged Grainger.

Humphries: (whispers) Mr. Grainger ... should we do something about the centre display?
Grainger: (looks around to see if anyone is watching them) I should think so, ...

Then the gents departmental phone rings ...

Lucas answers the phone.

Lucas: (on the phone) Menswear.

It was Rumbold.

Rumbold: (on the phone) Hello. Is this Mr. Lucas? Please tell Peacock and the others that I have been instructed that Young Mr. Grace is prepared to make an announcement regarding the advertising campaign.
Lucas: Ahhh, yes, the bathing beauties. Did he say that he wants to recruit the models himself ... such as organize a talent competition ...
Rumbold: Umm, no. Well he did not give details to me over the phone. He said that he would meet us all in the canteen during the next break.
Lucas: (disappointed) Well, I will pass on this message.
Rumbold: Well you should get back to serving your customers. Tell Captain Peacock to phone me in five minutes if he has any questions.
Lucas: Oh I will, Mr. Rumbold. Good bye.

Lucas hangs up the telephone.

Lucas: Captain Peacock, are you free?

Peacock looks around customarily to see if there were unattended customers exiting the lifts.

Peacock: I am free Mr. Lucas.
Lucas: That was Rumbold on the phone. He has a message from Young Mr. Grace.

Posted: 10:30 AM - May 27, 2011
Yes Mr. Lucas I'm free. I heard Mr. Rumbold thru the phone. He does talk rather loudly you know. I wonder what nonsense that silly man will come up with for this latest advertising campaign. I suppose we should be grateful that we at least put him off the idea of another disastrous commercial.

Would you please call Mr. Rumbold back for me. He should be free by now to tell me what the latest disaster is going to be.

Mr. Grainger would you be good enough to repair that dummy on the center display for me while I'm speaking with Mr. Rumbold. I'm afraid I have mangled it and it wouldn't do for Young Mr. Grace to come on the floor and see the dummy

Hello Mr. Rumbold Mr. Lucas said you have some news for us about the latest advertising campaign. You want to tell us in the canteen at lunch? Very well I'll pass that message to the staff.

Posted: 3:15 PM - May 27, 2011
<standing over next to the center display holding items as Mr. Grainger and Humphries re-arrange the dummy>

Boy, I tell ya, ol' jugears is rather boiled today.

Must be upset that the beauty contest is a no go...<giggles>

Mind you, as jealous as his wife is, it wouldn't do him good to be any part of a beauty pagent, NOR Captain Peacock, since Peacock's marriage is rocky already.

Posted: 4:56 PM - May 27, 2011
Well we don't know that Mr. Grace panned the beauty contest Mr. Lucas.

You're quite right about my marriage. Mind you its gotten much better since we've worked most difficulties out. Ahh to be your age again free to be on the prowl for adventure. Don't get yourself tied down until you've sown lots of wild oats.

Posted: 8:53 PM - May 27, 2011
*Brahms giggles behind her hand, but is a bit sympathetic towards the gents*

Oi, did you hear that, Mrs Slocombe? The Bathing Beauties contest might be a no-go. Too bad we can't get the men to take part in such a contest. Not that I'd want to see any of 'em in swimming shorts. Can you imagine skinny ol' Peacock in a speedo? UGH! But it'd be nice if they got a taste of their own sexist ways.

Posted: 11:23 PM - May 27, 2011
Weak as water the whole lot of them, weak as water! They wouldn't have the nerve to compete in a male beauty contest. Men can be such beasts.

Mind you tho there are those male go-go dancers that have become quite popular in the States. What is their name? Mrs. Axleby was reading an article about them in a supermarket rag the other day. Oh yes the Chippendales. At first I thought she was talking about those little animated chipmunks what was on the cartoons on Saturday morning for awhile. I coulldn't see why she was getting so worked up over cartoon animals then she showed me a picture of them with women going wild over them and stuffing money down their jockey shorts! I don't think something like that would go over very well here do you Miss Brahams? We British are more reserved although, if they looked like Steve McQueen I wouldn't mind having a go at him.

Mrs. Slocumbe gets a thoughtful look on her face. You know Miss Brahams, it might not be a bad idea to suggest to Mr. Rumbold that a male beauty contest be held instead of a female. Or maybe they could use both depending on the department?

Posted: 9:16 AM - May 28, 2011
This session is closed. Well done!

Forum is empty


Posted: 5:50 PM - Apr 22, 2011
Since there seems to be an interest to continue the current dialog, I've set it up as such here and in the Men's/Ladies Dept.

PCO! 😀


Posted: 10:29 AM - Apr 25, 2011
Mr R Martland
Mr Grace picks up the phone
Mr Humphries answers in his usual voice
"Hello, what's your name little girl? Oh it's you Humphries! Could you tell Captain Peacock to come to my office. Make sure someone takes over as floorwalker while he's off the floor.
Mr Humphries says "Yes Mr Grace." He puts down the phone.

Posted: 9:37 PM - Apr 25, 2011
Captain Peacock reaches Mr. Grace's office and knocks on the door. Mr. Grace's curvaceous secretary admits him.

Mr. Grace I came as soon as I got the call. What can I do for you?

Posted: 7:43 AM - Apr 26, 2011
Mr R Martland
As Peacock enters Mr Grace is on the phone to the employment agency for a temporary secretary
I need a new secretary, the one i've got is going away on a course.
Yes. Erm...blonde, under 24, 34, 25, 32, sounds nice. Send her over.
Now then Peacock, I've had a complaint from a customer.
He said that you were rude and not helpful at all.
I know that you were in Toys before, as a junior I think that perhaps you could have that job back. We can't have unhelpful floorwalkers, especially in Toys and Games. So, I'm going to make Mr Lucas the floorwalker and you can be the junior. A change is as good as a rest. Good luck Stephen. Oh and Stephen, can you send Mr Lucas in?

Posted: 10:49 AM - Apr 26, 2011
I must categorically protest sir! I was not rude. That child spit on my shoes! She ruined one of Mrs. Slocumbe's mechanical pussies and practically demolished one of Mr. Grainger's train sets.
Posted: 3:52 PM - Apr 26, 2011
Mr R Martland
Mr Grace has fallen asleep.

(OOC: This will be interesting)

Posted: 8:18 PM - Apr 26, 2011
<high pitched toned voice, tugging on collar, pulling collar across> ME?!
<whispers to Mr. Humphries?>What the bloody hell would Young Mr. Grace want ME for?!?
It was great workin' with you, Mr. Humphries.< gulps and he shakes his hands and leaves for Young Mr. Graces office.>

Posted: 8:22 PM - Apr 26, 2011
(after his secretary awakes him and lets him know Mr. Lucas has arrived)

<pinches bottom of scretary as she passes> Ah-hem, Good Afternoon Mr. Grace, <bends over> You wanted to see me, Sir?

Posted: 11:28 AM - Apr 27, 2011
Mr R Martland
Ah, young Mr Lucas.
You're a promising young lad aren't you?
I've decided to give you a promotion, only temporarily of course, but don't tell Peacock that. I'm making you the floorwalker and Peacock the junior. And, if you do well, we might have to keep you in managment. The rule that was brought in last month was, let me think, erm.. oh yes, if you are in managment for 10 days or more you're kicked out of the union.

Good luck Mr Lucas!

Posted: 2:56 PM - Apr 27, 2011
Thank you Mr. Grace. < stating as bowing , exits>

{Blimey, Me, Floorwalker of Graces Department Store} < thinking as he steps onto the lifts>

Floral Dept please...

I do believe I need to buy a carnation. <big grin>

Posted: 10:45 AM - May 04, 2011
Mr. Rumbold takes the customer up to Young Mr. Grace's office. His secretary answers the door.

Sssh she says. I just got him dropped off to sleep. Is this an emergency?

Mr. Rumbold: Yes I'm afraid it is. This customer here will be able to clear up the trouble on the floor earlier this morning.

Secretary: Alright. I'll wake him. She quietly goes over to his side and scratches under his chin. Koowe she says gently. Mr. Grace!

He wakes up startled and clasps her. What? What's wrong?

Secretary: Nothing Mr. Grace this lady would like to have a word with you. He notices the nicely dressed and shaped woman beside Mr. Rumbold and his eyes begin to twinkle.

What can I do for you madam he asks?

Well sir, as I was explaining to Mr. Rumbold here, I would like to apologize for all the trouble my little girl and husband caused on the floor this morning. I assure you sir that I do not allow my daughter to spit in public nor is she allowed to manhandle merchandise. I have already paid for the damaged merchandise and apologized to Captain Peacock as well. Mr. Rumbold here thought it might be a good idea if I explained things to you. I do hope you will reconsider demoting Captain Peacock. The whole thing wasn't his fault at all sir. I assure you I will be giving my daughter a huge time out and strongly speaking with my husband about why he allowed her to carry on in that manner in public.

I must admit I arrived in a bit of a snit after listening to my husband and daughter's version of events. I even slapped the floorwalker in the face for it. He was the one that told me what actually happened. When he directed me to the proper counter to pay for the damaged merchandise your saleslady backed him up and the others agreed. You can be very proud of your staff the way they rallied around Captain Peacock.

Well thank you Mr. Rumbold for bringing this customer to me. Would you please tell young Mr. Lucas and Captain Peacock I would like to see them in my office?

Posted: 11:18 AM - May 04, 2011
Mr R Martland
Alright. Don't get your knickers in a twist. I did this to keep Peacock on his toes. I saw this as the perfect opportunity. Nobody's job is safe...anyone could be demoted.

Okay, send them both in.

Posted: 7:35 PM - May 04, 2011
You sent for me Mr. Grace?

Posted: 8:34 PM - May 04, 2011
You sent for me also, Mr. Grace?

Posted: 1:33 PM - May 06, 2011
Mr R Martland
Good afternoon.

I hope you both enjoyed your time in your new positions. As of tomorrow, you will both be in your old jobs.

Posted: 2:29 PM - May 06, 2011
Thank you Mr. Grace...It was an interesting venture. But, it will be nice to have things back to normal tomorrow.

Forum is empty

AYBS RPG #8B (2011)

Posted: 5:53 PM - Apr 22, 2011
Continuing from #8a when needed.


Posted: 7:06 PM - Apr 23, 2011
Mr R Martland
Mr Grace walks out of the lift with the rest of the staff and welcomes them to their new department for the week
Welcome to the Toys and Games Department. Everyone overslept because the alarmclocks didn't go off until ten minutes late.

So today the store will open at 9:10.

Carry on everybody, you've all done very well!

Posted: 7:07 PM - Apr 23, 2011
Mr R Martland
(OOC: Could this topic be moved to the Toy department forum?)

Posted: 10:43 PM - Apr 23, 2011
(OOC: I'll try to post there right now.)

Posted: 10:49 PM - Apr 23, 2011
(OOC: I am moving the storyline here.)

Posted: 10:58 PM - Apr 23, 2011
Sorry Mr. Grace! Thank you for being so understanding about the staff sleeping in. I will try my best to complete my duties today with distinction.

(The elevator chimes and two customers enter. There is a four year old girl and a rather upset middle aged man. The girl squeals in a high pitched voice.)

Girl: Ohhh, DADDY I want all of these toys! Especially this one ...

(Grainger gasps as the points to the train set.)

Grainger: (whispers) Not my trains! (He passes out.)

Humphries: Glass of water for Mr. Grainger!

Posted: 1:35 PM - Apr 24, 2011
<giggles as he goes towards the back> Glass of water for Mr. Grainger.

Posted: 8:14 PM - Apr 24, 2011
(After a few minutes, Grainger wakes himself up. Fortunately he didn't hear what Lucas said, and gulped the glass of water.)

Grainger: Thank you Mr. Lucas.

(Then he looks around for the young girl who wanted his trains. The girl skips and hops towards Captain Peacock.)

Girl: I want those trains, sir.

(Peacock groans because he hates all children, especially little ones.)

Peacock: I am a floorwalker. Please move to the train set and one of our salespeople will help you.

Girl: A floorwalker? What are you doing? Walking on floors?

(Peacock gets angry because she is making fun of him. Grainger waves to the customers as he approaches the train set.)

Grainger: Hello? Are you being served?

(Peacock becomes more annoyed, considering that he didn't wait for Peacock to ask the 'are you free' question. The father walks toward Grainger and gives Peacock a dirty look.)

Father: Hello. My daughter is interested in buying this train set. What is the price?

(The girl spits on Peacock's shoe. Then she runs toward the train set. Peacock's face turns cherry red. Grainger clears his throat and pretends to cough.)

Grainger: Yes, the train set is fun for all ages of people. This item costs 40 UKP. It includes the track, the train, and a power source.

(The father faces his daughter.)

Father: Do you want me to buy this RIGHT NOW? Or do you want to wait and buy this another day, like, when your mother and I can afford to buy this toy and two less expensive toys?

(The girl wanders off.)

Girl: KITTY! This one daddy!

(She points to the toy cat, who is at Slocombe's station. She runs toward Slocombe.)

Girl: She is pretty. P - S -S - Y. Pissy. I want to buy this Pissy-cat.

(Slocombe smiles.)

Slocombe: Yes, she is pretty. She reminds me of my pussy while she was still a young cat. This toy pussy is named Petra. Do you want to pet Petra?

(The father runs toward the mechanical pet station. The girl pets Petra the Pussy.)

Father: How expensive is this Pussy?

Girl: I want to take her home. Does she eat chocolate sundaes? My kitty eats strawberries and cake.

(The girl picks up and holds the toy as if it were a real cat. The Pussy makes a hissing noise.)

Petra the Pussy: MEOW ... MEOW ... MEAOOOWWWW ... MEOWWSSSS ...

(Smoke comes out of the Pussy's mouth. The girl drops the toy. The Pussy's head explodes.)

Girl: AAAHHH! Daddy the kitty!

Father: What kind of madhouse is this?

Posted: 10:44 PM - Apr 24, 2011
Huh, did you see that. Mr. Humphries? <asks Mr. Lucas as he elbows in the side> Mrs. Slocumbes pussy just blew up! <giggles the mischevious giggle>

Posted: 11:04 PM - Apr 24, 2011
Mr. Lucas, to your counter! I'll have none of this larking about. Thank goodness I didn't have to wear that silly propellar hat this time! I was prepared to categorically refuse to wear that ridiculous object.

Posted: 11:07 PM - Apr 24, 2011
Oh poor pussy! Did you see that Miss Brahams? That poor pussy exploded when that nasty little girl was shaking it.

Posted: 11:11 PM - Apr 24, 2011
The father comes over to Captain Peacock most distressed.

Will you look at this rubbish that this store is trying to sell us? My little girl has been frightened out of her wits. I'm sure she'll never be able to look at a pussy again without fearing that it will blow up on her.

Captain Peacock: I'm so sorry that happened sir. I assure you that Grace Brothers generally has the best stock available in mechanical pussies. Would your little angel (as he tries not to scowl too badly) like to look at some dolls perhaps or how about the Wibbly Wobbly's? They're very popular this year.

The little girl is pulling on her father's hand. Daddy, I want to play with the Wibbly Wobbly's.

Captain Peacock motions at Mr. Humphries. Mr. Humphries are you free? This little girl would like to play with some Wibbly Wobbly's.

Posted: 11:24 PM - Apr 24, 2011
Mr. Harmon enters the floor with an armful of what looks like fluffy pillows. He approaches the doll counter.

Hea Mr. Rumbold told me to deliver these to you. This is the latest models of cuddlie toys. He holds up one of the items. It looks like a pussy with a strap around its middle. See here its a pussy. Then he unhooks the strap and says now its a pillow. They're on special for 5 pounds each.
Posted: 11:27 PM - Apr 24, 2011
Mr. Harmon Captain Peacock and I have repeatedly told you not to come on the floor after the opening bell has sounded!

What are these awful things you've brought me?

Posted: 11:30 PM - Apr 24, 2011
Well if you would have been listening to me instead of playing with Fun Time Freddy you would have heard me! How many showers a day does he need?

These are the latest thing from America. They are Pillow Pets. You see this way (he demonstrates one that is in a pussy shaped animal) its a pet. This way (he demonstrates how the velcro strap works) its a pillow. See? Therefore they're named Pillow Pets. The latest thing in cuddly toys.

Posted: 11:34 PM - Apr 24, 2011
Mr. Rumbold says to tell you that they're 5 pounds each. He bustles off the floor.
Posted: 11:36 PM - Apr 24, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe looks at Miss Brahams. Did you ever hear the like of it in your life Miss Brahams??? Whatever will they think of next.

She begins to examine one and finds out that they are quite lovely to fondle and the pillow is nice and plump. Oh look, they have a cuddly pussy. I may have to get myself one of these before the week is out. They're on sale for 5 pounds each Miss Brahams.

Posted: 10:31 AM - Apr 25, 2011
Mr R Martland
(Mr Grace telephones, and asks someone to tell Captain Peacock that he is wanted his office.)

Posted: 2:15 PM - Apr 25, 2011
Mr. Humphries answers the phone "Mens Wear". Of course Mr. Grace I'll tell him right away.

Captain Peacock, you're wanted in Young Mr. Grace's office.

Would you take over for me Mr. Humphries if you're free? I'd better see what he wants. I hope he doesn't have another silly hat for me to wear. After the fracas with the little girl this morning, I'm not in the mood!

Captain Peacock rushes to Young Mr. Grace's office, knocks on the door. His curvaceous secretary opens to admit him........

Posted: 2:29 PM - Apr 25, 2011
Blimey, what a day this has turned out to be, and it's not even near coffee break yet!
We've had an angel of terror come in and destroy all of our displays, blow up Mrs. Slocumbes pussy, derail Mr. Graingers trains, spit on Capt. Peacock and now Harmon brings out stuffed pussies from America.
<crossing arms> <shaking head> I don't think this day could get any more exciting, do you Mr. Humphries?

Posted: 11:01 AM - Apr 26, 2011
Another customer approaches Mrs. Slocumbe's counters of dolls and cuddlies.

Customer: oh what are these adorable animals? I've never seen anything like them before.

Mrs. Slocumbe: They're brand new just come in from America. You see this way (demonstrates how the pillow pets work) its a cuddly, and this way (demonstrates opening it up) its a pillow. They're on special offer 5 pounds each madam.

Customer: They would do perfect for sleepovers or travelling. Oh I think I'll get some for my daughter and some for my nieces and nephews. Do you have any for boys (as she's looking over the stock)? Oh yes I see some here that boys might like. I'll take a pussy, a monkey, a penguin and that cute little unicorn. I think I'll take the bear one for me (as she gives a slight giggle and a grin on her face).

Mrs. Slocumbe: Certainly madam will that be cash or on account?

Customer: Cash.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Miss Brahams would you pack these up for madam? That will be 25 pounds madam! Thank you for shopping at Grace Brothers have a nice day!

As the customer walks away with her arms full of Pillow Pets, Mrs. Slocumbe gleefully tells Miss Brahams thats 25 pounds a little over 3 pounds commission for me. It seems these Pillow Pets are going to be popular.

Miss Brahams help me find somewhere for us to display these Pillow Pets.
Posted: 6:51 PM - Apr 26, 2011
(Smiles and plays with the train set.)

She forgot the train!

(A few minutes later, another customer arrives. He shows the customer the Funtime Freddy doll and shower display.)

Yes, madam, some people can have plenty of fun bathing Funtime Freddy. He also has a lady friend, Playgirl Penny.

(He points to Playgirl Penny.)

We also have another doll named Airhostess Annie.

(He points to Airhostess Annie.)

Customer: How much are the girl dolls?

Grainger: If you buy Playgirl Penny, you can receive Funtime Freddy as a bonus gift. The Playgirl Penny package is 10 UKP. Airhostess Annie costs 7 UKP.
Customer: I will pay for both deals then. Do you sell any special occasion dolls?
Grainger: We do not have holiday dolls, but we have a wedding package. It includes a bride and a groom for 20 UKP.

Customer: Perfect! I will take those three deals.
Grainger: Would you like anything else in addition to these dolls?
Customer: (pauses) No, I would like to buy only these things.

(Grainger wraps Funtime Freddy, Airhostess Annie, Playgirl Penny, the bridal doll, and the groom doll in tissue paper.)

Grainger: The grand total for these items is 37 UKP.

(The customer pays and Grainger places the wrapped dolls in a Grace Brothers bag.)

Grainger: Thank you for shopping at Grace Brothers. Good bye madam.

(The customer leaves.)

Posted: 11:22 AM - Apr 27, 2011
Thank you so much for helping me and Miss Brahams with that customer Mr. Grainger. We've been trying to find a place to display these Pillow Pets. They're so big that we don't have proper counter space. We're just putting one on the counter with the sales price of 5 pounds.

Posted: 2:42 PM - Apr 27, 2011
Captain Peacock returns to the floor fuming.

Mr. Humphries if you're free would you continue to take over for me? I need to speak with Mr. Rumbold.

Captain Peacock marches over to Mr. Rumbold's office knocks on the door.

Posted: 3:05 PM - Apr 27, 2011
<Walks onto the floor>
Mr. Humphries, remember when I said this day couldn't get more exciting? Well, it has!
<leaning in to whisper> Young Mr. Grace is trying something new along with this staff change. He has appointed me to be floorwalker for the rest of the week and Captain Peacock as the juinor!
<giggles> watch this...<snickers>

Mrs. Slocume, I've seen quite a few people has taken a fancy to those new pussies of yours. Would you like to use one of my robotic toys displays to promote them for the rest of the week?

Posted: 5:27 PM - Apr 27, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe: What do you mean Mr. Lucas? I thought the ladies were going to take care of the cuddlies and dolls not the robotic toys. However, if you wouldn't mind sharing a corner of your counter one of the new Pillow Pets can take up residence there.

In aside to Miss Brahams. Did you hear what Mr. Lucas told Mr. Humphries that he's the floorwalker for this week in Toys and Captain Peacock is the Junior???? Well I refuse to be under Mr. Lucas on the floor and I am unanimous in that! Mr. Grainger and I have been here longer than Mr. Lucas and have a far better sales record and better customer handling skills than that daft boy has. Young Mr. Grace is off his trolley if he thinks that Mr. Lucas is up for handling the floor. Mr. Grainger are you free? There is something that I think we need to discuss with Mr. Rumbold.

Mrs. Slocumbe proceeds to tell Mr. Grainger about Mr. Lucas' temporary promotion. Mr. Grainger is as gobsmacked as Mrs. Slocumbe over this news and just as irritated. Take over for me Miss Brahams I'm going to speak with Mr. Rumbold about this outrage!

Mr. Grainger: Mr. Humphries would you take over my trains for me if you're free? Mrs. Slocumbe and I are going to have a word with Mr. Rumbold.

Posted: 6:56 PM - Apr 27, 2011
Whoa! Look at 'em go, Mr. Humphries! < giggling as he points at them as they leave towards Rumbolds office, clearing off his robotic toys off his display as he speaks> Mind you, I don't believe it meself. <shakin' head> I have no idea what that silly ol' goat is thinking doing this change, but HE is the owner.

Mr. Humphries, help me move this display more over to the center since there are no customers at the moment.

Posted: 9:07 PM - Apr 27, 2011
(OOC: I tried to move this story to the "Rumbold's Office" area, but I do not have permission to start topics in that forum.)

(Grainger, Peacock, and Slocombe are standing outside Rumbold's office. Grainger stomps his feet. Peacock knocks on the door.)

Peacock: Mr. Rumbold, we want a word with you.
Slocombe: Let us in ... the state of our department is at stake!

(The door opens. Rumbold's secretary steps out into the hallway.)

Secretary: Mr. Rumbold is still at a BOARDROOM meeting. I guess the three of you can wait inside here.

(Everyone dashes into Rumbold's office. The secretary sits in Rumbold's chair. Slocombe sits in the other chair, and the two men stand.)

Grainger: The whole situation is intolerable. I will not be passed over by that inept boy.

Posted: 10:38 PM - Apr 27, 2011
And I refuse to be under Mr. Lucas on the floor and I am unanimous in that!

Posted: 10:42 PM - Apr 27, 2011
You all saw how awful that little girl was and how she spit on my shoes! I was not rude to that little girl or her father! The little girl damaged a piece of stock without paying. Any one else we would have forced them to pay for what they damaged but no we're supposed to put up with a spoiled brat?

And then to promote Mr. Lucas as floorwalker no matter how temporary. I think this calls for some union action. For once Mrs. Slocumbe and Mr. Grainger, I feel that we need to consult with our union's shop steward (as Captain Peacock gives a heavy sigh with a look of disgust). We all know who our shop steward is. In unison they all reply Mr. Harmon!

Posted: 10:44 PM - Apr 27, 2011
At this moment, Mr. Harmon has come to deliver Mr. Rumbold his morning cuppa and hears the delegation and wonders what the fracas is now. He hears Mr. Harmon.

What are you lot doing in here without Mr. Rumbold? He won't like that you know. I don't have enough for all of you.

Posted: 10:46 PM - Apr 27, 2011
Captain Peacock acting as spokesman for Mr. Grainger and Mrs. Slocumbe.

Mr. Harmon unfortunately we appear to need your services as our union shop steward if you're free!

Posted: 10:49 PM - Apr 27, 2011
Oh now its Mr. Harmon and you need my services. Normally I'm not good enough to be on the floor after opening hours and all of a sudden I'm very important to ya. I ought to just ignore you lot and go back to Maintenance however, since you have appealed to me in my position as shop steward what seems to be the problem?

Posted: 11:02 PM - Apr 27, 2011
Captain Peacock looks and Mrs. Slocumbe and Mr. Grainger. They give a nod of acquiescence. Captain Peacock proceeds to relate the incidents of the morning to Mr. Harmon and the result.

Yes Mr. Harmon, Bev (as he puts his arm around Mr. Harmon's shoulder as Mr. Harmon gives him a puzzled look), we do seem to need your assistance. Earlier, we had a customer with a horrible little girl visit the Toy department. She was grabbing stock. She even ruined one of Mrs. Slocumbe's mechanical pussies without paying for it. Her father was extremely obstreperous and the little girl even spat on my shoes. I was not rude to them and Mrs. Slocumbe and Mr. Grainger can back me up in this. However, the father complained to Young Mr. Grace and he has decided to demote me to the junior position while we are in the Toy Department. He has temporarily promoted Mr. Lucas to the position of floorwalker over my strenous objections. Mrs. Slocumbe and Mr. Grainger feel that they should have at least been given the opportunity as floorwalker if the incident warranted that instead of Mr. Lucas. The three of us feel that he in no way has the sensitivity to be the floorwalker nor the sales record. Isn't there something in the union about having sales staff being promoted like that without due protest? Young Mr. Grace must be in his dottage if he thinks we are going to stand still for that he's got another thing coming and we are unanimous in that!

Posted: 11:17 PM - Apr 27, 2011
Humm very interesting problem Stephen, Ernest and Betty (as they all scowl at him for his famiiarity) Mr. Harmon notices it but doesn't pay it any mind.

I do believe that there is a violation of policy that has been committed. In case you all didn't know, if Mr. Lucas stays in a managerial position for more than 7 days, he is automatically promoted to management and there isn't much we can do about it then. You may have to stay the junior Captain Peacock if there isn't a managerial position to shift you too. From what I can see, you lot are upset for one that Captain Peacock was demoted to junior (in an aside to Captain Peacock Mr. Harmon says you need to be careful Stephen we debag juniors on their first day). Mr. Lucas has been temporarily promoted in charge of the floor. Mrs. Slocumbe you protest because you don't wish to be under Mr. Lucas on the floor. You also felt that if such an appointment was being considered you should have been considered beings as you have been here longer than Mr. Lucas. Mr. Grainger you also feel that you should have been given consideration for the promotion due to your seniority and Mr. Lucas' lack of experience. Do I have that all right?

Posted: 11:22 PM - Apr 27, 2011
Mr. Rumbold enters his office and sees a conflab going on.

Mr. Harmon get out! What are you three doing in here you should be at your positions!

Posted: 11:27 PM - Apr 27, 2011
Mr. Rumbold, I am here in the capacity as shop steward for the union. Mrs. Slocumbe, Mr. Grainger and Captain Peacock have consulted me in that position and we have convened an emergency hearing. As such, by contract, you are prevented from interfering with the accredited shop steward which happens to be me so I can be any where I like in that position. If old Jugears gets up your nose then its a GO SLOW!

Posted: 11:35 PM - Apr 27, 2011
Mr. Rumbold looks at everyone disapprovingly.

Well what is the trouble this time? I trust we have not had a fracas on the floor with Billy the Bassett Hound and Barty the Bulldog again. As Mr. Harmon's seat seems to be in one piece I take it that means its not something like that.

He sits down at his desk and searches for his headache powder and a tranquilizer. He takes a gulp of tea while he knocks it all back and washes it all down with a shot of antacid.

Well, Captain Peacock get on with it.

Posted: 11:41 PM - Apr 27, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe and Mr. Grainger nod their heads at Captain Peacock again.

Mr. Rumbold, Young Mr. Grace has demoted me to the junior in Toys and temporarily promoted Mr. Lucas as the floorwalker. He took the word of a customer that I was rude to them and I wasn't. Mr. Grainger and Mrs. Slocumbe will back be up in this. You know our policy on damaging merchandise well the little girl grabbed hold of one of Mrs. Slocumbe's mechanical pussies and manhandled it until it popped its head and smoke came out of it. Then she spat on my shoes! I know the customer should always be right however, there should be a limit as to what one should have to put up with. Not only did he temporarily promote Mr. Lucas to a position that he is in no way qualified for, he was promoted over Mrs. Slocumbe and Mr. Grainger. They have the seniority and experience to handle the floorwalker position with tact. All Mr. Lucas will see it as is an extra way to try to get a cuddle with the next good looking bird that comes in.

Mrs. Slocumbe and Mr. Grainer look at one another and roll their eyes at that last statement as they have seen Captain Peacock chatting up every good looking bird that came on the floor however, they decided to keep quiet about it.

Posted: 11:43 PM - Apr 27, 2011
That's right Mr. Rumbold Captain Peacock has described the incident perfectly. We asked Mr. Harmon to help us to fight this injustice. We refuse to have that daft boy over us on the floor and we are unanimous in that! Both Mr. Grainger, Captain Peacock and Mr. Harmon vigourously nod their heads.

Posted: 11:48 PM - Apr 27, 2011
Lets see if I have this right.

Mrs. Slocumbe you don't wish to be under Mr. Lucas and you feel you should have been given consideration for being over the floor?

Mr. Grainger, you also feel that you shouldn't be under Mr. Lucas on the floor because you have more seniority is that right?

Captain Peacock, you are protesting that you spat on a customers' shoes? Captain Peacock I'm surprised at you you know better than that. Young Mr. Grace is quite right in temporarily demoting you to junior if that is the kind of behaviour that you are displaying.

They all sigh in unison.

Posted: 11:53 PM - Apr 27, 2011
Mr. Harmon beat a hasty exit as soon as Mr. Rumbold began to attempt to restate the situation.

You misunderstood us sir, as Captain Peacock attempts to explain what happened.

I did not spit on customer's shoes. A customer's child spat on my shoes after she demolished one of Mrs. Slocumbe's mechanical pussies.

Posted: 12:00 AM - Apr 28, 2011
I think I have the situation clear now.

A customer arrived this morning with his little girl. The little girl was rambunctious and made a mess of one of Mrs. Slocumbe's mechanical pussies and they left without paying for it. Well that is definitely against store policy. You were quite right to admondish the father Captain Peacock. It was unfortunate that the spitting incident had to occur. Lets see if we can forget that bit shall we?

Mrs. Slocumbe and Mr. Grainger you are upset because you feel that Captain Peacock was wrongly demoted and neither one of you were considered for the post. All three of you agree that Mr. Lucas is in no way qualified to fill the floorwalker position.

I must say I agree with you three on that issue. Mr. Lucas has shown a distinct lack of respect for the traditions that have sustained Grace Brothers over the years.

Well I will speak with Young Mr. Grace and see if I can straighten this mess out without this incident having to be brought forward to a union tribunal. We all know what a cockup that was the last time you all tried to be militant.

Mr. Rumbold leans over to his secretary and asks her to get hold of Young Mr. Grace for him. That is all you may return to your counters. Captain Peacock, until I get this situation cleared up, make do as a junior for now would you?

Posted: 3:07 AM - Apr 28, 2011
Thank you for listening, Mr. Rumbold.

(The secretary phones Young Mr. Grace. Grainger prepares to leave, and waits for Slocombe and Peacock to exit as well.)

Posted: 10:01 AM - Apr 28, 2011
Come on everybody lets get back to work or as close to it as we can get!

Mr. Harmon meets them at the door and lets them know that he is going to work on their protest and he'll give it to them at the lunch break.

Everyone leaves Mr. Rumbold's office.

Posted: 2:16 PM - Apr 28, 2011
(Upon returning to the Toy Department, they all notice the new display set up close to the doll section. Three tier high and milk crates on the sides full of those new pillow animals, some done as the pillows, some undone to show fullness. And a big banner made up to show the name and price)

<Standing off to the side, hands behind the back, rocking on feet...>

I do hope you like the display, Mrs. Slocumbe. Ms. Brahms and Mr, Humphries helped me out a bunch. And luckily, I caught Mr. Harmon during a delivery and he was able to make that banner for it alright?

Oh, and one more thing...<stating as he moves to the counter and grabs an object> I called Young Mr. Grace, and asked if we could hand out free lollys to the kiddies as they came and looked. <shooked the container showing the lollipops moving>

Posted: 1:01 AM - Apr 29, 2011
(Walks to the train set and plays with it. Grainger is too upset to say anything ... he doesn't want to cause trouble after all. He hopes that Harmon's plan that will be revealed at lunch will put this issue to rest.)

Grainger: (talks to the train) Well, the girl didn't really hurt you didn't she?

(The telephone rings. Grainger answers it because the other sales people have customers.)

Grainger: Menswear. Oh hello, yes ... I will fetch him for you. Oh, well yes I could give him a message.

(Grainger writes a note.)

Grainger: Thank you for telephoning. I will give the message to him when he is free. Good bye.

(He hangs up the telephone.)

Grainger: Mr. Humphries are you free? I have a telephone message from your mother.

Posted: 10:34 AM - Apr 29, 2011
Oh that was a marvelous idea for displaying the Pillow Pets. I hope the crates don't get pulled down on someone's head in the frenzy. That banner should draw attention to them don't you think Miss Brahams?

In an aside to Miss Brahams, she says it seems that being temporarily promoted has given Mr. Lucas a better sense of purpose. He does look smart with that carnation. The idea of handing out free lollies to the children is a good one. I wonder why no one ever thought of that for this department. I'm more surprised that Young Mr. Grace allowed it beings he's so stingy. You know between you and me, I think this will do Captain Peacock some good. He is a pompous git sometimes isn't he? Mind you though, he wasn't rude to that customer. I wonder how he'll do as a junior working the mechanical toys?????

Posted: 1:53 PM - Apr 29, 2011
{sigh...this is sooo boring. what can be so estatic about being a bloody floorwalker?} <He thinks as he stands there, looking around, hands behind back.> { I've already adjusted the selves and restocked the robotic toys. Mr. Humphries is busy with a customer. Ms. Brahms is assisting Mrs. Slocumbe. This is so boring.}
<feels a tug on his jacket><looks down to see a little boy, crying.>
Hello little fella, <bending down, pulling handkerchief from pocket to wipe the little ones nose> Where's your mum?

I don't know...he whimpers.

Ah, I see...Well now, whats your name? Jimmy? Ok, Jimmy, let's go find your mum...Mr. Grainger are you free?

Posted: 2:41 AM - Apr 30, 2011
Grainger: Yes, I'm free Mr. Lucas.

Grainger turns around and sees the little boy. He walks toward the centre of the floor to talk to the boy. He hoped that Lucas wouldn't be as arrogant as Peacock was when he disobeyed company policy by leaving the train station. It seemed that he had persuaded Mr. Grace to do something nice for customers that was expensive.

The boy looked very scared and timid.

Lucas: This is Jimmy. Now why don't you go and play with the train set. Mr. Grainger, perhaps you can try to locate Jimmy's mummy.

Grainger glanced at the boy before responding. Considering Lucas was not allowed to leave the floor, he would have to help out instead.

Grainger: Jimmy, did your mummy do some shopping in a different part of the store. Did she buy make up? Did she look at shoes?

Jimmy: Mummy said that we need a new bathtub. She said daddy needs to fix it.

Grainger: Okay Jimmy, I am going to contact the Bathroom Fittings department. The ladies and men who work there can give your mummy tools for fixing bathtubs.

Jimmy looks at the train set.

Grainger: Go ahead. Play with the train and I will try to find your mummy.

Grainger walks toward where Lucas is standing.

Grainger: May I be excused Mr. Lucas? I am going to Bathroom Fittings to look for the boy's mother.

Lucas nods. Considering Peacock and Humphries were busy with customers, he didn't ask if either could take over. He called the elevator and went inside.


The elevator door opens and Grainger arrives in the Bathroom Fittings department. He heads towards the floorwalker, Mr. Benson. He only knew the man by reputation, so he decided to follow formalities.

Grainger: Hello, Mr. Benson. My name is Mr. Grainger and I am normally the senior salesman for the menswear department. Today Mr. Grace has asked my department as well as the ladies intimate apparel to work in the toys and games department.

Benson: Hello, Mr. Grainger. If I recall, your floorwalker, Captain Peacock once worked in the Toys and Games department several years ago. May I ask, why are you visiting my department?

Grainger: Well it is a bit of a long story. To tell the truth, Captain Peacock has been demoted to a junior salesman. Our newly minted floorwalker is Mr. Lucas.

Benson: (smiles) Really, Peacock is a junior? (snickers)

Apparently, Benson had a grudge against Peacock and was delighted about the thought of Peacock being punished.

Grainger: Yes, his previous seniority is no longer valid at Grace Brothers. However, there is an important matter that does not have to do with Peacock. There is a lost little boy wandering around the Toys & Games department. He has hinted that his mother may be interested in buying items for the family bathroom.

Benson: Oh, I see. Was the boy specific?
Grainger: He was talking about a bathtub that doesn't work.

Benson gestures to a salesman in his department. A female customer turns around and heads to the centre.

Grainger: Hello, ... madam do you have a young son named Jimmy?
Customer: Yes ...
Grainger: I may have found your son in the Toys and Games department. This boy mentioned that his parents needed a new bathtub.
Customer: It may be my son. I am going to pay for my goods here, and could you please escort me to the Toys and Games department as well?

Grainger nods. The customer pays for her things. The customer runs to the elevator and they enter it.


The elevator opens. Grainger and the female customer exit.

Customer: Jimmy?!?!?

Fortunately, Jimmy recognized the customer as being his mother.

Jimmy: Mummy!

Grainger smiled as Jimmy ran up the stairs to hug his mother.

Posted: 11:38 AM - Apr 30, 2011
Well! All's well that ends well, right Mr Lucas? Captain Peacock, I'm sorry I was off the floor for so long, but one of my friends needed my assistance.

Posted: 1:08 PM - Apr 30, 2011
Ahh, Well Done Mr. Grainger, Well done!...<walking towards and shaking his hand> < wrapping his arm around Mr. Graingers shoulder and walking him back to his trains>
A round of applause to our floor HERO everyone! < Mr. Lucas announces>
Posted: 9:18 PM - Apr 30, 2011
It's been a busy day on the floor today. Mr. Lucas I do have to admire your adroit handling of that child that lost his Mummy. Don't get too cocky though. You don't want to make an enemy of me when you are the junior in Mens Wear again!

Posted: 9:21 PM - Apr 30, 2011
Yes well done Mr. Grainger! That was very well handled. We could have had a real crisis on our hands if you hadn't thought of asking him where his Mummy might have been shopping in the store. Letting him play with your trains was a generous gesture and it kept him occupied.

Posted: 9:25 PM - Apr 30, 2011
Captain Peacock speaking with Mr. Humphries.....

You know Mr. Humphries, I'm not that disappointed at being the junior with the mechnical toys. They are quite fun to play with. What say we take a turn at the racing cars again like we did last time after the closing bell rings?

Its good to let Mr. Lucas see that its not all roses in a middle management position. He has to handle a lot of different situations that you don't have on the mens counter. He does seem to be up for it though. We'll have to watch our step with him Mr. Humphries or he might be in line for either one of our jobs. We'll just have to see what Mr. Harmon figures out for us. I wonder if Mr. Rumbold has been able to put Mr. Grace right as to the fracas on the floor this morning?

Posted: 9:27 PM - Apr 30, 2011
Mr. Rumbold gets out of the elevator and goes over to Captain Peacock.

Captain Peacock are you free?

Posted: 9:28 PM - Apr 30, 2011
He looks over his right shoulder and then his left.

As a matter of fact Mr. Rumbold I do happen to be free at the moment.

I hope you were able to speak with Young Mr. Grace about the fracas on the floor this morning.

Posted: 9:31 PM - Apr 30, 2011
As a matter of fact Captain Peacock, that is why I wanted to speak with you.

I did try to put the situation straight with Young Mr. Grace however, he fell asleep in the middle of my explanation of what had actually occurred. I'll have to try again at lunch. You don't seem to be too unhappy being the junior. Sales figures have been very good today we're up 100 pounds from yesterday.

Posted: 9:33 PM - Apr 30, 2011
No Mr. Rumbold its actually quite a refreshing change. I just didn't want to be accused of being rude to a customer when I wasn't even though I had every right to be stroppy with them considering the fact they broke store merchandise and left without paying for it. Now how are accounts going to deal with that? I'm certainly not going to pay for it.

Posted: 9:35 PM - Apr 30, 2011
While we're discussing the morning Captain Peacock, how do you find Mr. Lucas doing as the floorwalker?

Posted: 9:39 PM - Apr 30, 2011
Mr. Humphries and I were just discussing how Mr. Lucas is doing weren't we Mr. Humphries?

Mr. Humphries replies yes, we were just saying that young Mr. Lucas seems to be handling things fairly well weren't we Captain Peacock?

Yes, he handled a lost child right before you came back on the floor. He and Mr. Grainger were able to keep the little lad from having a crying jag right here in the department however, there is more to the job of being a floorwalker than that. I have observed him rearranging stock and assisting the ladies with their new line of stuffed cuddlies Pillow Pets. A floorwalker does not assist the staff in that manner. You lose your authority when they start thinking of you as just one of the regular staff and not management.

Posted: 9:47 PM - Apr 30, 2011
Yes well I will have to relay that information about the damanged merchandise to Young Mr. Grace at lunchtime. Maybe I can get him to sign the chit for the damaged merchandise so accounts doesn't give you a hard time.

Well thank you for keeping an eye on the floor even though technically you aren't the floorwalker. I'm sure all this unpleasantness from this morning will get straightened out eventually.

Mr. Rumbold makes a brief announcement to the staff about the increased sales figures for the morning and compliments them on it. As he retreats for his office he tells them all "carry on every body".

Posted: 10:17 PM - Apr 30, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe in an aside to Miss Brahams....

Did you hear that Miss Brahams? A 100 pounds up from yesterday! It seems like we're doing very well here in Toys. Mind you I'll be glad to get back to our own counter at the end of the week but it is a nice change. Even Captain Peacock seems to be entering into the spirit of things as the junior. He did very well demonstrating the mechanical robots to that other little boy that came in.

Posted: 11:43 AM - May 01, 2011
Are you being Served, Madam? < Mr. Lucas asks a Lady as she approaches the area>
Are you interested in perhaps some Dolls. We have dolls that walk, dolls that talk. Dolls that weep, dolls that sleep. Dolls that sit, Doll that stand. Some made here, some made in Iran.

<customer leans in and whispers>

Two counters down and to the right. <stating as he points towards the lou.

Posted: 4:57 PM - May 01, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe in another aside to Miss Brahams, it must be raining again. They only come in to use the loo when its raining out. I hate that don't you Miss Brahams? You think they would do us the courtesy of buying something if they're going to use our facilities. They must need something!

Posted: 5:09 PM - May 01, 2011
It seemed that the last ten customers who entered this department all wanted to use bathroom facilities. No sales had been made for fifteen minutes. Grainger got so bored, that even the train set couldn't keep him from falling asleep. He drifted off into a slumber.

Zzz ...

He began to dream that he was a pilot. In fact everyone from the department was in his dream. Peacock was his co-pilot. Lucas and Humphries were first class passengers. Slocombe and Brahams were flight attendants. The flight itself was doing well until Young Mr. Grace stood up and asked Slocombe for buttered crumpets and a large gin and tonic. Then he had a heart attack ... The passengers panicked and the crew had trouble flying the airplane ...

Humphries: Are you free Mr. Grainger?

Grainger wakes up, and is relieved to see Humphries standing over him.

Posted: 6:00 PM - May 01, 2011
{Gah, Blimey...I wish lunch time would hurry. I need a quick smoke! I wonder if Young Mr. Grace has been convinced that this was a mistake? }

<walks over to the dolls counter to ask Mrs. Slocumbe a question>

Mrs. Slocumbe, Are you Free?

Posted: 7:07 PM - May 01, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe looks over her right and left shoulders and utters the immortal words "I'm free" Mr. Lucas what can I do for you? My word you do look frazzled. Aren't you enjoying being floorwalker?

Posted: 3:14 PM - May 02, 2011
Yes, yes I am. Mrs. Slocume...what better way to ruffle ol' Peacocks feathers if only for a few days. But, it has me mind in a query...why would old man Grace do this sort of adjustment? He MUST know that Captain Peacock would never be rude to anyone, no matter how much they deserved it! Could he be testing Peacock?

Posted: 7:42 PM - May 02, 2011
Yes, Mr Grainger, I am free. What did me mother say? Is there a problem? I recall she is coming back from the country today.

Posted: 8:08 PM - May 02, 2011
You know Mr. Lucas I wondered that myself. This whole thing is just so unlike Young Mr. Grace. He might be thinking that we need a swap round of our jobs as well as a swap round of our departments. I must say Mr. Lucas you look extremely bored. Captain Peacock would always make his rounds of the departments when he would get bored. But you've already done that and its so long till lunchtime.

Posted: 11:20 PM - May 02, 2011
I'll leave you to your customers, Mrs. Slocumbe. Thank you for our little conversation. < slight nod and walks away>

<standing back at the floorwalker position, a very pretty, busty lady walks in...all the men, even Mr. Humphries, stop what they're doing and ogles her.>

{Maybe this position has it's perks after all} < Mr. Lucas walks towards the Lady and asks the famous catch-phrase: Are you being served? <with a big grin on his face>

Busty customer: Yes. I'm here to see the floorwalker.

I am the floorwalker for the day, may I help you?

SLAP! right across the right creek!

Gah, Blimey Ma'am...what was THAT about!?!<placing his hand on his face>

Busty Customer: For scaring my little girl earlier today.

Ah, yes. We remember her all to well. Let me show you something Madam...<placing his hand on her arm and leading her to Mrs. Slocumbes counter>...Mrs. Slocumbe, will you show Madam the damaged pussy her daughter destroyed?

Mrs. Slocumbe replied: Gladly < and slams the damaged pussy on the counter and adds> And, your little darling also spit on that gents shoes, <pointing to Captain Peacock and messed up his toys, <pointing to Mr. Humphries Wibbley Wobbleys, and de-railed the trains over there.

Busty Customer: Oh Dear, I wasn't told that...

I guess you wasn't told that the floorwalker at that time was reported to having been rude and insensitive towards your little girl, thus losing his position and being demoted.< stated Mr. Lucas>

Busty Customer: <cupping hand to mouth> Oh my goodness...I need to see your upper management. There's been a terrible injustice. < looking at Mr. Lucas> My husband and I are going through a separation, and he's trying to win over our little girl...and as you've seen, he's turned her into a terror.

<Looking at Mrs. Slocumbe> How much do I owe you for the damaged toy?

Posted: 12:55 AM - May 03, 2011
Grainger watched as the girl's mother apologized and volunteered to pay for the damage that her daughter had caused. While he was still angry that the girl had damaged the merchandise, Grainger felt that the most damaged thing in that affair was Peacock's reputation. He listened in further on the conversation that was brewing from the stuffed pet display.

No customers were heading into his section of the floor. Grainger saw that Humphries was feeling emotional, and was trying not to cry.

Posted: 2:43 PM - May 03, 2011
<walked towards Mr. Humphries and Captain Peacock, leaving the busty customer with Mrs. Slocumbe to pay for the damaged goods>

I must say, this has been quite the morning has it not?
It's kind of a good thing that Young Mr. Grace did this switch, huh, Captain Peacock? Or it would've been YOU slapped in the caboodle! <using his hand to re-adjust his jaw in place>

At that moment, the Busty Customer turns around to apologize to the floor.

Busty Customer: I must apologize for my daugthers actions this morning. As you may have heard, My SOON to be ex is trying to buy her over and is turning her into a terror. <walking towards Captain Peacock>
I know a gent that does a great job on shoe shines. Here is his card. <pulls out a pen and writes on the back>, give this to him and have your shoes shined on me.

Turning to Mr. Lucas...I am so sorry for slapping you. If you will, I would like to go see the one that will fix the terrible mess that my family has caused. Can you direct me?

Posted: 11:25 PM - May 03, 2011
If madam will follow me I'll get a bill made out for madam. That is 10 pounds for the mechanical pussy that your daughter ruined this morning. Will that be cash or account? Account you say fine.

The gentleman what almost got the sack for being complained on is Captain Peacock. He is the tall gentleman over by the mechanical robots counter. Thank you madam I'll see that this gets taken care of.

Captain Peacock are you free?

Posted: 11:28 PM - May 03, 2011
Yes Mrs. Slocumbe I'm free! How can I help you?

Posted: 11:30 PM - May 03, 2011
This lady is the mother of the little girl that spat on your shoes this morning. She would like to have a few words with you if you're free.

Posted: 11:35 PM - May 03, 2011
Captain Peacock's nostrils begin to flare and the vein at his temple begins to pulse as he is expecting another scene.

He stands very politely at the counter while the mother approaches him.

I do want to apologize for my daughters and my husband's behavior this morning. I wasn't given all the facts in the incident. I assure you that I do not allow my daughter to spit in public and she certainly knows better than to manhandle merchandize. I am so sorry that you were demoted. If you would like, I would be more than happy to speak with your supervisor and let them know that it wasn't your fault.

Captain Peacock gallantly gives a little bow and says apology accepted madam. If you would permit me to make a quick phone call, I can alert Mr. Rumbold that we will be visiting him in his office as he is my superior.

Mr. Humphries, if you're free would you take over for me while I phone Mr. Rumbold.

Mr. Rumbold's office please. Is Mr. Rumbold free? The mother of the little girl that was in the store this morning and caused all this trouble would like to speak with you and I. You're free? Thank you Mr. Rumbold we'll be right in.

If you'll step this way madam.

Posted: 11:38 PM - May 03, 2011
Captain Peacock with the mother in tow proceed to Mr. Rumbold's office.

A knock on the door and Mr. Rumbold utters ENTER.

Posted: 11:43 PM - May 03, 2011
Mr. Rumbold, madam is the mother of the little girl that caused all the trouble on the floor this morning and she would like to make a formal apology for all the misunderstanding.

Customer: Yes, I am so sorry that my husband almost lost this man his job with his complaint this morning. When your staff told me what really happened, I had to try to set things right. I do not allow our little girl to spit in public nor is she allowed to manhandle merchanidize. I don't know what my husband was thinking of this morning when he allowed all that to continue. I have already paid for the mechanical pussy that was ruined. Please accept my sincere apology for the trouble.

She turns to Captain Peacock and says you must be thankful that you are such good friends with the staff because they really rallied around you.

Captain Peacock, yes I am very grateful to them. They tried to set the matter right before but no one was listening to them!

Posted: 10:31 AM - May 04, 2011
Mr. Rumbold has a somewhat befuddled look on his face as he tries to assimilate what the customer has relayed to him.

In view of the circumstances, I think it might be best if I take madam directly to the Chairman of the Board Young Mr. Grace and let you explain the circumstances to him directly.

The customer looks at Mr. Rumbold Young Mr. Grace? She asks in a puzzled tone?

Yes, Old Mr. Grace doesn't get about very much these days.

Carry on Captain Peacock. I'll take madam to Young Mr. Grace's office. I do hope this will put this entire incident to rest.

Posted: 4:59 PM - May 04, 2011
<standing near Mr. Humphries counter> I must say, Mr. Humphries...this morning has got to be the most amusing mornings we've ever had here at Grace Brothers. Uh-oh, poor ol' Mr. Grainger is nodding off again. <motioning head towards Mr. Grainger.> <looking around and seeing no customers around> Mr. Humphries, why don't you go tell Mr. Grainger to take a coffee break, seein' he can't keep his peepers open..heh heh heh.

Posted: 7:37 PM - May 04, 2011
Mr. Rumbold comes back on the floor.

Captain Peacock, are you free?

Posted: 7:54 PM - May 04, 2011
Captain Peacock is just showing a little lad the television screen robot.

I will be in a few minutes Mr. Rumbold why?

Mr. Rumbold replies that young Mr. Grace would like to see him and Mr. Lucas in his office.

Should I inquire as to whether Mr. Lucas is free on your behalf Mr. Rumbold?

Yes, yes go ahead and he goes on back to his office.

Captain Peacock finishes up with the little lad and motions to Mr. Humphries. Mr. Humphries are you free? If you are, would you and Mr. Grainger mind taking over for Mr. Lucas and myself? We are wanted in young Mr. Grace's office. Hopefully that customer spoke with Mr. Grace and got this whole matter cleared up. I must admit, I've been worried about this whole thing. Mr. Lucas doesn't look quite happy about the whole thing either. You would think he would appreciate being given a chance at a managerial position.

Posted: 8:39 PM - May 04, 2011
<Looking left then right> Yes, I'm free Captain Peacock.

Posted: 10:54 AM - May 05, 2011
Mr. Lucas, Mr. Rumbold requested that I come on the floor to speak with you. It seems that young Mr. Grace would like to see us in his office. Mr. Humphries will take over for you and Mr. Grainger will take over for me that is if it is alright with you?

Posted: 1:54 PM - May 05, 2011
Oh Miss Brahams I do hope that Mr. Grace restores Captain Peacock to the floor. Mr. Lucas looks absolutely miserable there. He had a better time playing with his robots. I have to admit the managerial carnation just doesn't look right on Mr. Lucas. It looks forced somehow. Mind you I think its been good experience for him. He's learned that its not all roses at the top you know. I know I was miserable taking over for Mr. Rumbold those few days. I don't know why anyone would want to be upper level management there's nothing much to do and no one to talk to.

Posted: 2:40 PM - May 06, 2011
<returns to the floor> Thank you for covering for me, Mr. Humphries. Mind you, it felt good to get to move around a bit. < giggles as he flexes his arms and body around> I've got the rest of the day to be the floorwalker, <slipping hands behind back and rocking upper body back and forth> you think I should smirk a look like this? <One eyebrow up and bobbing head up and down> or like this? <sticking nose way up in air> heh, heh, heh...<moves into usual pose of arms crossed, and cocky grin.

Forum is empty

AYBS RPG #8A (2011)

Posted: 8:45 AM - Apr 05, 2011
Congratulations AYBSGirl! thumbup

A Board Room decision has been made to carry on with AYBS #8 for one more session.



Posted: 8:12 PM - Apr 06, 2011
(It's midnight, and all the staff are asleep, when suddenly Mr Humphries is woken up by voices and a mysterious sound. He listens closely to what they are saying. )
Crook 1: Do you think anyone heard that?
Crook 2: Nah. C'mon, let's nick some stuff before someone hears us talking!

(Mr Humphries quietly creeps out of his tent and pauses outside Mr Lucas' tent.

Mr Humphries: "Mr Lucas? Are you free?"

Posted: 11:24 PM - Apr 06, 2011
(Still asleep and having a strange dream about making a large sale ...)

Yes sir, we have Y-fronts but you can't pay with five dozen mangoes.

Posted: 10:59 AM - Apr 07, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe has heard the noise as well. Her tent is beside Captain Peacock's. She creeps slowly to his flap and whispers

Captain Peacock are you free? Someone else is on this floor besides us!

Posted: 11:01 AM - Apr 07, 2011
Captain Peacock apparently is in a heavy dream. He is mumbling something about leading the charge to wipe out Rommel. Somewhere in his sleep fogged brain he has realized that Mrs. Slocumbe needed him and slowly comes to awareness.

Captain Peacock grumbles Mrs. Slocumbe what do you want? I was having a marvelous dream.

Posted: 11:06 AM - Apr 07, 2011
Captain Peacock there are persons on this floor that shouldn't be are you going to investigate? After all you are the floorwalker. I will arouse Mr. Humphries and Mr. Lucas. She tiptoes to Mr. Humphries' tent.

Are you free Mr. Humphries she whispers?

Mr. Lucas are you free?

Posted: 4:40 PM - Apr 07, 2011
Captain Peacock slowly and as quietly as possible creeps from his tent grumbling that he should awaken Mr. Rumbold as well. Mr. Rumbold is sleeping in his tent nearby.

Mr. Rumbold, Mr. Rumbold are you free? Captain Peacock whispers. We have intruders on our floor wake up.

Posted: 4:42 PM - Apr 07, 2011
What is the matter now Captain Peacock? Mr. Rumbold mutters. I haven't heard anything go back to sleep!

Posted: 4:47 PM - Apr 07, 2011
Mr. Rumbold we have intruders on the floor. Mr. Humphries originally heard them then Mrs. Slocumbe. They're waking Mr. Lucas and Mr. Grainger. The intruders are on the other side of the floor right now but they could come back any minute. What are we to do?

Posted: 5:12 PM - Apr 07, 2011
Mr. Rumbold, grumbling the whole time, exits his tent looking around sleepily.

Mr. Grainer and Mr. Lucas have been awakened by Mr. Humphries and Mrs. Slocumbe looking the worse for wear.

Captain Peacock motions for the staff to gather around Mr. Rumbold. Who decides that they should all head to the ladies stock room which is the closest place for a conflab.

Posted: 5:19 PM - Apr 07, 2011
Well what are you going to do about it Mr. Rumbold? I certainly do not wish to have a repeat of what happened in the store the last time we had thieves and I am unanimous in that. Miss Brahams got captured and we all almost wound up in the nick because the police thought we were those gangster people and, Mr. Rumbold wouldn't vouch for us (she gives Mr. Rumbold a dirty look)!

Posted: 9:34 PM - Apr 07, 2011
<sneaking onto the floor, behind the ladies counter...gets down on knees and crawls inbetween tents to spook Mr. Humphries> Psst...<silently> Mr. Humphries...Did you hear something around the till?
All was quiet when I went to the lou, coming back, I thought I heard voices! < silent whisper but high pitched>

Posted: 1:33 PM - Apr 08, 2011
Well are we just going to hover here or are we going to do something about this? Weak as water the whole lot of you weak as water!

Posted: 4:10 PM - Apr 08, 2011
Just waiting on Captain Peacock to make the first call & move because me and Mr. Humphries are right behind him...very far behind him.

Posted: 9:48 PM - Apr 08, 2011
Well don't look at me to make the first move ... I am not in the condition to fight two armed men a third my age.

Posted: 10:40 PM - Apr 08, 2011
Captain Peacock is puzzling this dilemma over for a few minutes. How about if Mr. Humphries, Mr. Lucas, Mr. Rumbold and myself scatter about the floor to get a better view of where the miscreants are. Once we get a fix on them then we surround them and pounce!

Posted: 10:41 PM - Apr 08, 2011
That sounds very dangerous Captain Peacock. We don't know how they are armed. We don't want anyone getting hurt.

Posted: 10:44 PM - Apr 08, 2011
What can me and Mr. Grainger do to help you out?

Posted: 10:47 PM - Apr 08, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe you and Mr. Grainger look around and see what we can use to defend ourselves with. We should have a couple of options for disabling them. After all its six against two.

Posted: 10:49 PM - Apr 08, 2011
In an aside "Oh when I hear him talk like that it makes me proud to be British!" Roger Captain Peacock. Come on Mr. Grainger you help me look over here and I'll help you look over there.

Posted: 11:35 AM - Apr 09, 2011
Mr R Martland
-Mr Grace, asleep in his office, is alterted of the situation by telephone by someone from maintenance-
I'll come down later. In the mean time, tell them to use their initiative. Get Mrs Slocombe to strangle them with some underwear. Get Humphries to have a wrestle with them. When bathroom fittings were in the same situation, they hit the robbers with a toilet plunger.

-Mr Grace falls asleep again-

Posted: 1:02 PM - Apr 09, 2011
Sounds like they're in the mens fitting room, Capt. Peacock! < whispers excitedly> Perhaps Mr. Humphries and meself can crawl over and see just what they have as weapons as well as the fit of 'em.
I tell ya one thing, I wish Ms. Brahms was here...Scared birds always cling tight to ya...hello hello. <sly grin>

Posted: 2:59 PM - Apr 09, 2011
(Crawls on his hands and knees towards the menswear department. Hears a clattering sound that seems to be coming from the fitting rooms. He slowly reaches the counter and gently tries to open the bottom drawers to look for "dangerous" merchandise to attack the crooks with. One drawer is filled with sweaters. He opens the next drawer above the other drawer and finds ties. He takes out six ties that were put on sale for 20 Pounds each.)

(Whispers nervously) Captain Peacock! I have found some weapons here.

Posted: 10:27 PM - Apr 09, 2011
What about these, Mr Grainger? (brings out umbrellas from under counter) Could this be a suitable weapon?

Posted: 4:22 AM - Apr 10, 2011
(Thinks for a minute)

Perhaps we could use one or two. I think we should get Captain Peacock's approval to use these umbrellas and ties as weapons. I wonder what Mrs. Slocombe has found.

Posted: 11:27 AM - Apr 10, 2011
TIES!?! What the bloody hell are we going to do with ties? Give them as a gift for robbing us and tell them to come again? I got a look at one of the bruts.
I suggest we get back to the ladies department and see what Captain Peacock has come up with! < upon stating, started crawling back towards the ladies counter>

Posted: 12:15 PM - Apr 10, 2011
Mr R Martland
-Mr Grace has called the police. A policeman has arrived, Mr Grace and the policeman are hidden in the fitting room.-
*they both whisper*
Policeman: Right...I'll get them now!
Mr Grace: No! Let's watch for a bit. See what the staff do. Whoever makes the first move can have a rise.

Posted: 5:33 PM - Apr 10, 2011
I'm ready for them! I have some heavy duty strapless bras that we could use as a slingshot.

Posted: 8:34 PM - Apr 10, 2011
(Has tiptoed to the ladies counter ... with Humphries coming right behind him. Peacock has a pensive look on his face, as if he is trying to make a grand leadership decision. Lucas is there waiting for Peacock to notice him. Slocombe is showing Peacock the strapless bras.)

Excuse me, Captain Peacock, Mr. Humphries and I have brought some items for your approval. There isn't much in the menswear department that could frighten the crooks. I am not positive ... could we strangle them with ties? Or do you prefer a gentleman's way and knock them out of commission with umbrellas? I do not see Mr. Rumbold, so all decisions are up to you until the police arrive.

Posted: 2:55 PM - Apr 11, 2011
Lets see could we get a couple pairs of cuff links Mr. Grainger? We could use Mrs. Slocumbe's strapless bras as slingshots as she suggested but, we have to have some sort of ammo. Do we still have a few of the fancy dress umbrellas that come with swords? I know we sold right out of the ones that doubled as a personal flask for liquor.

Posted: 2:57 PM - Apr 11, 2011
I'm really proud of the way that you all have come together! I feel certain that we will be able to conqur the miscreants with whatever it is that you are going to defend us with.

Posted: 3:01 PM - Apr 11, 2011
Mr. Harmon has joined the fracas. Hea I've brought you a few galvanized buckets. I thought you might be able to use them to confuse the robbers by putting them over their 'eads. I've also brought you a few broom 'andles that you could use as bats.

Posted: 6:18 PM - Apr 11, 2011
Mr R Martland
-Mr Grace walks in, the policeman arrests the robbers-

Good evening everybody.
I've been watching you all. I'm stunned by your tact and skill in the situation. I think a rise for everyone is needed. How about half a crown? *policeman whispers to him* Oh, a rise of 10 bob a week.

Carry on've all done very well 🙂

-as Mr Grace dodders off, he blows a weak rasberry at the robbers-

Posted: 9:54 PM - Apr 11, 2011
Well, thats quite a bit of excitement for one night. <blows a sighs>
Blimey, what a night! First, that new bird turned out engaged! Second, Had a bloody time setting me tent up...and Third, We almost get robbed...AGAIN!
Thank goodness young Mr. Grace still had sense to call the bobbies. Mind you, you gotta wonder how those two blokes where able to stay in the store after closing.

Posted: 10:15 PM - Apr 11, 2011
After all that excitement ... I do not know how I can sleep, knowing that it is easy for crooks to sneak inside Grace Brothers in the middle of the night. Does anyone know any relaxation techniques?

(Checks wristwatch)

Oh my goodness, it is 1:25 a.m.!

Posted: 11:25 AM - Apr 12, 2011
Thank you Mr. Grace (as she gives a little bow)

I agree with you Mr. Grainger. Captain Peacock, we really need to come up with a better security plan. However did those would-be thieves manage to remain behind undetected after we closed the store? Anyway we get a 10 bob rise that will be a nice addition to our pay packets especially with the commission we've made today. I'm still saving for me holidays you know. Mrs. Axelby and I haven't made up our minds yet where we want to go this year.

Mr. Harmon, would you get us some refreshment from the canteen? I could do with a cup of tea.

In an aside to Captain Peacock, psst, come here, would you care for a quick nip of something while you're calming down?

Posted: 11:34 AM - Apr 12, 2011
Mr R Martland
-Mr Grace dodders back in-

While you're all awake. Senior staff, follow me into my office. Rumbold, Peacock, Slocombe and Grainger that is.

Posted: 2:33 PM - Apr 12, 2011
Thank you Mr. Grace (as he gives a little bow)

Mrs. Slocumbe I'm afraid that will have to wait. We're wanted in Mr. Grace's office. Wonder what that's all about. I'm free Mr. Grace!

Posted: 2:44 PM - Apr 12, 2011
Right away sir!

Posted: 2:47 PM - Apr 12, 2011
Captain Peacock turns to snip at Mr. Harmon.

Mr. Harmon! You were not invited to come to Mr. Grace's office only senior members of the department were invited!

Posted: 2:56 PM - Apr 12, 2011
I show up to help em and what thanks do I get? I get told I'm not a senior member of the department!

I'll have you know that I've worked at Grace Brothers longer than any of ya except for Young Mr. Grace of course and further more, I get paid more to move this stuff around than you do for sellin em!

Mr. Harmon turns away muttering to himself.

Posted: 2:58 PM - Apr 12, 2011
Coming Mr. Grace!
Posted: 3:40 PM - Apr 12, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe utters I'm free Mr. Grace!

As she walks with Captain Peacock.....

You know I was thinking that maybe we should do a check of the floor before we'e ready to go home just to make sure that no one else has secreted themselves somewhere. It would also serve as a check to make sure no one is accidentally locked in the store overnight as well. I think I'll suggest that to Mr. Grace.

Posted: 4:06 PM - Apr 12, 2011
<stretches and yawns> gaw blimey, Mr. Humphries, I wonder what that is all about...A BOARD meeting in the middle of the night? At least we juniors weren't needed for that! < stating as he walks back to his tent>
Although, that would be a sight to see...<giggles> Four old prunes in jammies and one wrinkled old raisin in a robe. <laughing as he enters his tent> A good ol' fashion SENIOR slumber party...heh heh heh.

Posted: 4:15 PM - Apr 12, 2011
Mr R Martland
--Chats to seniors along the way. Mr Grace doesn't want to give too much away.--

It's about a new event we'll be holding next week...

Posted: 5:40 PM - Apr 12, 2011
Pardon me Mr. Grace but I have an idea on how to improve security. Why couldn't we make a quick check of our departments before we leave for home? This way we could make sure that no one has secreted themselves where they shouldn't. It wouldn't cost anything extra and it really wouldn't take much time.

Posted: 6:11 PM - Apr 12, 2011
Mr R Martland
I have an idea about that. I know a place where I can get hold of security cameras quite cheap. Departmental managers could see what goes on all the time that way. We can sort that out some other time.

Posted: 10:34 AM - Apr 13, 2011
Captain Peacock in an aside to Mr. Rumbold (speaking quietly)

Someone needs to remind him what happened the last time he had security cameras installed and what an unmitigated cockup that was.

Posted: 10:42 AM - Apr 13, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe whispering to Mr. Grainger.....

I do hope this new event isn't going to be something like german week. Remember that fiasco Mr. Grainger? I still have some of those awful bustenhalters in stock that we'll never be able to shift. I wonder where Young Mr. Grace visited this time?

Posted: 9:02 PM - Apr 14, 2011
<Mr. Grace calls a meeting in his office.>

Posted: 8:13 PM - Apr 15, 2011

Posted: 8:54 PM - Apr 15, 2011
RPG has been temporarily postponed. See Announcements.

Forum is empty


Posted: 12:47 PM - Apr 13, 2011
Mr R Martland
-Mr Grace gathers everyone in his office-

Next week, we are swapping all departments over so that all staff have had more experience than just their own department.

Here is where each department is going for the next week:
CHINA and GLASS swap with BOOKS
PETS swap with SPORTS
I'll pass on the instructions for the Toys to Peacock, he can study it and then show you all what to do. I'm sure he'll enjoy that.

Good luck everybody! You'll all do very well!

-Mr Grace falls asleep-

Posted: 5:57 PM - Apr 13, 2011
Thank you Mr. Grace!

Well that's not too bad is it Mr. Grainger. We did well in toys the last time he had us switch. Remember you had fun playing with your trains.

Posted: 5:59 PM - Apr 13, 2011
Thank you Mr. Grace!

I hope he does not expect me to wear that ridiculous propeller hat like he did last time. I'm warning you now Mr. Rumbold that I refuse to wear that silly object!

Posted: 6:01 PM - Apr 13, 2011
Thank you Mr. Grace!

Captain Peacock, I'm sure that whatever Young Mr. Grace has for us to do in Toys will be appropriate for your department. I will not have this militant attitude to deal with again.

Posted: 6:28 PM - Apr 13, 2011
hello, hello...I'll get to play with me wind up toys again, and me tanks. Hey! < light slap against Mr. Humphries arm> You'll get to play with your wibbly wobblys again Mr. Humphries. <grins big>. I wonder if they got any new items in this season?

Posted: 1:08 PM - Apr 14, 2011
Mr. Lucas I hope you weren't eavesdropping at the door again!

Gather round everybody I have some news to tell you. Mr. Humphries are you free? Mr. Lucas as I observe is free.

Young Mr. Grace is going to have us switch departments with Toys for a whole week instead of just one day.

Now we should all try to get some sleep after the excitement of the night. Everyone back to your tents.

In an aside to Mrs. Slocumbe, I'm ready for that nip of something if you are.

Posted: 1:10 PM - Apr 14, 2011
Certainly Captain Peacock. I'm ready for one myself after all this excitement. I've secreted it in a perfume bottle but I've kept it with me this time so it doesn't get confused with the other bottles on me counter. Lets remove ourselves to the Ladies stock room and I'll give you a couple of squirts.

Posted: 4:11 PM - Apr 14, 2011
Charlie wrote:
Mr. Lucas I hope you weren't eavesdropping at the door again!

Gather round everybody I have some news to tell you. Mr. Humphries are you free? Mr. Lucas as I observe is free.

Young Mr. Grace is going to have us switch departments with Toys for a whole week instead of just one day.

Now we should all try to get some sleep after the excitement of the night. Everyone back to your tents.

In an aside to Mrs. Slocumbe, I'm ready for that nip of something if you are.
-Mr Grace gathers everyone in his office-

(just assumed that ALL were in the office)

Posted: 5:42 PM - Apr 14, 2011
Oh very well Mr. Lucas you weren't eavesdropping. I for one would like to be able to try to get some sleep tonight with whatever time is left.

Posted: 11:12 AM - Apr 15, 2011
Mr R Martland
Here is a summary of the piece of paper that Mr Grace handed to Capt Peacock.
Sophisticated Dolls
(SPECIAL OFFER)Bridal Doll and Groom Doll - £20
Jasmine - £13
Betty - £10

Pratical Jokes and Magic tricks
Novelty money box - £1
"BoX of TriX" - £1
Imitation Ink Block - 90p
Stink Bomb - 80p
Itching Powder - 80p
Whoopi Cushion - 70p

Annie the airhostess - £7
(SPECIAL OFFER) Playgirl penny with a free "Funtime Freddy" - £10
Shower for dolls - £2

Mechanical cuddlies
Billie the basset - £8.50
(NEW) Petra the Pussy - £7.75
Daisy the daxle - £6.75
(NEW)Roger the retriever - £6.50

5 and upward
(NEW)Doctor Who Robot - £6
TV Robot - £5.25
Soldier Robot - £4.50
-spare parts for each robot are 30p each.

3 and under
Army Tank - £5
Tuffy Tank - £4

2-5 yrs
Wibbly Wobbly Playground (includes 4 wibbly wobblies) - £3.75
-Wibbly Wobblies - 25p each
Vibrating Bear - 15p

Posted: 12:57 PM - Apr 15, 2011
Well I'm glad to see that they have included mechanical pussies this year!

Oh Mr. Grainger I don't see anything about your trains!

Posted: 12:59 PM - Apr 15, 2011
Mr R Martland
(Oops - Forgot them.)

Posted: 12:59 PM - Apr 15, 2011
Mr R Martland
Train set - £29

Posted: 8:10 PM - Apr 15, 2011
(Just learn that Trevor Bannister aka Young Mr Lucas passed away Thursday. I myself lost my ex-husband on wednesday. I will not be on for awhile due to losing my men. Sounds silly, but I loved, LOVED these two!)

Posted: 8:49 PM - Apr 15, 2011
Libby_W wrote:
(Just learn that Trevor Bannister aka Young Mr Lucas passed away Thursday. I myself lost my ex-husband on wednesday. I will not be on for awhile due to losing my men. Sounds silly, but I loved, LOVED these two!)
I understand. Come back when you're ready! Will postpone the game for a week in Mr. Bannister's memory.

Forum is empty

Aybs Rpg #8 (2011)

Posted: 7:50 AM - Mar 18, 2011
RideUpWithWear- Please start the dialog for the next 2 week session. If you want to continue the last session let me know.



Posted: 8:44 PM - Mar 19, 2011
(this is why I was leary on voting for mr. grainger. He takes forever to get into a scene. I'll just keep checking in to see when it starts)

Posted: 9:03 PM - Mar 19, 2011
He's just playing his role-I hope! LOL

If there's no input by late Monday morning, I'll put in a scenario reflecting this.


Posted: 9:38 AM - Mar 21, 2011
A strike has hit the main train rail coming in closest to Grace Brothers. Some the other staff managed to get to work on time using taxis, buses or walking. One of the staff members absent by the opening bell is Mr. Grainger.

Posted: 10:38 AM - Mar 21, 2011
The lift doors chime and out steps Mr. Rumbold looking very concerned. He has noted the absence of many of the store's employees obviously due to the current transport strike. He notices that Mr. Harmon is doing the tidying up. He notes the time is 8:55 am.

Good morning Mr. Harmon! Where are the cleaning ladies? They're supposed to be doing the tidying up.

Posted: 10:40 AM - Mar 21, 2011
Mr. Harmon has been tidying up the floor humming to himself as he goes pleased that he's the only one on the floor.

Good morning Mr. Rumbold. I see you made it in this morning.

The cleaners haven't been able to get here yet because of the strike so I'm taking over for them until they arrive.

Posted: 11:07 AM - Mar 21, 2011
Well you didn't seem to have a problem getting here this morning. I'm going to have to speak to Young Mr. Grace about these continual transport strikes. The staff are under great duress.

Posted: 11:08 AM - Mar 21, 2011
I slept in the store last night. Young Mr. Grace gave me permission to sleep where ever I could.

Posted: 11:51 AM - Mar 21, 2011
The lift door chimes again and out steps Captain Peacock looking the worse for wear. Apparently he had a very difficult time getting to work. He looks around to see who has arrived.

Good morning Mr. Rumbold, Mr. Harmon. He notes the time and its almost 9 o'clock. Mr. Harmon what are you doing on the floor at this time? Not really expecting an answer especially since Mr. Harmon just gives him the two fingered salute behind his back. Captain Peacock begins to sign the book. He checks his watch 8:55 and 10 seconds he states signing the book with a flourish.

Mr. Rumbold we really need to come up with a plan of action to deal with these contiuous transport strikes. Then he begins to mumble about the lack of commitment that todays workers seem to have to their jobs.

Posted: 11:57 AM - Mar 21, 2011
slocombe The lift door chimes again and in walks Mrs. Slocumbe. I'm so sorry I'm almost late Captain Peacock but I had a terrible time getting here this morning. How on earth do they expect us to come to work with all these transport strikes?

Mrs. Slocumbe bustles over to the sign in book and signs removing her coat as she does.

Miss Brahams phoned me this morning to say that she may be late getting here this morning as she's having a bit of a problem finding a ride in.

Mrs. Slocumbe bustles over to her counter and begins opening for the day.

Posted: 6:42 PM - Mar 21, 2011
The lift chimes once again and Mr. Grainger exits. He rushes over to his counter and checks his watch - 9:01 a.m.

He signs the book and notes the late time. He turns to address Captain Peacock.

I am very sorry that I am late Captain Peacock. The buses were not operating, so I was compelled to ride my bicycle to Grace Brothers. Once intersection approximately four blocks from Grace Brothers was shut down due to lowered power lines - I was required to take a more longer route.

Grainger notices that Rumbold his over here on the sales floor. He blushes.

Mr. Rumbold! I am extremely sorry that I arrived at a miserable time such as 9:01 a.m. I will try to ensure that it will not happen again ... I will consider waking up at 3 a.m. to make sure that I have enough time to commute by bicycle.

Posted: 6:58 PM - Mar 21, 2011
(The lift chimes a third time and Mr Humphries comes down the steps merrily humming. He then catches sight of the clock and sees that he is late)

I'm sorry, Capt. Peacock, that I'm late, but the snow was so deep at my house that I had to shovel some before I could get a lift here.

Posted: 9:29 PM - Mar 21, 2011
<chimes, lift doors waltzs Mr. Lucas with a big grin on face>
Ah, good morning Capt. Peacock. Mr. Rumbold. Glad to see you made it this morning.<stating as he slips behind his counter>

Capt. Peacock points to the signing in book..

Ahh, Capt . Peacock, I've been here for at least an hour already. I was down in the canteen, chattin' up the new bird working there.

<elbowing Mr. Humphries> Hopefully, if I play me cards right, I'll be shacking with her tonight and won't have to worry about getting to work tomorrow.

heh heh hee...

Posted: 10:57 PM - Mar 21, 2011
2bickering Mr. Grainger, Mr. Humpries I'm surprised at you two being late like this! Mr. Lucas I'm making another adverse record of this late arrival!

Mr. Rumbold we really must have a meeting today to discuss alternate arrangements for getting to work while these transport strikes continue!

Posted: 11:25 PM - Mar 21, 2011
While you all seem to be here except for Miss Brahams, we might as well have a quick meeting about these transport strikes. Does anyone have any suggestions on how we can deal with this? We camped in the store during the last transport strike.

I have contacted Young Mr. Grace's secretary to schedule some time with him in the BOARDROOM (he looks up as does everyone else) on this very subject. We cannot continue to suffer such hardships in getting to work. My wife refused to make me any breakfast and told me to get knotted. I was almost late myself and I left my house at 6!

Posted: 11:32 PM - Mar 21, 2011
slocombe Couldn't we sleep on the floor like we did the last time just until the strikes are over?

You know its a good thing that Mrs. Axelby is still at my house. We've decided that we are going to move in together. She's gotten quite used to my place now and its closer to the pub for her. With her bunions, that long walk wasn't good for her. My pussy has taken quite a liking to her and at least she is there during the day if I'm stuck here. We're still sorting Mr. Akbar out!

Posted: 2:19 PM - Mar 22, 2011
<speaks up> Isn't there a level in the store that can be set up for sleeping purposes?

I mean, if Mr. Harmon could arrange cots on one of the floors not being used, that would save us extreme time and money!

Posted: 2:22 PM - Mar 22, 2011
<looking towards Mrs. Slocumbe> You better be carefull with Mrs. Axleby. If Tiddles spends too much time with her, your pussy won't know who's the boss.

Posted: 8:04 PM - Mar 22, 2011
Capain Peacock turns to sneer at Mr. Lucas. Well that must have hurt your brain to actually come up with a sensible suggestion for our dilemma.

Captain Peacock notices that Mr. Harmon is still loitering around the goods lift.

Mr. Harmon it is now 9:15 and you shouldn't be on the floor!

Mr. Rumbold you see how he disobeys my direct orders.

Posted: 8:08 PM - Mar 22, 2011
Steadfastly standing up to Captain Peacock's sneering manner. When the revolution hits you'll be one of the first ones to go you know that don't you?

I couldn't help overhearing the conversation since I've been listening to every word. We do have a couple of vacant departments handy. I could appropriate some cots from camping for bedding and some sleeping bags.

Posted: 8:19 PM - Mar 22, 2011
slocombe Mrs. Slocumbe turns to Mr. Lucas and says "Mr. Lucas don't be cheeky". Mrs. Axelby is a very refined person. My Tiddles is very discriminating as to who she likes to have around her.

Mrs. Slocumbe turns to Mr. Rumbold. The idea of sleeping in the store is a good one however, I'm sure that Miss Brahams will agree with me that we need separate quarters and I am unanimous in that. Incidentally, what are we to do about clothes? We have no way of getting clean clothes if this strike turns into a long do. Could you ask Young Mr. Grace if we could borrow some things from stock to muck out with until we can get back home?

Posted: 8:24 PM - Mar 22, 2011
Mr. Rumbold gets teary eyed for a minute and takes his glasses off to wipe his eyes. This really does my heart good to hear how you all are coming together to make the best out of a bad situation. I know if we continue in this manner, we'll be able to come thru this in bristol fashion!

I have a meeting in the BOARDROOM (he raises his eyes skyward) at 10 to discuss my idea of setting up vacant departments as dormitories for employees that can't get back home. I'm sure Young Mr. Grace will approve of using them, the camping equipment and other necessities.

Mr. Rumbold rushes back to his office to prepare "his idea" to present to Young Mr. Grace.

Posted: 1:49 AM - Mar 23, 2011
The BOARDROOM (he looks upward feeling scared).

(He looks at the staff who are still on the floor.)

I hope that Young Mr. Grace believes that we actually need special accommodations. A friend of mine in Accounts mentioned that Young Mr. Grace was studying auto-mobile strike actions in Japan. This was four months ago, well any how, this was four months ago while Young Mr. Grace fancied a trip to Tokyo. During a boardroom meeting he allegedly applauded the method that the Japanese plant owners used to end the strike ... no one was sacked ... they beat the ringleaders with sticks of sugar cane, and then they docked 25% of wages for the other workers who participated in the strike.

(He crosses his fingers.)

Oh well, that was just a rumour.

Posted: 2:49 PM - Mar 23, 2011
slocombe Whats that you say Mr. Grainger that Japanese workers that strike beaten and docked? Well we british workers would never think to pull a stunt like that. I do hope that Young Mr. Grace doesn't go visit Tokoyo. Remember the last time he went there and came back with all those ridiculous ideas for the store that were a complete failure?

Posted: 2:52 PM - Mar 23, 2011
Well, the most that I can say is that at least me brain was able to come up with an idea, Capt. Peacock. <upon stating, turned briskedly and headed towards the stock room to start the day>

Posted: 2:53 PM - Mar 23, 2011
Captain Peacock has a frustrated look on his face at Mr. Lucas' smart comment.

Young Mr. Grace's last Tokoyo trip wasn't as bad as his trip to America when he came back and had us dress in those ridiculous clothes and speak in strange tongues. I'm still not sure what language that was we had to speak in. All I know is the customers sure didn't seem to adapt well to it.

Okay everyone enough standing around get back to your counters. We may still get some customers come in today transport strikes not withstanding.

Posted: 7:57 PM - Mar 24, 2011
(A man exits the lift and goes down towards the men's counter carrying a large Grace Brothers shopping bag.)
Good morning sir. Are you being served? Ah. I see. Mr, Grainger, are you free? This customer has a complaint to make. He says he bought this sweater here yesterday and it shrank in the wash. (Pulls out a shrunken sweater from the bag) What should we do?

Posted: 10:25 PM - Mar 24, 2011
The lift chime rings and out steps Mr. Rumbold holding a clipboard with his notes on it. He has just come from the BOARDROOM with news about the contingency plans to deal with the latest transport strike. He beckons Captain Peacock over and queries.....

Captain Peacock are you free?????

Posted: 10:28 PM - Mar 24, 2011
Mr. Rumbold forgot to let Captain Peacock reply properly.

Posted: 10:32 PM - Mar 24, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe is in the process of tidying up her drawers. She looks both ways and behind her and answers I'm Free! and comes over to Captain Peacock in the center.

Posted: 10:35 PM - Mar 24, 2011
Captain Peacock begins to grumble you might have said what you wanted so I didn't have to go through all this palavar!

I see that Mr. Grainger and Mr. Humphries are not free at the moment Mr. Rumbold.

Mr. Lucas are you free?

Mrs. Slocumbe are you free?

Posted: 1:05 AM - Mar 25, 2011
(He addresses his customer.)

Do not worry sir, your new check suit trousers will ride up with wear.

(He accepts the customers payment. The customer leaves. He glances and sees no more customers.)

I am free!

(He steadily walks to the centre of the floor.)

Posted: 2:45 PM - Mar 25, 2011
<standing at his station, arms crossed...looks left, then right> It just happens that I am free, right at this very moment, Captain Peacock. < walks to center of floor>

Posted: 4:11 PM - Mar 25, 2011
Now that Captain Peacock has marshalled the staff to the center of the floor they're all anxiously awaiting the verdict from Mr. Rumbold's meeting with Young Mr. Grace.

Mr. Grace has decided that any member of staff may stay over at the store and make use of any necessary items that is needed from stock. Any personal items needed will be charged to their account at a staff discount of course. Clothing may be returned to stock and sold as seconds.

Noticing that Mr. Harmon is still loitering around the goods lift, he beckons him over. Mr. Harmon, would you please get some cots and sleeping bags from the camping department. We have a choice of vacant departments or, we can stay here on our own floor. The 5th floor is vacant awaiting a redo and so is the 7th. I'm sure that Mr. Harmon can rig something up to act as a screen for the ladies' privacy and locate some appropriate sleepwear. We didn't do to well using individual tents the last time so maybe we'll have better luck with privacy screens.

Now as far as food goes, Mr. Grace has graciously agreed to allow the canteen staff to feed us for free as long as the supplies last. The canteen staff are also staying over at the store on their own floor.

Posted: 4:28 PM - Mar 25, 2011
Right-O Mr. Rumbold. I will scour the camping, sports equipment and sleepwear and round up what I can. You all had better kibbitz as to where you wish to be set up.

Posted: 8:47 PM - Mar 25, 2011
Oh, I hope this won't be like last time. Remember, when everything was sold out and we had to all sleep on the floor?

Posted: 2:19 PM - Mar 26, 2011
Ahh, yes yes...<nodding head while placing hands into pockets>.
I do hope the nightwear will be better. The last time this happened, me bottoms only had the one leg.
Mind you...the tents wasn't that bad of an ordeal, except for these cement floors. Hopefully Mr. Harmon will find enough cots to make the sleeping alittle more comfortable.

Posted: 2:21 PM - Mar 26, 2011
Hello? Did Mr. Rumbold say that the Canteen staff was also shacking in the store, Mr. Humphries? <whispering with his half-cocked grin>

Posted: 2:30 PM - Mar 27, 2011
I believe he did, Mr Lucas. Now I think I know what you are thinking...

Posted: 3:45 PM - Mar 27, 2011
Indeed, Mr. Humphries, Indeed.
<raised eyebrow with a mischevious grin>
It might happen that tonight will be a sleepwalking night...heh heh heh.

Posted: 6:15 PM - Mar 27, 2011
slocombe Oh I do hope Mr. Harmon can find us some proper cots. Anything has to be better than that air mattress that I had last time. It took me puff after puff to get it to proper hardness for me then the plug kept coming loose!

Posted: 6:18 PM - Mar 27, 2011
Well I'll leave you to sort out what you need for necessities for the next few days. Hopefully we won't be stuck at the store that long.

With that statement, Mr. Rumbold leaves shuffling his papers as he goes muttering about phoning his wife to let her know he didn't know when he would be coming home.

Posted: 6:22 PM - Mar 27, 2011
Captain Peacock speaks up as well. I think this would be a good time for us to make domestic arrangements as well since there aren't many customers in the store. I'd better call Mrs. Peacock to let her know I won't be home at least for tonight. I only hope that Mrs. Peacock understands the reason why I need to stay in the store at least for the night. I do hope that Mr. Harmon finds sleepwear suitable to my rank. We didn't specify and he'll probably bring back anything just to be militant.

Posted: 6:33 PM - Mar 27, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe bustles off to the phone in the Ladies and states "I had better phone Mrs. Axelby and let her know that I won't be home until the transport strikes are over with."

Posted: 7:30 PM - Mar 27, 2011
Mr. Harmon returns with his arms full of camping gear. It appears that he has done the department proud with his "appropriating". Warrick he calls out bring the rest of those things in here.

I've found cots and sleeping bags for all of you. Have you decided if you want to sleep on this floor, the 5th or 7th floors? Warrick and I are going to appropriate some sleepwear.

Posted: 9:21 PM - Mar 27, 2011
Speaking on behalf of ladies, I feel we should sleep on our own floor and just get up in enough time to clear everything out. I certainly don't think we should kip down with just anybody in the store.

Mrs. Slocumbe calling at Mr. Harmon's retreating back. Mr. Harmon do you think you could find us a few tents to use again?

Posted: 2:59 PM - Mar 28, 2011
<rubbing hands together, grinning from ear to ear>
This is gonna be a night to remember, Mr. Humphries.
Don't have to worry about getting to the store on time in the morning, don't have to worry about how to get home, and better yet, don't have to worry about that new bird blowing me off for a date tonight!

Posted: 5:28 PM - Mar 28, 2011
Captain Peacock overhears Mr. Lucas' plans for the night and begins to remonstrate with him.

Mr. Lucas, you will conduct yourself in a manner befitting a member of this department. I plan on speaking to Mr. Rumbold about this very issue as soon as he has a moment free.

Now as to where we will bed down for the night have we come to an agreement as to the location? I know Mrs. Slocumbe prefers that we remain on our own floor and in our own department. Personally I agree with her this time.

Captain Peacock returns to the phone in Gents Ready Made and places a call to Mr. Rumbold requesting to meet with him. "Mr. Rumbold, we need a ruling as to non-fraternizing between departmentmental floors at night". May I come to your office to discuss this matter?

Thank you Mr. Rumbold, I'll be right there. Captain Peacock asks Mr. Humphries "Are You Free?" Please take over for me while I speak with Mr. Rumbold.

Posted: 8:25 PM - Mar 28, 2011
Captain Peacock quickly leaves the floor to talk to Rumbold. Customers arrive in the department.

Grainger waves at a customer who approaches a male mannequin. "Hello sir, are you being served?"

He walks toward the customer.

"Oh yes sir," he said. "The ladies counter is in that direction." He points at the ladies side of the floor. "Mrs. Slocombe or Miss Brahms can help you buy a corset and stockings for your wife. If you would please come to my counter and I will fetch a pair of socks that may be to your liking."

The customer and Grainger go to the counter. Grainger reaches into a drawer and displays two pairs of socks.

"We have two types of striped socks in black and red. Would you like the heart pair or the pair with two ... nude ladies?" Grainger blushes as he said the word 'nude.'

The customer purchased the pair of socks that had nude ladies on them.

"Have a pleasant day -"

The customer picks up his socks and runs to the ladies counter.

Grainger sighs and picks up departmental telephone to phone his wife, but then decides that he does not need to do that right away.

"I just remembered ... I had left behind a loose pair of pyjamas a month ago. Now where did put them?"

He goes around the department and starts looking in several drawers for his item.

Posted: 10:46 AM - Mar 29, 2011
Captain Peacock rushes over to Mr. Rumbolds office knocks on the door and Mr. Rumold answers Enter!

Mr. Rumbold, we need to have a ruling on non-fraternizing between departments at night during this transport strike crisis. Mrs. Slocumbe also suggested that we stay on our own floor in our own department. I rather agree with her on that suggestion. She also said we should arise a little earlier in order to clear away the camping gear.

Mr. Rumbold ponders these statements for a minute then states.....

Posted: 10:53 AM - Mar 29, 2011
You were quite right to bring this to my attention Captain Peacock. I shall consider the matter most carefully then I'll come out to the floor to announce my decision.

Has Mr. Harmon found something for us to use yet?
Posted: 10:58 AM - Mar 29, 2011
Yes sir. Mr. Harmon has done us proud. He has appropriated us cots and sleeping bags this time. He and Warrick have gone off to arrange for our sleepwear and see if he can also get us some tents if we can stay on our own floor and in our own department.

I'll alert the staff that you will give us your decision on the non-fraternising issue shortly.

Captain Peacock turns and walks out of Mr. Rumbold's office.

Posted: 11:01 AM - Mar 29, 2011
slocombe Mr. Grainger, Miss Brahams hasn't arrived yet. I'll take care of this customer.

Good Morning Sir! I hope you didn't have too hard a time getting to our store this morning with the transport strike on. Now what can I help you with? You want a corset and some stockings for your wife? Fine. What size is madam? The customer points to one of the mannequins. Our medium size range. Might I inquire if this is a gift? The customer answers yes. How nice is it madams birthday? The customer answers no he just wants to surprise her. Oh there should be more gents like you. I have just the thing for her and bustles off to get them.

Mrs. Slocumbe returns with the fancy corsets box. Now then we have several different colors available emerald green silk with black lace trim, red silk with black lace trim, and black silk with black lace trim. They are six pounds each. What color do you think madam would like? The customer answers he didn't know. They all looked grand and he'd take the lot. Mrs. Slocumbes eyes twinkle at that. That will be 18 pounds.

Didn't you say that you needed to get her some stockings as well? Yes? What height is madam? 5'9" the customer replies. Right thats our medium/tall range. Any particular color? Something to go with the corsets he replies with a slight grin on his face. I have just the thing and pulls out a package of black stockings. The customer says make that 3 pairs. Mrs. Slocumbe adds 2 more packages to the pile. That will be 4 pounds sir for a total of 22 pounds. Will that be cash or account? Account you say fine. There you go sir. You want them gift wrapped? Mrs. Slocumbe directs him to the gift wrapping counter.

Thats over 3 pounds commission for me!

Posted: 4:12 PM - Mar 29, 2011
Gah, blimey...<scorns as he stands with his arms crossed> If we're off the books, and stuck indoors on the floors for days, how the bloody hell are we supposed to compose ourselves? I like hangin' round you Mr. Humphries, but doin' so for 24/7 for who knows how many days will drive the livin' hell out o' me.

Posted: 4:28 PM - Mar 29, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe overhears Mr. Lucas make this remark to Mr. Humphries.

Mr. Lucas don't be coarse! it won't be fun for anyone if we have to make a long do out of this strike. We all have to muck in together.

Posted: 4:48 PM - Mar 29, 2011
Mr. Harmon and Warrick bustle in from the goods lift their arms full of necessities for the night. Mr. Harmon has located a few tents, electric fire and sleepwear.

I'm going to park this stuff over here by the goods lift Mrs. Slocumbe would you tell Captain Peacock where it is? We have to get the 5th and 7th floors set up as dormitories for the others.

Posted: 6:19 PM - Mar 29, 2011
Captain Peacock returns to the floor. Thank you for taking over Mr. Humphries. Mr. Rumbold will be joining us in a few minutes to give us his ruling on the non-fraternizing. He is also calling Young Mr. Grace again to request permission for this department to stay on its own floor here.

Ahh I see Mr. Harmon has been successful in locating the necessary equipment for our enforced stay in the store overnight.

Posted: 7:48 PM - Mar 29, 2011
Mr. Rumbold is attempting to reach Young Mr. Grace. He dials his extension. Rumbold here. Mr. Grace is confused and thinks the caller is looking for Mr. Rumbold. "You've got the wrong extension" he says and hangs up. Mr. Rumbold has a frustrated look on his face as he tries for Mr. Grace again. Mr. Grace this is Mr. Rumbold. Mr. Grace says "I'm glad you called, someone just called for you". Yes that was me calling for you sir. Well what do you want Mr. Grace says? Would it be alright if my department stays on their own floor in their own department? Naturally we'll get up in enough time in the mornings to clear up. Mr. Grace agrees. Thank you Mr. Grace!

Mr. Rumbold leaves his office and goes to see Captain Peacock. He beckons Captain Peacock to him and asks him "Captain Peacock are you free?"

Posted: 7:50 PM - Mar 29, 2011
Ah, I hope we can all get some sleep tonight. Last time I didn't get to sleep till very late because we all had to get Captain Peacock and Mr Rumbold to Sister. (jokingly) I seem to remember that was your fault Mr Lucas. wink

Posted: 8:37 PM - Mar 29, 2011
Captain Peacock, I have spoken with Mr. Grace and he has agreed that we can stay on our own floor and in our own department as long as we clear out in time for customers.

As to the non-fraternization, once the employees go off the clock as it were, we don't really have any control over what they wish to do where or with whom. All we can do is to suggest that if anyone caused any rukus while sleeping at the store during this crisis will face a severe reprimand.

Posted: 2:19 AM - Mar 30, 2011
Grainger returns to his station behind the counter. He found his pair of pyjamas and laid it down onto the counter to inspect it.

The bottoms were shorter than he had expected. He checked the tag on the bottoms, and he had selected the bottoms from the petite sizes, size medium. Well the waist seemed fine, but the length of the inside leg of his pyjamas would look ridiculous on him.

"Well, at least the others have to borrow used clothing," he mutters under his breath. He picks up the departmental telephone and calls his wife.

"Hello darling, it is me. Well, because of the strike actions Young Mr. Grace may possibly give us lodging accommodations for a short while to ease the burden of travelling to Grace Brothers."

"No dear, management has not made a formal announcement as of yet," he nods to what his wife was saying to him.

"Yes, they have watched my perform my impressions." He chuckles a bit.

"Oh no dear, I do not have a wig ... I doubt impressions of certain co-workers could result in a reprimand."
"Yes, I love you too. I should get going now, it seems that our manager, Mr. Rumbold has returned to our floor to make an announcement. Good bye ..."

He hangs up the telephone, and then he waits for Mr. Rumbold to summon him to the centre of the floor where Rumbold stood with Captain Peacock.

Posted: 11:29 AM - Mar 30, 2011
Captain Peacock says "gather round everybody Mr. Rumbold has some announcements to make".

Posted: 11:33 AM - Mar 30, 2011
I have just spoken with Mr. Grace and he has given us permission to sleep on our own floor in our own department providing that we clean up before the customers arrive.

Now Captain Peacock has brought a matter to my attention the fraternizing between store employees after dark. While the management cannot force employees to stay on their own floor after working hours have ceased, it is hoped that any member of this department will conduct themselves in a proper manner fitting this department. Any breath of scandal will be severely dealt with starting with an adverse report in your record. Have I made myself clear on this?

With a cheery carry on everybody Mr. Rumbold leaves to return to his office.

Posted: 2:42 PM - Mar 30, 2011
<hands behind back, rocking back and forth on feet, grin on face> Yes, Mr. Rumbold. Understood.

Posted: 6:21 PM - Mar 30, 2011
slocombe Mrs. Slocumbe is beginning to "see the light" behind Mr. Lucas' mischievious grin. She is hoping that she can somehow wangle a romantic rendevous of her own! Mrs. Slocumbe casts a coy look over at Captain Peacock.

You are quite right Mr. Rumbold. We wouldn't want to have people hopping in and out of each others cots as it were would we?

Mrs. Slocumbe is also wondering how she can take a discreet nip from the bottle gin she got before arriving to work.

Posted: 9:07 PM - Mar 30, 2011
Grainger was puzzled about the meaning behind Rumbold's warning until he noticed the strange looks that some staff members such as Lucas and Slocombe were displaying.

"Thank you for illustrating the non-fraternization policy, Mr. Rumbold. I will keep an eye out for such vulgar behaviour ..."

Posted: 7:04 PM - Mar 31, 2011
Man, I can't wait 'til lunch. Hopefully that new bird is serving and I can chat her up. Have you met her yet Mr. Humphries?

Posted: 8:27 PM - Mar 31, 2011
Captain Peacock notices all the gear that Mr. Harmon and Warrick have left for them by the goods lift. He begins to apportion it all out. Mr. Grainer, Mr. Humphries, Mr. Lucas if you're free, please come and get your gear for tonight. I see it even appears that he has found us appropriate sleepwear this time.

Mrs. Slocumbe if you're free, please come and get your equipment for the night. Since we've gotten no update as to when Miss Brahams might arrive, would you please store her things in your stockroom for her?

Posted: 1:57 PM - Apr 01, 2011
Mr. Harmon has done a great feat...has he not Mr. Humphries? look at this...blankets, cots and pajamas.

Posted: 4:13 PM - Apr 01, 2011
slocombe Oh yes indeed he has this is much better than the last time we had to sleep in the store. We even have an electric fire to gather round like last time.

Posted: 8:56 AM - Apr 02, 2011
Time to vote!

Forum is empty

Aybs Rpg #7 Lunch Break (2011)

Posted: 7:57 PM - Mar 01, 2011
Please carry on. 🙂


Posted: 8:12 PM - Mar 01, 2011
Awwee Blimey! <sitting down with plate> Another day, another anchovie on toast...Would anyone fancy a trade?

Posted: 11:41 PM - Mar 01, 2011
"I 'ave the same. I lost so much of my pay this week in VAT!"

Posted: 8:28 PM - Mar 02, 2011
I am willing to trade Mr. Lucas. I ordered tomato soup with toast. The toast is fine, slightly buttered. The condition of my tomato soup is another affair. The tomato stock that the canteen cook used is very thick. I think they mixed up my order. I have a tomato and bean stew.

Posted: 7:19 PM - Mar 03, 2011
<watching GRainger stir his soup,disgusting look on face> No thank you Mr. Grainger. I'll just sit here and enjoy my anchovie. Has anyone figured out what the bloodied hell is going on with Peacock and ol' Rumbold? Never in my short time here at Grace Brothers have I've known Either one of 'em NOT to show up for work!

Posted: 8:16 PM - Mar 04, 2011
Well, you know Peacock. He's probably had another row with Mrs Peacock and is too ashamed to show up for work. As for Rumbold, well, that's another matter. Maybe he was worried that he won't get his bonus today. Mind you, we're all worried about not getting our bonus!

Posted: 9:19 PM - Mar 04, 2011
(Slurps his soup. He cleans his mouth with his white handkerchief.)

Oh, I wish that you hadn't brought that up, Mr. Humphries! I need my bonus. I was hoping to use it to buy my wife's birthday present. If I do not get my bonus, I will have to take a loan.

Posted: 2:57 PM - Mar 05, 2011
New hearing aid costs that much? <snickers>
Mind you, that bonus couldn't come at a better time. Me poor crippled mother is down to her last pound. And me, down to me last quid.

Posted: 7:34 PM - Mar 05, 2011
slocombe Mrs. Slocumbe enters with a disgusted look on her face as well. I opted for the shepards pie. Pass me some of that brown sauce Miss Brahms so I can't see the flies' footprints in the mashed potatoes. I heard you all talking about Mr. Rumbold and Captain Peacock. Mr. Rumbold is home with a cold. Captain Peacock hasn't reported in yet or phoned has he Mr. Grainger? You know with this price increases and transport expenses to get to work, Mrs. Axelby and I are thinking of moving in together to pool our resources. I've quite gotten used to her being around the house and so has my pussy. We might be able to make ends meet a bit better. I hope we aren't delayed in getting our bonus money without old Jugears here today.

Posted: 9:25 PM - Mar 05, 2011
If you ask me we'll be lucky to get it at all! You remember what happened last time we were due to get a bonus, don't you?

Posted: 1:18 PM - Mar 06, 2011
Mr. Grace spent it all gambling in Monte Carlo.

Posted: 5:31 PM - Mar 06, 2011
That's right! And I have a feeling the same will happen this year.

Posted: 7:03 PM - Mar 06, 2011
Blimey..thats all we need! All our bonuses going on either the Inside Leg or the Queens Fairy.
What else can go wrong today?

( I hope I got the right race lol)

Posted: 9:35 PM - Mar 06, 2011
(Sips his coffee. He throws up onto the floor.)

There is cat hair in my coffee.

(He points to the string-like things at the bottom of his cup.)

I would watch how you eat your Shepard's Pie, Mrs. Slocombe. For all we know, the meat inside could have came from the cat that supplied the hairs for our coffee today.

Posted: 10:30 PM - Mar 06, 2011
slocombe That's right putting me off this Mr. Grainger! You know it is disgusting the way they feed us here.

Remember the time Young Mr. Grace did gamble our bonus money on the horses and we had a go at it as well? We don't want another experience like that again. You know that could be why Captain Peacock isn't here. You all remember from the horse racing that Captain Peacock can't bet. He has a gambling sickness. He starts betting and he bets everything. I bet he knew where Young Mr. Grace was and he didn't want to be faced with a decision like that again.

Posted: 5:57 PM - Mar 07, 2011
MY. what a scenerio we have here...
Mrs. Slocombe has a naked Irish woman dancing at her flat, Ms. Brahms and meself are at the brink of starvation,
Captain Peacock probably has the gamblin' fever,
and Mr. Grainger spittin' up hairballs....You're the only one coming up clean Mr. Humphries...heh heh heh.

Posted: 6:41 PM - Mar 07, 2011
What brings you to that conclusion Mr Lucas? (laughs jokingly) I need that bonus as much as any of us. In fact, I've had to ask me mother for a loan.

Posted: 9:01 PM - Mar 07, 2011
(Has a coughing fit.)

Captain Peacock still hasn't phone in yet. For his sake, I hope that he isn't dwelling on the bonus scandal of last year.

Posted: 6:48 PM - Mar 08, 2011
slocombe Its really disgusting what they pay us isn't it? I was saying to Mrs. Axelby the other night that we might as well take a place together. I don't see how we're going to be able to make it on our own and we do get on well and all.

Mr. Humphries you do manage to come thru unscathed don't you?

Mr. Grainger are you all right? I hope you didn't accidentally swallow one of those cat haris.

Posted: 8:41 PM - Mar 08, 2011
<looking at his wrist while listening to the others talk>
Well, this is what I have to say about our pay...We'll loose 15 minutes of pay if we don't hurry: it's 5 minutes past.

DONE: Back to work

Posted: 8:59 PM - Mar 08, 2011
As Mrs. Slocumbe gathers her purse and prepares to go back to her counter! Come on Miss Brahams we don't want a bad report on us.

Posted: 6:25 AM - Mar 12, 2011
Session closed. Time for a vote!

Winner can choose to continue dialog or run a new one.

Forum is empty

AYBS RPG #7 (2011)

Posted: 6:56 AM - Mar 01, 2011
Libby_W- Please start the dialog for the next 2 week session.



Posted: 5:07 PM - Mar 01, 2011

Posted: 11:50 PM - Mar 02, 2011
slocombe Mr. Lucas it isn't time for lunch yet. Just because old Jugears isn't here today and Captain Peacock hasn't come in yet doesn't mean you can just waltz off the floor when you want too!

Posted: 8:21 PM - Mar 03, 2011
<Lunch session is underway regardless of what Mrs Slocombe said>


Posted: 11:15 AM - Mar 04, 2011
Ahh sorry about that.

Posted: 1:34 PM - Mar 09, 2011
(Grainger arrives in the department via the stairs. Unfortunately, there is already a customer at the men's counter. He rushes to his station.)

Hello, sir. What can I do for you today? We have a promotion on -

(The customer frowns. Apparently the man has be waiting for awhile. Grainger clears his throat. The customer is silent yet angry. The customer throws a tattered top hat onto the counter. He shoves a receipt from Grace Brothers in Grainger's face.)

Oh, sir!

(Grainger blushes. He checks the receipt. He notices the date and time on the receipt.)

I was not serving you that day because I was having a dentist appointment. It was either Mr. Humphries or Mr. Lucas who was serving you two weeks ago. Do you remember what he looked like?

(The elevator opens and the other staff members rush down the stairs. As Lucas and Humphries arrive at the counter.)

I am sorry, sir. Could you please tell me which of those two men served you?

(The customer points at Lucas.)

Mr. Lucas, this gentleman would like to have a word with you!

Posted: 8:34 PM - Mar 09, 2011
Good Afternoon Sir, Are you being served?

Posted: 7:04 PM - Mar 10, 2011
Ahh, I see you are not satisfied with your top hat. And I can see why..<picking up the top hat to look at the edges coming loose from the brim><raised eyebrows and leery stare at customer>

I'm so sorry for your wait sir, but, I'm afraid that this damage was done by brisking the brim to rough<showing the customer the action w/his hand and wrist> It should be done at a slower motion<demostrating>

<customer complains>

Well, I'm sorry sir. The most we can do here at Grace Brothers is offer to have it repaired at your expense, since it has been two weeks and the damage was done by you.

Any exchanges or trades cannot be done by me, since I, myself being a Junior, that requires a Seniors judgement.
So, I will transfer you back to our Senior Sales Clerk.

Posted: 10:23 PM - Mar 10, 2011
slocombe Mrs. Slocumbe and Miss Brahams get out of the elevator and head for their counter.

Ladies Intimate Apparell's phone begins to ring. Miss Brahams answers it.

Lingerie blouses says Miss Brahams.

Hea Mrs. Slocumbe its Mrs. Axelby on the blower.

Mrs. Slocumbe takes the phone from her.

Mrs. Slocumbe here. No, you're kidding! I'll soon sort him out when I get home!

Miss Brahams do you know what Mrs. Axleby just told me? She caught Mr. Akbar peeking in at her while she was in the kitchen this morning! He's getting way too familiar with us. Just because he caught sight of Mrs. Axelby in the altogether once doesn't mean he can keep coming around for a free peek when he feels like it and I am unanimous in this.

Posted: 6:55 PM - Mar 11, 2011
(oh Sue, you're good. lol)

Posted: 6:24 AM - Mar 12, 2011
Session closed. Time for a vote!

Winner can choose to continue dialog or run a new one.

Forum is empty

AYBS RPG #6 (2011)

Posted: 6:40 AM - Feb 15, 2011
sueschmitt- Please start the dialog for the next 2 week session. Thanks!


Posted: 12:11 AM - Feb 16, 2011
slocombe Miss Brahams however did you manage to get here in this weather you didn't get a chance to tell me yet. Why don't we dress up some of the dummies in scarfs and hats today Miss Brahams. You take that one and I'll take this one. Pass me that drawer of scarfs and gloves I just had a customer in here and she went thru everything we had. I just can't stand a customer that can't make up their minds. Oh drat the drawer is stuck again from the damp weather. Help me get it in place Miss Brahams so I can give it some encouragement (as she slams it shut with a swift push with her bum).

Posted: 9:52 PM - Feb 16, 2011
(Elevator opens and Grainger exits the lift. He enters the floor looking jet lagged, yet remarkably dry.)

"Good Morning Mrs. Slocombe and Miss Brahams."

(He signs the sign in book. He puts away his outerwear and then proceeds to check his sales figures for the past week.)

"Sales were up by 2% last week ... at least something is looking up."

(Mr. Humphries and Mr. Lucas arrive on the floor. Mr. Humphries has a broken umbrella because the wind outside was horrific.)

"Hello. Mr. Humphries ... I suppose you should buy a new umbrella. How was your weekend Mr. Lucas?"

(Grainger yawns and puts a suitcase down.)

"Before anyone asks ... I am staying in a hotel for a few days. Apparently, Mrs. Grainger's cousin Wendy is squatting in my home. Wendy is a dreadful woman and I opted to stay outside my home because we do not get along."

(He places a box of crackers inside one of the drawers at his own station.)

"Wendy's husband has left her, so Wendy has come to impose herself upon my wife. I can't blame Wendy's husband for finding a younger woman to be honest."

Posted: 2:41 PM - Feb 17, 2011
Yes, I will have to buy a new umbrella, if this dreadful weather keeps up. At least now I know not to buy one from here again! (examines broken umbrella) Sorry to hear of your problem with your wife's cousin. Will it be long before she leaves?

Posted: 11:28 PM - Feb 19, 2011
slocombe Good morning Mr. Grainger how long are you to be stuck like this? I'd have you stay at my place but Mrs. Axelby is stuck there since she can't get home either. I don't know how my pussy is going to deal with her being there all day with her. She did get my bird thawed out finally but what a mess. Has anyone heard from Captain Peacock or Mr. Rumbold? Young Mr. Grace probably stayed at his suite in the store last night rather than go home. I'm surprised they even opened the store with this weather. I wouldn't have come in except I'm saving for me holidays again.

Posted: 4:57 PM - Feb 20, 2011
<elevator lift opens and in come Mr. Lucas, snowshoes clomping, scarf wrapped around twice, snowcap and earmuffs covered with snow>
Ggg'Morning Mmmr.Hhhumphries, Mmmr. Gggrainger. <stutters as he removes his gloves and blows into his hands>
Blimey! It's worse this week than it was last week!

Posted: 6:36 PM - Feb 21, 2011
Good morning Mr Lucas. My word, you do look cold. You know, the funny thing is, it was raining and windy at my place, not snowy. Are you sure you're all right Mr Lucas? You're as white as a sheet.

Posted: 11:06 AM - Feb 22, 2011
slocombe Mr. Lucas you do look frozen. Mrs. Slocumbe motions for Mr. Lucas to come over to the counter. Once you sign in, come on back over and I'll give you a little nip of something to warm you up. Mind you hurry in case Captain Peacock shows up. I can't think where he is or old Rumbold either. Speaking with Miss Brahams now, you know Mrs. Axelby is still staying with me at my house as she can't get home with this terrible weather. My pussy is starting to become quite used to her being around during the day now and my bird just sings away. Mind you Mr. Akbar had his eyes glued to the bathroom window when Mrs. Axelby went to take her bath the other night. She went to pull the shade down and it came off in her hand and there she was stark naked in front of the window. Poor Mrs. Axelby was so embarassed and she has that irish skin you know that turns red as a beet.

Posted: 4:41 PM - Feb 23, 2011
<taking a sip of Mrs. Slocombes tonic> Red as a beet, you say? raised eyebrow look.
That's quite a sight to picture, A wilted Irish rose roaming around in her birthday costume, startled by a peeping tom and a broken shade. That's enough to keep any bird singing.

Posted: 12:50 AM - Feb 24, 2011
My wife's cousin will be with us for four days, or so I am hoping.

(The men's counter phone rings. Grainger answers the telephone.)

Yes, sir. I will tell everyone. Good bye.

(He turns to face everyone.)

Rumbold isn't coming in today. Apparently his wife told him to stay home because he has a cold.

Posted: 4:26 PM - Feb 24, 2011
Well, we now know who wears the pants in that family, heh Mrs. Slocombe? Thank you for the tonic, it was very warming.This weather is very absurd. Rain one minute, snow the next...who knows, we could have a twister any minute now...

Posted: 11:03 AM - Feb 25, 2011
slocombe Mr. Lucas don't be coarse! Mrs. Axelby is a very refined person and I am unanimous in that. Mr. Grainger have you sorted out a place to stay yet? I wonder what is keeping Captain Peacock? Its not like him to be this late even with the adverse weather conditions. I hope we're not going to be stuck staying in the store tonight if we can't get back home.

Posted: 1:36 AM - Feb 26, 2011
Well, if it were closer to spring or to summer, I could stay with Mrs. Featherstone. Her place would be booked solid by now.
It is a shame that the unscrupulous Mr. Akbar had to terrorize your friend, Mrs. Slocombe. I think I left my address book somewhere in the department ...

Posted: 9:30 AM - Feb 26, 2011
Session closed. Time for a vote!

Winner can choose to continue dialog or run a new one.

Forum is empty

AYBS RPG #5 (2011)

Posted: 5:18 AM - Feb 07, 2011
<<Opening Bell>>

After chatting for some time prior to opening, the bell has rung and the staff has hurriedly taken their places and await the first customer(s). In the meantime, while they wait, chit-chat continues and starts reflecting on happenings in their lives as well as anticipation of what the first customer will buy.

Will there be any customers? Only time will tell.

Posted: 3:25 PM - Feb 07, 2011
There probably won't be any customers today, not in this weather. I surprised you're here at all, Mr Lucas! I would have thought you of all people would have taken this chance to have a day off.

Posted: 6:08 PM - Feb 07, 2011
Well I'm saving for me holidays again. I hope we get some people in. Has any one heard from Miss Brahams?

Posted: 12:37 AM - Feb 08, 2011
slocombe Well really it is too bad we haven't heard from Miss Brahams today. I guess that leaves all the commission for me. Oh look here comes a customer now and she's headed our way.

May I help you madam?
I need a pair of gloves please.
What size?
I'm not sure.
Mrs. Slocumbe gets the gloves drawer out and begins letting the customer try them on.
The customer complained about the chilly temperatures and wanted to know if Grace Brothers had anything to help keep out the cold. Mrs. Slocumbe takes her into the fitting room to show her the line of women's long underware they've gotten in. Apparently that did the trick as the customer wants to wear them out. Mrs. Slocumbe writes up the receipt. Well that's 25 pounds in a sale for me!

Posted: 1:58 AM - Feb 08, 2011
<Miss Brahms runs down the stairs, umbrella in her hands. She makes a dash towards the Ladies' Department>

"Sorry I'm late Mrs. Slocombe."

Posted: 3:51 PM - Feb 08, 2011
Yes, yes, I would've Mr. Humphries. <nodding while stating> If it wasn't for me crippled mum, chisling the door open and sweeping the stairs while I ate me breakfast, I would'nt have made it in at all.
Blimey, I haven't seen this much snow showers since I was a wee lad. Luckily, me crippled mum borrowed some snowshoes from the gent next door, so I used them to get here.

Posted: 6:42 PM - Feb 08, 2011
slocombe Miss Brahams you're lucky Captain Peacock isn't here yet or he'd make an adverse report about you. How ever did you manage to get here where you live?

Posted: 11:29 PM - Feb 09, 2011
(The elevator doors open. Grainger sprints towards his department. He dashes to the gents counter.)

Oh, I'm sorry that I am late ... oh, Stephen it not here yet.

(Puts his hat and coat away.)

Mr. Humphries and Mr. Lucas, if Mr. Rumbold phones for me, tell him that I am not free. I am not positive, but I have the impression that someone is spreading rumours about me and what I may do during my off hours.

(Points at Mrs. Slocombe).

Posted: 4:55 PM - Feb 10, 2011
Rumors you say? What sort of rumors are you talking about that you have the impression of rumors being spread about you of what is rumored of what you are doing during your off hours? And how come I've never heard of these rumors being spread before just now?
Posted: 7:24 PM - Feb 10, 2011
I heard one of these rumours. But it was twenty - five years ago, in Haberdashery, right, Mr Grainger?

Posted: 10:10 PM - Feb 11, 2011
My. You have been here quite a while, have you not Mr. Humphries? <laughs> <turns head and sees Ms. Brahms behind the counter> Blimey...<Nudging Mr. Humphries in the elbow> Shirley finally got in. I wonder if Mrs. Slocombe will report her to Capt. Peacock?

Posted: 10:34 AM - Feb 12, 2011
Thread closed. Please vote in the Polls!

Forum is empty

AYBS RPG #4 (2010)

Posted: 7:22 AM - May 01, 2010
After major renovations at Grace Brothers the Men's and Ladies Depts open once again! There is a big celebration and already the store is bustling with activity.

Posted: 11:54 AM - May 01, 2010
What a lovely new setup! I think many customers will get quite a bit of satisfaction from the new makeover!

Posted: 4:47 PM - May 04, 2010
I agree Mr. Humphries, I agree. <crossing arms> I do hope this new set up will help on me commission.

Posted: 9:46 AM - May 07, 2010
It probably will! The more customers you serve the more commission you get.

Posted: 9:20 PM - May 11, 2010
It's just that, Mr. Humphries. <shaking his head as he speaks> I have to wait for you and Grainger to be busy in order to serve me own customers. We should change it to "first come first serve". <doing qoute movements with his fingers>

Posted: 11:15 AM - May 13, 2010
I don't know of that's a good idea since we don't want to have injuries getting to the customers do we?

Posted: 11:40 AM - May 16, 2010
True, true. With Grainger being so old and you with that funny walk, calamity is the only solution for that suggestion.

Posted: 4:45 PM - May 16, 2010
Watch it with that kind of talk you never know if Peacock can hear you.

Posted: 3:56 AM - May 19, 2010
<The lift bell rings. Miss Brahms creeps out. She looks around for Captain Peacock, he isn't there. She walks over to Mr. Lucas and Mr. Humphries>

"Where's old Peacock?"

Posted: 8:47 PM - May 19, 2010
In Rumbolds office, < motions with his thumb> Giving jug ears the morning sales reports.
Where have you been? Better not let Mrs. Slocombe see you just coming in.

Posted: 9:23 PM - Jun 03, 2010
"I was out last night, with a boyfriend. We went back to his place, and when I was about to leave, I couldn't!"

Posted: 3:28 PM - Jun 07, 2010
What happened? Was there a hold up or a stick up that prevented you from leaving? elbowing Mr. Humphries as he giggled heh heh heh.

Posted: 6:08 AM - Jun 12, 2010
"Would you believe 'is front door wouldn't open! Try and try as he might, it just wouldn't open! So I 'ad to spend the night!"

Posted: 1:23 PM - Jun 12, 2010
Soo, <crossing arms and sounding sarcastic> how did you get out this mornin'? The door just magically popped opened? or did you go thru a window? in other words: NO I do not believe it, do you believe it Mr. Humphries? <looking towards him>

Posted: 5:41 AM - Jun 19, 2010
"It's true! 'Is mother, who lives next door, locked 'im in because there was a strange man walking around! You believe me, don't you Mr. Humphries?"

Posted: 9:02 PM - Aug 21, 2010
Of course I do, Miss Brahms. Only the other night me mother peered out the curtains, and saw a strange man peering through the letterbox. She called the police. Turns out it was only my friend Bobby, and there was no need to worry at all. (phone rings) Hang on. MEN'S WEAR. Oh hello, mother! Yes, of course I'm being a good boy. What? You can't find your spectacles? You left them near me Paddington bear, remember, when you were looking for me pajamas? Oh, well, bye! (hangs up) What were you saying, Miss Brahms?

Posted: 4:46 PM - Sep 03, 2010
(Miss Brahms gets a customer and walks away) Mr. Lucas, could you pass me that display unit over there? (sets it on counter) It's about time Grace Brothers got some new display models. However (leans towards Lucas), I don't think the budget can stretch far enough for models. Where's Mr. Grainger?

Posted: 8:41 AM - Oct 05, 2010
"It's alright! I'm back. She didn't want nuffink. The floors very empty today. Old Peacock and Old Grainger aren't in. Mrs. Slocombe's starting to get worried. She said she's never known either of them to be this late. It's almostmorning tea! Do you think we should tell Ol' Jug Ears?"

Posted: 7:14 PM - Oct 07, 2010
I think we should wait a few more minutes. I mean, Captain Peacock has come in late before. Remember when everyone thought he was having an affair with Rumbold's secretary, and the whole business in Reading?

Posted: 6:43 AM - Oct 10, 2010
Are you suggesting Mr. Grainger's playin' 'round with Mr. Rumbold's secretary?

Posted: 3:11 PM - Oct 10, 2010
Of course not, I was merely suggesting that perhaps their non-arrivals are due to some reason which is best left private.

Posted: 3:27 AM - Oct 14, 2010
Okay then, we'll leave it five minutes. If they're not 'ere, Mrs. Slocombe's going to see Jug Ears. Now, I have to go and check the stock...

(Miss Brahms walks back over to the Ladies' Dept.)

Posted: 7:09 PM - Nov 03, 2010
Mr. Lucas, what do you think has happened to everyone today?

Forum is empty


Posted: 8:54 PM - Aug 21, 2010
Mr. Grainger is missing!

Posted: 8:56 PM - Aug 21, 2010
Where can Mr. Grainger be? (looks at pocket watch) He is an hour late already. I do hope he's alright. (Turns to Lucas) You wouldn't happen to know anything of his whereabouts, would you? My nerves are in shreds.

Forum is empty

RPG #3 (2009)

Posted: 2:18 AM - Sep 20, 2009
Miss Brahms and Mr Lucas return to the floor to encounter the rest of the staff carrying on like nothing strange is going on...

Posted: 5:44 PM - Sep 20, 2009
<walking down slowly and quietly so not to be noticed>

Blimey Ms. Brahms <whispering> I do hope they don't notice we took an extra 10 minutes for lunch.

Posted: 6:06 AM - Sep 21, 2009
<tiptoes down the stairs>

"What's going on...? This is very strange..."

<Sees Mrs. Slocombe standing by the till of the ladies counter>

Posted: 1:45 PM - Sep 21, 2009
Indeed this is very strange...very strange indeed. <whispering>

But, if we're asked why we're late, I have an excuse brewing in me mind as we speak.

Just play along. wink

Posted: 10:19 PM - Sep 23, 2009

<starts to tiptoe down the stairs to towards the ladies counter>

Posted: 10:41 PM - Sep 23, 2009
Well Hello Mr. Lucas.. A bit late aren't we? Quick get over here before Peacock sees you!

Posted: 6:58 PM - Sep 24, 2009
Boy am I glad to see you. <chuckles as he slips behind the counter, not to be seen by Capt. Peacock nor Mr. Grainger>

I think I've made progress with Shirley during lunch. I bought her lunch, served it to her, and had a nice converse with her.

I even asked her to the movies. <elbowing>

Posted: 9:51 PM - Sep 25, 2009
Oooh. Finally making progress in the courtship stage. wink <looking around quickly-then leaning closer>What's next?

Posted: 10:57 PM - Sep 26, 2009

Well, Mr. Humphries...<rubbing hands together>

She said she had plans to go out with that old prune again, at first. But after we had our lunch and converse, when I asked again, she said she'd think about it.

< giggles > I'm really hoping she chooses the Unsatisfied Virgin.

Posted: 3:34 PM - Sep 30, 2009
<giggles> Not sure which of you would enjoy that movie more... <sideways glance> Of all the pictures showing why that one? Shouldn't you try a romantic comedy that is just, well, romantic?

Posted: 9:58 PM - Sep 30, 2009
Perhaps, Mr. Humphries, perhaps. <stating as he crosses his arms and glances over towards the ladies counter>

Boy, I really want to take her out tonight. <sighs deeply>

You know, I came this close <showing Mr. Humphries his fingers an inch apart from each other> one time having her stay the night at me place dancing ...With me mum gone!

And wouldn't you know, she came down with the measles!!

Hey!! <backslapping Mr. Humphries arm lightly> Have you found out what the bloody hell is going on with Capt. Peacock and Mr. Grainger?

Posted: 4:00 PM - Oct 12, 2009
( It was fun. But with the lack of involvment, with only me and Eva working this, and the scenario changed so we can't work it, I'm signing off for awhile. I will check in, just not as often, just in case someone else decides to play. Sorry Eva, you've been great as Ms. Brahms. )

Posted: 8:16 AM - Oct 13, 2009
( No problem Libby. You've been an awesome Mr. Lucas. It's a pity nobody else is particiapting. Hopefully it picks up again soon. )

Posted: 7:05 PM - Nov 11, 2009
Blimey, only 5 more minutes until quitting time. This has been a long day, has it not Mr. Humphries?

I can't wait until the bell rings, hopefully Ms. Brahms has thought about our movie date.

Posted: 3:21 PM - Nov 20, 2009
There's the bell! Will I get my date with Ms. Brahms? Will we find out what was going on with Mr. Grainger and that blasted briefcase? Will we find out what happened to Capt. Peacock? Tune in to find out.


Forum is empty


Posted: 4:23 PM - Aug 09, 2009
After another hectic half day working in the store the staff go to the canteen...

Posted: 7:58 PM - Aug 10, 2009
<walking to the table with his food tray> I wonder where everyone is? I do hope to catch Shirley before she buys her lunch.

Posted: 4:43 AM - Aug 11, 2009
<walks into the canteen>

"I wonder what the canteen are serving today. I 'ope it isn't that 'alibut they was flogging yesterday"

<sees Mr. Lucas>

"'Ello Mr. Lucas, what are you 'aving for dinner?"

Posted: 5:07 PM - Aug 11, 2009
<sees Ms. Brahms walk in, straightens tie, clears throat>

Hello Ms. Brahms, just having my usual, sardines on toast...May I buy you lunch today?

Posted: 4:48 AM - Aug 13, 2009
"If you want Mr. Lucas, but I'm not 'aving what you're 'aving"

Posted: 10:35 AM - Aug 14, 2009
<puts hanky down on plate and gets up, reaches into his pocket to pull out his billfold, and walks toward Ms. Brahms>

Anything you want is my treat, Ms. Brahms. He tells her as he approaches.

Posted: 10:36 AM - Aug 14, 2009

Posted: 4:36 AM - Aug 17, 2009
"Hmmm.... well, since you're paying... I'll 'ave the Sheppard's Pie..."

Posted: 3:12 PM - Aug 17, 2009
<Pulling out her seat> One sheppard pie for the lovely Ms. Brahms, coming up!

<moving the seat w/Ms. Brahms to the table> I will be back with your lunch, my lady.

Posted: 9:12 AM - Aug 19, 2009
"Thankyou Mr. Lucas"

Posted: 2:43 PM - Aug 20, 2009
<smiling real big, walks to the canteen line and orders the sheppards pie, blows out a sigh of relief>

Please go to the movies with me tonight, Ms. Brahms...he whispers to himself as he brings the sheppard pie to the table.

Here is you dinner, ma'dam... <he states as he places the food in front of Ms. Brahms and bows like a real waiter>


Posted: 6:04 AM - Aug 22, 2009
"Thankyou, Mr. Lucas"

<looks around>

"Where is everyone?"

Posted: 11:02 PM - Aug 23, 2009
I was just about to ask you the same question, Ms. Brahms.

Have you noticed how jumpy people are today? For example, Capt. Peacock. Totally ignored you on the floor earlier, and Mr. Grainger, hanging onto that briefcase for dear life!

By the way, What's up with Mrs. Slocombes pussy?

Posted: 12:05 AM - Aug 26, 2009
"She's 'ad to take it to the vet. Pussy problems."


"Have you seen Mr. 'Umphries? He was on the floor this morning, and then 'e disappeared. Something strange is going on around 'ere."

Posted: 4:50 PM - Aug 28, 2009
No, I have not seen Mr. Humphries since Capt. Peacock left the floor.

Blimey, I have NO idea what is going on, Ms. Brahms.

BTW, would you do me the honor of going to the movies with me, tonight after our shifts?

Posted: 7:20 AM - Aug 29, 2009
"Hmmm... I don't know. What's playing?"

Posted: 5:50 PM - Aug 29, 2009
Let's see....< grabs the news and fumbles thru the pages >

AH, here it is...mmmm.

BAMBI or the Unsatisfied Virgin are the two features playing tonight.

< eyes wild open like he's shocked that these are playing, but knew all along > <cocks a half grin>

Posted: 2:24 AM - Aug 30, 2009
"I don't know... I was going to go out with Mr. Walpole tonight..."


"What is that scent you are wearing Mr. Lucas. It's very strong."

Posted: 2:22 PM - Aug 30, 2009
It's that "His and Hers" scent I was showing you and Mr. Humphries this morning.

That's from the sample on my wrist to show Mr. Humphries how it scents AFTER you put it on.

Your scent is still charming...<sniffing >

Posted: 12:57 AM - Sep 07, 2009
Speaking of Mr. Humphries, he hasn't shown up for lunch yet.

Nor has Capt. Peacock. Blimey, I wish I could figure out what the bloody hell is going on!

But, I have figured one thing out, Ms. Brahms. <looking at his watch>

We are 2 minutes late!!!

Posted: 8:50 AM - Sep 07, 2009
"Oh blimey!"

<shovels down some food before standing up>

"'Ang on... why are we 'urrying? There's nobdoy on the floor to reprimand us, unless old Peacock's back from wherever it was he was."

Posted: 5:13 PM - Sep 09, 2009
You're right...<he states as he sits back down>

Do you know what is going on with Capt. Peacock and Mr. Grainger?

Perhaps Mrs. Slocombe has mentioned something to you. unsure

Posted: 3:15 AM - Sep 10, 2009
<sits down>

"She 'asn't told me nothing. But Capt. Peacock and Mr. Grainger were both acting stange. And now Mr. 'Umphries has gone and disappeared. It's all very strange."

Posted: 11:51 PM - Sep 10, 2009
That's what I was talking about...

There's got to be a reason for them disappearing.

None of them would give up their commissions. angry2withwaggingfinger Especially on the men's side of the floor.

Posted: 3:39 AM - Sep 11, 2009
"Maybe there's been another outbreak of Marine's Disease and they've 'ad to go into quarantine. Either that or the TARDIS showed up and took 'em all..."

Posted: 3:40 PM - Sep 12, 2009
It's possible that they've got the Marines Disease. With the lifestyle Mr. Humphries has, you never know.

If it is that, I'm bloody glad I didn't get it. You've caught it before, have you not Ms. Brahms?

Posted: 2:35 AM - Sep 14, 2009
"I 'ave, yes. It was 'orrible!"

Posted: 1:59 PM - Sep 15, 2009
I've heard Mr. Humphries talk about it.

It sounds like all of you had an awful week that week.

Glad I was on vacation at that time. 😀

Posted: 5:10 AM - Sep 16, 2009
"How long was you on that vacation anyway? You was gone forever!"

Posted: 12:23 AM - Sep 17, 2009
Honestly Ms. Brahms, It was more of a vacation-suspension ordeal.

Because me commission was so low, they gave me a two week suspension with only one week pay.

As you know, it's tough to get a commission when the senior salesman always get the customer...try working with two! yech

It's not easy being the junior in sales. At least on your side there's only two sales persons.

Posted: 9:29 AM - Sep 17, 2009
"Yes, but Mrs. Slocombe's determined to get 'er sales - sometimes she'll serve two customers at once, or she'll give me the one that makes less commission."

Posted: 3:47 PM - Sep 17, 2009
So you understand what I'm going through trying to get sales.

And, just our luck, the seniors are pre-occupied with other things, and we still have no customers to make commissions off of.

Blimey!! muttering

Posted: 10:08 PM - Sep 18, 2009
"Maybe we should be getting back. If there's nobody on the floor we might get a sale or two."

Posted: 3:32 PM - Sep 19, 2009
Once again, right as rain Ms. Brahms. ok

<getting up and walking towards the lift>

Have you given any more thought to the movies tonight, Ms. Brahms?

Posted: 1:43 AM - Sep 20, 2009
"Well, I don't know. I'll 'ave to get back to you about that."

Posted: 2:15 AM - Sep 20, 2009
<Lunch break over>Miss Brahms and Mr Lucas return to the floor.

Forum is empty

LADIES' WEAR RPG #2 (2009)

Posted: 9:45 AM - Jun 14, 2009
<walks over to counter and telephone begins ringining. Picks it up and places it to ear.>

[sounding posh] "Hello, Ladies' Intimate Appareal... [common] Oh, 'ello Mrs. Slocombe... what was that, you're going to be in late. Whatever for? Well if you need to take your pussy to the vet... Cpatain Peacock... he's not here at the moment, it's only me, Mr. Lucas and Mr. 'Umphries... I'll let 'im know as soon as he gets in... see you later..."

<places telephone down and pulls the frills of blouse out from the inside of vest>

Posted: 4:41 AM - Aug 10, 2009
<lunch bell rings>

"Blimey! Is it dinner time already? I wonder how Tiddles is going."

Forum is empty

RPG #2 (2009)

Posted: 5:15 PM - May 23, 2009
Another day dawns on Grace Brothers. Everyone is on time to work and ready for work as well as catching up with the latest gossip!

Posted: 6:25 PM - May 23, 2009
<folding the covers, putting them away>

As I was saying Mr. Humphries, when Mrs. Slocombe gave me that gift yesterday, it reminded me that I should get something for my own mum. Being that she's crippled and has that nasty cough...

When I left, I happened upon a little booth selling scents, So I stopped to check it out. She was selling little bottles marked "his and hers". I dabbed alittle on me neck, and girls were all over me like honey!

<big grin>

Needless to say, Mr. Humphries, I didn't make it home last night. <onery giggle>

Posted: 4:08 AM - May 24, 2009
<lift doors open and Miss Brahms walks out. Walks down to the mens counter and signs the book>

[cheerfully] "'Morning Mr. 'Umphries and Mr. Lucas."

Posted: 6:26 PM - May 24, 2009
Good Morning, Ms. Brahms. How was your date with the old man?

I bet when you ordered your drinks, yours was a gin and tonic, his was a prune and tonic.

<elbowing Mr. Humphries, giggling>

Posted: 2:28 AM - May 25, 2009
"Very mature, Mr. Lucas."


"We had a lovely time. We went out for a nosh, which was different because I normally 'ave a bubble and squeak, and then we went back to 'is place afterwards."

Posted: 9:25 AM - May 25, 2009
<crossing arms, serious look on face>

Yes, I suppose you WOULD have to go to his place now would ya? Those old timers have to be back in the facilities at a certain time. Right?

Posted: 3:54 AM - May 26, 2009
"'E owns 'is own detached 'ouse in Catford, as a matter of fact."

Posted: 9:55 AM - May 26, 2009
OH! <softly as he slides his head to one side>

So, it's a one level with no stairs. That's good, that's good. Don't want to tire the old geezer out before wearing him out, heh, Ms. Braums? <giggling onery like>

Posted: 4:00 AM - May 27, 2009
<annoyed> "Good morning Mr. Lucas!"

<walks over to counter>

Posted: 5:58 PM - May 27, 2009
And Good Morning to you too, Ms. Braums..<he hollers out as she walks away>

It has been a good morning, Mr. Humphries...and the day just started. <cocky grin>

Posted: 10:11 PM - Jun 02, 2009
Dear me Mr Lucas how much more mischief are you going to cause today? mellow However, I can see why you act the way you do. <nodding yes> Do you realize that maybe Miss Brahms has the so called "old geezer" to make you jealous?

Posted: 3:24 PM - Jun 03, 2009
ME! Jealous?! < chuckles > lol

Jealous that Ms. Brauhms is dating that old prune from sports?

<placing palms down on the counter> Why is she dating an old prune instead of a ripe raisin like me? <shaking head>

Maybe I need another dab of this scent...huh? <reaching into his inner pocket, pulling out a little bottle>

You think I should try it again, Mr. Humphries? <holding the bottle up for Mr. Humphries to see>

Posted: 4:21 PM - Jun 07, 2009
Oohhh that looks interesting! What scent is it?

Posted: 12:26 AM - Jun 08, 2009
It's strange Mr. Humphries. <removing the top> It really doesn't have a scent until you put some on. <dabbing alittle on his own wrist, motioning wrist towards Mr. Humphries>

Now it has a scent. Is that not weird, Mr. Humphries?

Posted: 9:02 PM - Jun 10, 2009
<sniffing Mr Lucas' wrist>Hmm that is very weird-very weird indeed! How did you acquire this?

Posted: 5:49 PM - Jun 11, 2009
Leaving for home last night, I happened upon a little booth selling these.

I bought one for my sick, crippled mum, but, some got on me, and I never made it home.

<smiling big>

Posted: 8:49 AM - Jun 14, 2009
Let's hope that it will attract some female customers to the counter. Maybe your future bride as well! <nudging with elbow>

Posted: 3:38 PM - Jun 14, 2009
Well, perhaps, Mr. Humphries, perhaps. Perhaps a bride may be in my future. <arms crossed, nodding as he states.>

But, until I find her <onery giggle, half cocked grin> I'm sure enjoying the honeymoons. <elbowing Mr. Humphries back with an even oneryier giggle>

<looking at the Ladies counter to Glance at Shirley>

Blimey Mr. Humphries. Look over at the Ladies counter... Ms. Brahms is all by her lonesome.
I wonder what as become of Mrs. Slocombe? huh

Posted: 2:47 AM - Jun 15, 2009
<walks away from ladies counter, displaying frills prominantly>

"Does anyone know what 'as 'appened to Captain Peacock? I 'ave to give 'im a message from Mrs. Slocomebe."

Posted: 10:37 AM - Jun 15, 2009
<whipsering to Mr. Humphries> 'ello, here comes Shirley. Maybe this fresh scent will allure her like the birds last night. <elbows Humphries slightly>

<starts waving his wrists and fanning them to throw the scent>

Posted: 2:38 AM - Jun 18, 2009
<to self> "What is that smell?"

<walks towards Mr. Lucas>

"Mr. Lucas, what is that scent you're wearing?"

Posted: 1:35 PM - Jun 18, 2009
Ah, do you like it, Ms. Brahms? <he asks as he motions his wrist forward>

It's a little bottle scent called "His and Hers''. I bought this for me mum last night.

Would you care to try some? <shakes the bottle to get some scent, and pops the lid.>

Here, let me put a dab on your neck, <moving the lid fowards towards Ms. Brahms neck>

Posted: 3:20 AM - Jun 19, 2009
"It does smell lovely... maybe just a little bit..."

Posted: 3:06 PM - Jun 19, 2009
It's working! <he thinks to himself as he applies the little dabs just below Ms. Brahms ears>

Perhaps I won't get home again tonight. <half cocked grin shows as he thinks this>

<Goes to lean in on Shirley to have a sniff> SNNNIIIIFFF, ahhh.

Posted: 5:23 AM - Jun 20, 2009
<pushes him away>

"What do you think you're doing, Mr. Lucas?"

Posted: 1:36 PM - Jun 20, 2009
I'm so sorry Ms. Brahms! <backing off real fast and sorry look on face>

I, I, I was just wanting to check what scent it threw on you.

Posted: 2:05 AM - Jun 21, 2009
"Oh... sorry Mr. Lucas, I just like there to be some space between co-workers, even if you are slightly 'andsome."

Posted: 3:55 PM - Jun 21, 2009
<Standing up straight> Handsome? <clearing throat> did you say Handsome?

<big cocky grin immurges as he straightens his tie> Did you hear that, Mr. Humphries?
She said I was handsome. <nudges Mr. Humphries in the side>

Posted: 10:07 PM - Jun 22, 2009
Yes I did hear that Mr Lucas! Now you have to keep up your best behavior and just maybe you might impress Miss Brahms enough for a date. 😀

Posted: 2:32 PM - Jun 23, 2009
<leans in and whispers to Mr. Hmphires> I won't have to behave when I have my little weapon here.

<shakes the scent bottle back and forth>

Posted: 9:14 AM - Jun 25, 2009
Tee-hee. Naughty naughty. wink2

Posted: 12:21 PM - Jun 25, 2009
Exactly. <giggles>

Posted: 10:37 PM - Jun 28, 2009
Is everything OK over here?

Posted: 10:37 AM - Jun 29, 2009
<from counter>

"Are you free, Captain Peacock?"

Posted: 6:50 PM - Jun 29, 2009
Everythings fine, Capt. Peacock. < he answers as he walks back to his spot and re-arranges the tie rack>

Everything is fine and dandy sir, how about you?

Posted: 9:48 PM - Jun 29, 2009
<Turning to Miss Brahms>Not at the moment.

<Turning back to Mr Lucas and Mr Humphries and speaking softly>I've got a problem and I can't figure out what to do.

Posted: 4:14 PM - Jun 30, 2009
A problem you say? < he whispers back as he nudges Mr. Humphries>

Is there anything we can help you with, or do...Capt. Peacock.

Posted: 3:12 PM - Jul 02, 2009
crying Another sad day for all: Mollie Sugden aka catrescue Mrs. Betty Slocombe passed away July 2nd, 2009.

quiveringlipssad , Don't worry Mrs. Slocombe, I'll take care of your pussy.

Blimey Capt. Peacock, Now there's only you, me, jug ears and crooner scooner left. lostit

Posted: 9:10 PM - Jul 04, 2009

Posted: 5:52 PM - Jul 10, 2009
So Capt. Peacock, are you gonna tell us what is bothering you, or waiting until lunch?

Posted: 9:09 AM - Jul 12, 2009
Wait until lunch. This isn't a matter to discuss during working hours.

Posted: 11:23 AM - Jul 12, 2009
Aye, aye Captain! <mockingly salutes and tapps heel>

Posted: 4:04 AM - Jul 16, 2009
"Are you free now, Captain Peacock?"

Posted: 6:41 AM - Jul 17, 2009
When I'm in the canteen I'll be more free!

Posted: 1:51 AM - Jul 18, 2009
"I 'ave a message for you from Mrs. Slocombe. It's about 'er pussy!"

Posted: 9:03 PM - Jul 18, 2009
Blimey Mr. Humphries, did you just hear Ms. Brahms?

Mrs. Slocombe isn't in yet due to her pussy. < giggles>

Posted: 4:22 AM - Jul 22, 2009
"Blimey, Captain Peacock just walked off the floor! 'ow am I supposed to let 'in know about Mrs. Slocombe's pussy?"

Posted: 12:00 PM - Jul 22, 2009
Oh I'm sure Capt. Peacock is very much interested in Mrs. Slocombes' pussy! <he calls out toward Ms. Brahms>

Posted: 11:29 PM - Aug 06, 2009

Blimey Mr. Humphries, I can't wait until lunch. I really didn't have a matter o' fact, I didn't have much of a dinner either. <giggles>

I think I'll ask Ms. Brahms to the movies after work.

Do you think she'd like to go see BAMBI or THE UNSATISFIED VIRGIN, Mr. Humphries?

Posted: 10:36 PM - Aug 08, 2009
There's the lunch bell, Mr. Humphries.

Goody, now I'll buy Shirley lunch and ask her to the movies. <rubbing hands together>

<canteen break> ?

Forum is empty


<All Grace Bros staff is meeting here now for lunch except Capt Peacock.>

<Walks into the canteen alone. Mrs. Slocome is up at wines and spirits, and the men are waiting for their food. Sits down in regular chair>

Ms. Brauhms, after this lunch, I have enough dough to take you to the movies...Would you like to see "BAMBI", or the "Unsatisfied Virgin"? <raising eyebrows seductively>

"No thanks, I have to take me mum's washing to the laundrette."

Well I can go with you and help...<seductive grin>

We could even take advantage of the quote spin cycle , if you catch my drift.

glancing around, notices Capt. Peacock is nowhere to be seen.

Blimey, is Capt. Peacock eating in the Executive Lounge again?

I don't know. 'E 'asn't been 'imself lately. 'E didn't even reprimand me when he saw me walking back over to my counter after I spoke to you.

And I got a look for just putting my hand on my hip which isn't anything new! I wonder what's gotten into him?

Mind you, <leaning in towards the center of the table>,

Both Mr. Grainger AND Capt. Peacock are acting mysterious today.

Have you noticed?! <in his whisper>

"I 'ave noticed, actually. What about you Mr. 'Umphries?"

I agree, but I think for different reasons!

Hey Shirley, where's Mrs. Slocome? She's gonna miss lunch if she doesn't hurry.

Mrs Slocombe, stumbles in and nearly walks into the table

"Hi Mr Lucas, did you miss me?, it sounds like you have", ends with a wink 😉

"You haven't got sloshed already, have you Mrs. Slocome? We've only been on our lunch break for a few minutes!"

<sitting straight up with a surprised look on his face> Did Mrs. Slocombe just wink at me?

<he thought with a lump in his throat>...Was Shirley for real stating that SHE wasn't sexy knickers?

Could it be that Mrs. Slocombe is Sexy Knickers? < he whispered to himself in a panic tone>

No, no Mrs. Slocombe, I, I was just wondering where everyone was.

Capt. Peacock and Mr. Grainger isn't here with us, and you were late.

This situation is going to blow up in due time..

<looking at his watch>

Speaking of time, we better head back...we're late!

<all taking their last sips of tea while getting up.>

Forum is empty

RPG #1 LADIES' WEAR (2009)

Posted: 5:26 AM - Jan 21, 2009
*walks over to the ladies counter*

Posted: 7:26 AM - Jan 21, 2009
Good Morning Madam. are you being served? Which i can see that you arent, may i interest you in something from the department?

Posted: 9:09 AM - Jan 21, 2009
Feel free to improvise items. I will be making a complete general item list with prices this weekend, but made-up items are welcome as well!


Posted: 8:16 PM - Jan 22, 2009
Yes, yes you can. I'm looking for a nice, sturdy brassiere. I'm off to the Canary Islands for my honeymoon, you see.

Posted: 8:20 AM - Jan 28, 2009
Ohh well i have some very strong brassiere made of whale bone, that could suit you madam.

Canary Islands you say you are going??

How about a nice pair of bathers to take, and a sexy nightie for that honeymoon you wont forget????

Posted: 9:31 AM - Jan 29, 2009
No, thankyou, I think I might just stick with the bra at the moment.

Posted: 7:52 AM - Feb 03, 2009
Ohhhh Ok then, well i will have to find out your measurement

Tape measure Miss Brahms

Will Madam mind lifting her arms, thanks..

Mrs Slocombe measures her customer, and gives her the correct brassiere for her

"im sure this one will fit nicely, if you like to try it on in our fitting room"

Posted: 5:01 AM - Feb 04, 2009
*Takes the bra and walks over to the fitting room. Pulls the bra on and look in the mirror*

"Assistant! Assistant! Do you have something a bit sexier, preferably with a lower cut. I must say that this will not excite my husband very much, and it feels dreadful on my smooth skin, it's so rough, and I know for a fact, my husband is not the sort of man who likes it rough! Also, is it possible you have it in a smaller size?"

Posted: 1:02 AM - Feb 05, 2009
Mrs Slocombe, smiles at the customer, and grits her teeth,

"miss brahms, we got a difficult customer, and its 2 minutes to my coffee break, can you get one of those honeymooners bra's in a size smaller for our customer"

Miss brahms hands mrs Slocombe a bra and goes back to the customer "here you go madam im sure this one is most suitable for you honeymoon, try it on and let me know how it goes".

Mrs Slocombe tummy starts to rumble

and says to Miss Brahms "i do hope she likes this one, im starving!!"

Posted: 6:30 AM - Feb 05, 2009
*Tries on the new bra and looks in the mirror*

"Miss! I'm sorry, I don't like this one either, and it doesn't fit! Don't you have a size between this one and the last one I tried on, if not, I might have to pop over to Lally and Willits, I'm sure they'll have something for me!"

Posted: 8:29 AM - Feb 09, 2009
"Oh im so sorry Madam, i'm sure we have a size thats in between that bra"

Mrs Slocombe takes the bra and walks into the fitting room, and says to Miss Brahms, "im just going to the stock and find another size for my customer, keep and eye on her, she saying she will go to Lally and Willits"

Mrs Slocombe takes the cup and places it on the door knob and stretches them a little, and does the other cup as well. Walks out of the fitting room and smiles to the customer

"Here we go, i found an in between size in the stock room in the back, this should fit nicely'

Posted: 1:20 AM - Feb 10, 2009
*tries on bra*

Miss, this will do perfectly! Thankyou!

Posted: 7:41 AM - Feb 10, 2009
"I knew that size would fit you, i just put it into a bag for you, thats £30, cash or account?"

Posted: 4:18 AM - Feb 11, 2009

*pulls out a fifty pound note passes it to Mrs. Slocombe*

"I assume you have cash for a fifty?"

Posted: 7:54 AM - Feb 12, 2009
"oh thank you madam, theres your £20 change and your reciept, please do come again, have a nice day"

Posted: 8:37 AM - Feb 12, 2009
"ohh thank heavens thats over"

"oh Miss Brahms, could i have a quick word with you if your not busy??, its about Mr Lucas, did you notice him staring at me while i was serving my last customer?"

" I think he fancies me ?..."

Posted: 7:38 AM - Feb 13, 2009
Mrs Slocombe starts talking to herself

"Oh its Valentine's Day tommorow, prehaps i should buy Mr Lucas something, to show my affection towards him"

Mrs Slocombe heads towards the mens counter and is served by Mr Grainger, and buys a box of silk hankichiefs, she takes it back to the ladies fitting room, wraps it up in some brown paper, and finds a peice of paper and writes:

Will You be My Valentine

Meet me outside the main entrance of the shop at 5.30pm, so we can get it together

Love from your secret admirer

Sexy Knickers


Mrs Slocombe then walks back to the mens department, and without anyone from the mens department looking, leaves it by the counter where Mr Lucas always stands....

Posted: 9:17 AM - Feb 13, 2009
*watches as Mrs Slocombe walks back to the Ladies' Counter*

'Ere, Mrs. Slocombe, what was you doing over by the gentlemen's counter. If Peacock wasn't so busy trying to have a butchers at the ladie's change rooms, he'd have had you in front of Mr. Rumbold!

Posted: 6:57 AM - Feb 18, 2009
"ohh well i was trying to tell you before, but you seemed too busy else where. I noticed how Mr Lucas was looking at me when i was serving my last customer, i also thought it fancied me, and i could tell by the way he was looking at me, like he was undressing me!!'

"So anyway i thought being Valentines Day, i would buy him a small present, and i wrote a note, saying to meet me outside the main entrance at 5.30pm on Valentines Day"

"And that was why i was at the mens counter to put the present there"

Posted: 12:44 AM - Feb 19, 2009
"You think he fancies you? Maybe he was trying to see past you and into the fitting room, which is why he looked like he was undressing you! It also explains why he might have been squinting..."


"Do you want me to ask 'im for you - I'll be tactful!"

Posted: 7:45 AM - Feb 20, 2009
"OOOOhhh i dont know Miss Brahms, what should i do????" <Scratches her head while she is saying

"I cant wait til 5.30pm, the suspense is killing, and so too these bunions!!!, I really should stop wearing those stillettos of a night"

"Well no harm trying Miss Brahms, go on, but look out for Captian Peacock, he seems grumpy, and Mr Grainger is acting awfully weird as well too"

Posted: 6:51 PM - Feb 20, 2009
*looks around and sees Mr. Humphries talking to Captain Peacock*

"It's all clear Mrs. Slocombe"

*Walks over to the gentlemen's counter and hides behind a display*

Posted: 1:06 PM - Feb 28, 2009
crying RIP Wendy crying

Posted: 11:48 PM - Mar 07, 2009
<walks back behind the counter>

Posted: 9:36 AM - Mar 08, 2009
<Canteen Break!>

Posted: 7:13 PM - Mar 31, 2009
<Canteen break over>

Business as usual at the Ladies Counter for Miss Brahms and Mrs Slocombe.

Posted: 10:06 AM - Apr 07, 2009
Talks to Miss Brahms

" Gee theres no one on the counter to serve that customer, not even Captain Peacock's around. hhhmmmmmm, i wonder if i get comission if i serve the gentleman myself"

Walks towards customer.....

Posted: 10:28 AM - Apr 12, 2009
< dancing HAPPY EASTER! enjoying the only Holiday that Grace Brothers will allow us to take off>

Posted: 2:33 AM - May 11, 2009
"'Ere! Mrs. Slocombe! Did you see that? Mr. Lucas was walking around in his Y-Fronts!"

<looks around to see if Peacock is on the floor>

Posted: 4:31 AM - May 17, 2009
<bell rings>

"See you tomorrow Mrs. Slocombe!"

Forum is empty

RPG #1 (2009)

RPG #1

Posted: 8:13 AM - Jan 05, 2009
Today is a somewhat quiet day at Grace Brothers. The Holidays and the hectic times surrounding that has finally past and the workers are ready to work and make some sales once again. Meanwhile at the ladies counter there is a gathering of staff...

Posted: 11:19 AM - Jan 06, 2009
I had a nice New Years party! I met the most interesting character there...

Posted: 3:12 AM - Jan 07, 2009
Don't keep us in suspense!

Posted: 5:27 PM - Jan 07, 2009
You know the tiara I always wear to parties? Well he snatched it right off my head since he wanted to be queen for the night! ohmy

Posted: 3:40 AM - Jan 08, 2009
I wonder who played the king??

Posted: 4:57 AM - Jan 08, 2009
Ohhh! What did he look like?

Posted: 8:14 AM - Jan 08, 2009
A friend I was with ended up being the King I guess since they were gone for quite some time! I didn't see them most of the night...

Posted: 8:19 AM - Jan 08, 2009
He was tall, tanned with blue eyes and wavy hair. Much to my liking of course and to my friend's as well as it turned out to be!! Who would have thought!! ohmy

Posted: 3:04 AM - Jan 10, 2009
Well i spent my new year, polishing my pussy's trophies, its become a usual thing nowadays, they do become dusty, and not to mention the cobwebs......, and i gave tiddles a bath as well..

Posted: 8:47 AM - Jan 10, 2009
Isn't dust the pits?! What is the most unusual trophy Tiddles has?
All times are UTC-05:00

Posted: 10:11 AM - Jan 11, 2009
Storyline continues for another week. Please carry on...

Posted: 3:36 PM - Jan 11, 2009
Oh, Mrs Slocombe, I just remembered Tiddles had a competiton the other week. You never told us 'ow it went. Sorry to cut you off Mr. 'Umphries 🙂

Posted: 3:40 PM - Jan 11, 2009
That's quite alright. I think Captain Peacock is waving his finger at me, I'd better get back to my counter! (I hope you don't mind my asking this, but I assume I can resume dialog on the Men's counter thread, while my alter ego is FREE to continue speaking with the ladies)

Posted: 3:51 PM - Jan 11, 2009
That would probably work just as well-after all the Men's and Ladies Depts have to work together anyhow! This game will be tweaked as we go along and encounter different situations like this for example.

I will add a perk that Mr Humphries is the only character who can multitask in both departments due to his high charisma! 🙂

Please carry on..

Posted: 7:54 AM - Jan 20, 2009
Well i took Tiddles to the pussy saloon that day, she looked so fluffy...and well you never guess, my Tiddles was the only old cat there, and you wouldnt believe it, won all the trophies for her age group. she even won the award for the cat with the most teeth missing. I'm so proud of her.. So now i have more trophies to dust and polish

Posted: 5:22 AM - Jan 21, 2009
Congratulate 'er for me, Mrs Slocombe!

*looks around*

We better belt up, you've got a customer...

MOD EDIT: Continued in the Ladies' Dept HERE

Posted: 11:16 PM - Feb 18, 2009
Captain Peacock, Lord WeebleAbleSmith has called asking if the Lady has been in today.

Posted: 11:26 PM - Feb 23, 2009
"Captain Peacock, are you free?"

Posted: 9:00 AM - Feb 26, 2009
<Capt Peacock acting all floorwalker-like>


Posted: 5:34 PM - Feb 26, 2009
Lord WeebleAbleSmith has phoned asking if the Lady has been in today. Have you any word?

Posted: 11:26 AM - Feb 28, 2009
<Looking furtively around>

<whispers>Not at the moment!

Posted: 8:26 PM - Feb 28, 2009
<<to himself>>
My word! What ever can that mean?
<<Returns to the men's counter>>

Posted: 10:44 PM - Mar 05, 2009
<Disappears for a few minutes>

Posted: 11:47 PM - Mar 07, 2009
<skulks back over to the ladies' department>

Posted: 9:35 AM - Mar 08, 2009
<Canteen Break!>

Posted: 8:37 AM - Apr 02, 2009
<walks out of the lift and down to the center display stand>

Posted: 10:34 AM - Apr 05, 2009

Is anybody here going to direct me to the gentleman's department. I'm a very important person, and am late for a meeting!

Posted: 10:11 AM - Apr 07, 2009
Mrs Slocombe, notices that there is no one to serve the customer, and so walks towards the customer.

"Good Afternoon Sir, I'm from the ladies department, can i help you with anything today???"

Flutters her eyelids and tries to give a sexy smile 😀

Posted: 1:41 AM - Apr 08, 2009
No, thankyou, I need the gentlemen's department. Thanks for the offer though.

<smiles apologetically>

Posted: 9:44 AM - Apr 08, 2009
"Ohh, are you sure??, after all we are all human, and i am married, and i need the commision. Are you sure i can't help you with what you want, i dont like seeing a gentleman like yourself to have to wait to being served.."
All times are UTC-05:00

Posted: 11:56 AM - Apr 08, 2009
walking towards the customer: Are you being served, Sir?

Posted: 1:51 AM - Apr 14, 2009
"This lady is try to help me, but I'd prefer it if you would show me what you have in Y-Fronts"

Posted: 9:55 AM - Apr 14, 2009
Y-Fronts! Why yes indeed, we have a whole line of y-fronts right over here...<placing one hand behind the customer and motioning towards the mens counter with the other>

Now, if you will follow me...<nudging customer towards counter>

let's see now, <pulling items from under the counter>

We have the extra, extra virgin, extra virgin, virgin, and been around the block style..<stating what they are as he flops them on the counter>

Posted: 9:03 PM - Apr 14, 2009
I like those vigrin ones, how much are they?

Posted: 1:21 PM - Apr 17, 2009
Very nice selection sir, I see you have a sense of style and comfort. This paticular brand of Y-Fronts goes for 20 with a complentary kerchief.

Posted: 5:27 AM - Apr 18, 2009
I do like the sound of that. How strong are they?

Posted: 3:37 PM - Apr 20, 2009
Ahh, strength. yes yes...<thinking fast and hard>

I see that I am dealing with a fellow of wits, as well as having the sense of comfort and style...

Now this, my dear fellow, is the strongest YET softest material ever used in the Y-fronts. Guaranteed to hold it's position, <pushing his fist thru the material to show strength> but feels like you have nothing on.
<brushing it against the gentlemans cheek>

Posted: 3:36 AM - Apr 21, 2009
Would somebody be able to model them for me. I must know how good they look on an actula human being before I buy them

Posted: 9:43 AM - Apr 21, 2009
model? ahhh yess, yess. Mr. Humphries, are you free?

Posted: 4:47 PM - Apr 22, 2009
I see he is not free at this moment...Sir, if you would, let's go into the change room and I will model this pair of Y-fronts for you.

< motioning the customer toward the curtains of the mens change room>

Posted: 2:19 AM - Apr 28, 2009
Thankyou kind sir

<follows Mr. Lucas into the change room and pulls the curtain shut>

Posted: 11:47 AM - Apr 28, 2009
Let me step back here and slip this on. <stating as he unfastens his belt and pants>

<slips off his boxers and pulls on the Y-fronts, adjusts>

As you can see sir, <brags as he comes from the back> This pair of virgin Y-fronts holds you snuggly, <squats> <rises>

and very soft to your lady touch. <turns back toward customer and slaps both hands on bum>

Posted: 4:39 AM - Apr 29, 2009
Would you mind if I were to touch them? The Y-fronts, that is.

Posted: 11:44 PM - Apr 29, 2009
MIND!! <in high pitched tone>

Of course I mind! <in a panic state as he grabs a cover from the table and wraps around his waist>

Now, I've demostrated the strength and the comfort of these Y-fronts. Do you want to buy them or not?!

Posted: 3:44 AM - Apr 30, 2009
"I don't tjink I want them now!"

<stalks out of the fitting room>

Posted: 1:35 PM - Apr 30, 2009
Gah, Blimey! < exasperated as he forgets that he's covered with a sheet, walks out onto the floor>

Did you see that Mr. Humphries? <motioning toward the customer as he walks to the lifts with one hand, holding the sheet with the other>

Not only did I lose commission, I nearly got molested!!

Posted: 9:01 PM - May 01, 2009
What in heaven's name happened in the dressing room?!

Posted: 11:12 PM - May 01, 2009
That chap that just left...<gasping from disgust>

He first asked to see the selections of Y-fronts. I showed him.

Then he asked how strong they were, I showed him. <showing Mr. Humphries how he show him>

Then he asked if someone could model a pair. I looked for you, but you were busy, so I took him into the fitting room and modeled a pair for him...<pulling apart the sheet to expose the pair of Y-fronts being modeled>

I even showed him how comfortable they were...<squatting and bending>

Then, you'll never believe it Mr. Humphries... <swallows hard>

He asked to TOUCH them...<eyes opened wide, pulls sheets closed fast!>

Posted: 7:43 AM - May 06, 2009
Oh Mr Lucas-I'm surprised you did that! <covering mouth and eyes wide open> <with a twinkle in his eyes>-I wish I would have been in your shoes because there would have been a sale!

Posted: 4:36 PM - May 07, 2009
Even if there wasn't a sale, you'd still like to be in my shoes, heh Mr. Humphries? <slight elbow with a onery grin and laugh>

I better slip back into the fitting room and change before Capt. Peacocks' feathers get ruffled and old man Grainger needs a glass of water.< splurts out laughing as he turns to walk towards the mens changing room>

Cover me, Mr. Humphries! ok

Posted: 5:50 PM - May 09, 2009
Oh I sure would have! Oh well, maybe another opportunity will come along.

I saw Capt Peacock a moment ago so I'm sure he'll be on the floor shortly. Will cover for you Mr Lucas.

Posted: 2:54 PM - May 10, 2009
<Pulling the curtains apart, exhaling deeply, zipping up his pants>

I can't believe the day I've have Mr. Humphries...<groaning as he leans against the counter at his spot>

First: I had that rotten date last night with that bird.
Second: Mr. Grainger and his mysterious briefcase, then the silly old cow over at the ladys department calls herself "sexy knickers", and wants to , and I quote.."getting it"< doing the quote signs in the air...

and now, I lose commission over a batty flufe.

I'm sure glad we only got 15 minutes until closing. <crossing his arms>

Posted: 2:35 AM - May 11, 2009
<walks over to the mens counter>

"Mr. Lucas, what was you doing walking around the floor in your Y-Fronts? Mrs. Slocombe's just had to go for a large gin!"

Posted: 10:58 AM - May 11, 2009
AH, Ms. Braums. I was hoping you'd catch a peek at my Y-fronts. <smiling from ear to ear>

Now, who do you think has "Sexy Knickers" ? <onery giggle>

And with that silly old cow gone to get her spirits, she won't be here at closing time.

Blimey, my day just might finish off well. <crossing arms, relaxed look on face>

<leaning in towards Ms. Braums> Go out with me Shirley, and make my horrible day end perfect.

Posted: 2:37 AM - May 13, 2009
"I've got a date tonight, Mr. Lucas."

Posted: 11:10 AM - May 14, 2009
<straightening back up> Well, that has made my horrible day end perfectly now hasn't it?!

Posted: 5:51 AM - May 15, 2009
"Not with you. With Mr. Walpole from Sports."

Posted: 2:29 PM - May 15, 2009
Mr. Walpole!!! From the Sports Deptpartment!! <in an astonished high tone>

He's old enough to be your father!

Gah, this day HAS ended perfectly horrible.

Posted: 12:45 AM - May 16, 2009
"Well, Mr. Lucas, if you was 10 years older, I might have gone out with you instead."

Walks back over to the ladies department.

Posted: 5:15 PM - May 16, 2009
Taking the cover and starting to close for the day.

Wow, blink < he sighes in a blow> Who would've thought Shirley went for older gents. This has been one hell of a day. I'm sure glad it's over.

Finishing up the tidying of the MENS wear counters...the bell rings.

I'm outta here, Mr. Humphries.

Forum is empty

RPG #1 MEN'S WEAR (2009)

Posted: 11:04 AM - Jan 26, 2009
Sorry I'm late, Mr. Humphries. I was out late with this bird see, and everything went wrong
Posted: 11:08 AM - Jan 26, 2009

<getting ready to start serving, looking around at all that are in>

Gahhh, Blimey! would you look at that bird over at Mrs. Slocomes counter!

Look at the size of that brassiere! I wouldn't mind hopping into her nest.

<elbowing Mr. Humphries>

Posted: 7:11 PM - Jan 26, 2009
<elbowing back>

Now, now Mr Lucas! Don't you ever see more than bras and knickers? If you would see more in a bird than alone her "assets" you might have a better chance of a longer relationship!

Posted: 11:29 AM - Jan 27, 2009
Ahh, yes. Yes, a longer relationship. Just what every man is looking for, is it not Mr. Humphries? <stating sarcastiscally>

Posted: 11:32 AM - Jan 27, 2009
Mind you, if I found a bird with knockers like that, I won't mind a "long" relationship at all.

<snickering, while crossing his arms>

Posted: 6:12 PM - Jan 27, 2009
shocked Mr Lucas, if you are saying what I think you are saying... go straighten the counter! We have to get ready for customers anyway; the ladies are ahead of us!

Posted: 10:14 AM - Jan 29, 2009
Right away, Mr. Humphries...right away. <starts to pull the glove drawer out to straighten>

Posted: 10:17 AM - Jan 29, 2009
<snickering and whispering>

With a customer like that...<bobbing his head towards the Ladies Dept.> you'd have to be way ahead of her to avoid getting hit.

<mischeivious laugh>

Posted: 10:26 AM - Jan 29, 2009
Did you hear that? Did you hear that, Mr. Humphries? Honeymoon!!!

<whimpering high tone>

Blimey, It just can't get any better...first, my bird from last night, now this!

Posted: 11:21 PM - Jan 29, 2009
<snicker>Now Mr Lucas you need to be professional..but that is a funny visual I'm getting..

Calm down! The word "honeymoon" seems to get you all excited! Have a glass of water..

Posted: 1:03 PM - Jan 31, 2009
Thank you Mr. Humpries

<takes the glass from his hand>

It's just that every time I find a bird, she flies away

<flutters his hand up towards the sky>

Posted: 4:30 PM - Feb 01, 2009
<Crash sound comes from one of the dressing rooms in the men's department. A couple minutes later Grainger enters the floor carrying a suitcase. He puts it down beside a coat rack, hopefully out of sight. He then procedes to return to his regular place behind the counter.>

Mr. Lucas I didn't see you come in earlier. Were you late?

<A male customer enters and Grainger forgets about Mr. Lucas. Then the phone in Mens Wear rings. Humphries walks towards to answer the phone ... but unlike himself, Grainger rushes forward and grabs the phone, almost as if he were in a state of panic.>

Men's wear, this is Mr. Grainger speaking!

<His voice lowers in volume, but he does not whisper>

Can I call you back later?

<His eyes travel around the floor looking for Peacock, who is staring at the Lady Customer. He continues to talk on the phone in his normal volume. Mr. Humphries is serving the Men's wear customer.>

I was able to get it, but I cannot possibly leave until lunch.

<Notices that Peacock has left the other department and is glacing at his counter.>

I will contact you later, good bye.

<Hangs up the telephone. Opens the nearest drawer and throws items on the counter.>

Posted: 10:38 PM - Feb 01, 2009
Psst, psst...Mr. Humpries<whispering> Have you noticed Mr. Granger?

Posted: 8:45 PM - Feb 03, 2009
Yes-he is acting rather suspiciously... Mind you I checked his drawer and found a strange item in there as well that wasn't there before!

Posted: 3:39 PM - Feb 04, 2009
Leave it to you, Mr. Humpries, to check his drawer <snickering>

Tell me, what DID you find in Mr. Graingers drawer?

Posted: 8:44 PM - Feb 04, 2009
It's a locket on a gold chain, and it's engraved with the initials WAS,
and inside it a snippet of hair that looks an awful lot like that wig he wore at the stockholders' meeting.
"Sir Richard Ryan" has dropped his alias with Lady WeebleAbleSmith!

Let's hope that's all he's dropped!

Posted: 2:27 PM - Feb 07, 2009
Blimey. He's acting like someone is out to get him. <whispering>

You don't think he used those fake props for something illegal, do ya?

Posted: 2:28 PM - Feb 07, 2009
I'm gonna take a quick look in the fitting room to see what fell or what has been disturbed, cover me Mr. Humpries.

Posted: 6:07 PM - Feb 07, 2009
Will do Mr Lucas. Be careful in there!

Phone rings.

"Oh, dear! I'll have to get that!"

Deep voice "Mens' Wear"

"Yes, I do know who you are, Lord Weeble-Able-Smith."
"No, your lordship, I have not seen the Lady today. I will inquire of the rest of the floor, if your lordship would like to hold on for a mo' "
<<Mr. Humphries squinches his face and prances back to the lookout post.>>

Posted: 3:25 PM - Feb 14, 2009
<sticking head out from fitting room> Is it all clear Mr. Humphries?

Posted: 11:53 AM - Feb 16, 2009
At the moment-yes. I did briefly see Mr Grainger out of the corner of my eye, but it looks like he's disappeared somewhere for the moment..

Posted: 12:01 PM - Feb 16, 2009
Blimey Mr. Humphries, < whispering as he decends from the fitting room> I've never seen Mr. Grainger leave such a mess. Anywhere!

<puts hands on counter and notices a wrapped little box>

'ello? Is this your's Mr. Humphries? <he asks while lifting and shaking the box>

<reading note> It says 'be my Valentine' then "SEXY KNICKERS"?!?!?

Mr. Humphries, I do believe this is for You!

Posted: 12:16 AM - Feb 18, 2009
Don't be daft! Nobody around here would give that to me! We haven't had any customers have we?
Which reminds me...has Lady WeebleAbleSmith been here today? His Lordship phoned while you were in the fitting room. So tell me, what mess was in there?

Posted: 12:12 PM - Feb 18, 2009
<crossing arms> No I haven't seen Lady Weebblelbbabbsmith, Mr. Humphries.
<shaking his head to go along with the statement>

That corner shelf is a mess, Mr. Humphries..<thumbing towards the fitting rooms> It looked like Mr. Grainger had the suitcase hid behind our spare scarves and hankies. They're all over the place in there. And a box of gloves fell over too.

Posted: 12:22 PM - Feb 18, 2009
<noticing the gift box again, picks it up and shakes it close to his ear>

Gah, I wonder who sent this? <stating impatiently> <lays it back down and crosses arms>

I gotta open this, Mr. Humphries. But who the devil laid it here? <worried look on face>

Posted: 12:29 PM - Feb 18, 2009
<whispering to himself> Sexy knickers? from sexy knickers?

<glances at the ladies dept. and sees Mrs. Slocombe....shivers then eyes Ms. Braums looking at the mens counter>

Blimey! <he gasps as his eyes open wide> It's Ms. Braums!

Mr. Humphries , Mr. Humphries!!!

I know who did this.....Sexy Knickers is Ms. Braums!!!

Posted: 11:10 PM - Feb 18, 2009
Now I know you've gone completely round the bend! Miss Brahms would do no such thing! Besides, how would she have gotten it over here, even with Peacock ogling that bosomy customer?

Take over for me, I've got to go ask Captain Peacock a question....

Posted: 5:35 PM - Feb 20, 2009
You're covered, Mr. Humphries.

"Psst! Mr. Lucas!"

Posted: 3:34 PM - Feb 26, 2009
<glancing around to see who called for him. Seeing Ms. Brahms, whispers to self, there's sexy knickers.>

<takes a deep breath and exhales>

<puts on his flirty smile> 😀 Yes, Ms. Brahms?

Posted: 3:36 PM - Feb 26, 2009
{this is a sad day for all who loves this show. Ms. Wendy Richard died today of cancer, she was 65 but young at heart. Hearts are crying all over this 26th day of Feburary. RIP Ms. Brahms. We love you.}
Posted: 3:37 PM - Feb 26, 2009
And what can I do for you especially after 5:30, Shirley?

Posted: 7:54 PM - Feb 26, 2009
What are you talking about Mr. Lucas?

{Rest In Piece Wendy, we'll miss you crying )

Posted: 8:12 AM - Feb 27, 2009
crying RIP Wendy I shall miss you

Posted: 1:02 PM - Feb 28, 2009
This. <he answers, showing the little gift box>

<opening the box> I will be your Valentine, Ms. Brahms.

<lifting the handcerchief up and flufing it for his pocket.>

Where do you want to meet after work?

Posted: 8:31 PM - Feb 28, 2009
Mr. Lucas! You'd better let Miss Brahms return to her counter, or Peacock will have both of you in front of Mr. Rumbold!

Posted: 3:44 AM - Mar 02, 2009
Sorry Mr. Humphries, I'll go back to my counter in a minute, I just have to talk to Mr. Lucas

[turns to Mr. Lucas]

I never sent you that!

Posted: 11:07 AM - Mar 02, 2009
Right away, Mr. Humphries. <leaning over the counter>

Yes you did! <whispering in his stressed tone>

See, look. <grabbing the note and putting it in front for her to see>

It's signed "SEXY KNICKERS". That is you, is it not Shirley? <worried look while asking>

How can I be 'sexy knickers' if I don't wear any. anyway, that's not my handwriting.

Posted: 10:19 PM - Mar 03, 2009
Mr. Grainger, I heard that the canteen is serving your favorite soup today, so if you nod off by then, I'll be sure to call you.

Posted: 11:47 AM - Mar 07, 2009
<seductive smile immurges when hearing Shirley don't wear knickers>

<overhearing Mr. Humphries talking to Mr. Grainger>

So, <in his flirting manner> Shall we talk about our "date" in the canteen?

<raising eyebrows up and down to show interest>

Posted: 11:45 PM - Mar 07, 2009
"Oh! Mrs. Slocombe's calling me! I better get back to my counter!"

Posted: 9:35 AM - Mar 08, 2009
<Canteen Break!>

Posted: 3:16 PM - Mar 26, 2009
Goodness Mr. Humphries. I'm in a pickle. I just figured out that Mrs. Slocombe is Sexy Knickers! <shivers>

What am I going to do? <crossing arms and serious look on face> Don't want to hurt her feelings. <whispers>

I know! <snaps fingers> I'll leave early due to sickness.

Mr. Humphries!! Help me get sick.

Posted: 7:01 PM - Mar 27, 2009
Just think about bacon with lots of fat on it and eating all that without trimming. Does that help?

Posted: 7:04 PM - Mar 27, 2009
<Capt Peacock appears and starts floor walking>

Posted: 11:21 AM - Mar 28, 2009
<shaking head slowly> Thanks alot Mr. Humphries..<sarcastically, notices Capt. Peacock on the floor>

Blimey! There's Capt. Peacock! He's got that look on his face again, Mr. Humphries.

Posted: 3:00 PM - Mar 29, 2009
Mind you it's gotten me sick too. I think I look peaked don't I?

<mumbles in his sleep>

Charged? I didn't do anything dear! It isn't what you think!

<bumps his head against an open drawer and wakes up>


Posted: 3:05 PM - Mar 30, 2009
Gahhh! <shaking head while Mr. Humphries wipes off Mr. Graingers head>

What in tarnation is going on here? <thinks to himself w/finger up to his lips>

First, the hidden briefcase, and now this dream of not being charged? What can that old fool be involved in? And, is Capt. Peacock in it somehow?! I wonder. <whispering>

Posted: 9:19 PM - Apr 01, 2009
Methinks Mr Grainger is really up to something-if only I could figure it out!

Capt Peacock might or might not be involved, but I know for sure he's up to something himself as well.

Posted: 4:36 PM - Apr 02, 2009
Ahh, yes yes. Mr. Humphries. I agree. Both of them are up to something.

But what in tarnation can it be?

Posted: 4:08 PM - Apr 07, 2009
Look, a customer! Augh, Blimely! Mrs. Slocolme is coming this way! Gahh, I need my commission, yet I need to dodge her for the rest of the work day.

Posted: 11:53 AM - Apr 08, 2009
oh goody...<giggling to himself, seeing Mrs. Slocolme strike out with the customer>

Here's my chance for a commission.<he whispers as he walks toward the customer and Mrs. Slocolme>

Are you being served?

Posted: 10:30 AM - Apr 12, 2009
< dancing HAPPY EASTER! enjoying the only Holiday that Grace Brothers will allow us to take off>

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