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Fan/Visitor’s Q&A Page

Following are questions I got over the years and my answers to them.

Question: Please, pretty please, what is the name of the brown coat Mr Harman wears over his street clothes? I know it was a common article of clothing for the “working class” in the early 70s but it looks handy for covering up when doing chores. I can’t find it on any online shopping service probably because I don’t have the right nomenclature. Where can one be pruchased in either USA or UK. Thank you. JL

Here are some links: (Specifically Women’s)
Question: Good morning!!! i just want to say that I have loved AYBS and Mister Humphries since the early 90’s.

Can you tell me what happened to Captain Peacock’s wife between the end of AYBS and the beginning of G&F? i don’t think it was ever mentioned whether she divorced him or passed on or found another man or whatever.

Jeff in San Francisco

Answer: The writers probably wanted to start a new series from scratch and phase out the previous lifestyles especially concerning Miss Lovelock.
Question: Do you still administrate the AYBS page?

I’m a big fan of the show but must admit that with the cast all gone, I don’t have as much fun with it as I used to. Also, I believe Iowa Public TV quit running it (and Nebraska Public TV doesn’t run it either!). Iowa ran it for years; is there a particular reason why it’s not on?

Jeff Smith, Omaha

Answer: Yes I still administrate the AYBS page. It seems like many PBS stations want to show new shows although I’m seeing AYBS making a return on some stations again. Most of the streaming platforms like BritBox air all the episodes as well.